Gold Loot Chest #1
Location : The Barrens
From the landing zone in the Barrens head to the back right where you will see a small Cabal outpost. Inside you’ll find the Gold Loot Chest atop the crates.
Run through the building (left) to the back and the chest is on a pile of crates.
Gold Loot Chest #2
Location : The Hollows
In the tunnel coming from The Barrens there is a small opening before you reach downtown. Hop up into the hole and turn right to find the Gold Loot Chest.
When you reach this area, jump up where the arrow is pointing (left) and crawl into the alcove to find the chest.
Gold Loot Chest #3
Location : Dust Palace
In the area where the first door is opened during the Dust Palace Strike, you’ll need to find the door labeled with a 3. Check behind the desk to find the Gold Loot Chest.
You can enter from this side too (left) and jump into the room to find the chest behind a desk.
Gold Loot Chest #4
Location : Iron Line
At the large gate that takes you into Legion’s Keep go down the left walkway. Leap onto the pipes in the corner and turn around to leap higher. Follow the walkway to the other side to find the Gold Loot Chest in the corner.
At the massive gate to Legion’s Keep, jump onto the large pipes here (left). Jump across to the other side and the chest will be right in the corner.
Gold Loot Chest #5
Location : Tharsis Junction
In this area is a Vex gate that has a bunch of train cars nearby. Go behind it to find a small room. Behind the fence is a path that leads to the Gold Loot Chest.
Find this room and in the corner, behind a fence is the chest.
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