Gold Loot Chest #1
Location : Hellmouth
As you head towards Hellmouth from Archer’s Line there is a large formation of rocks off to the left. Head to the backside of it to spot the Gold Loot Chest.
Off to the left of this path (left) is the loot chest 1. Follow this stream in the Hall of Wisdom (right) for loot chest 2.
Gold Loot Chest #2
Location : Hall of Wisdom
During The World’s Grave mission, enter the Hall of Wisdom. At the bottom of the spiral path is a pool of water; follow its stream to a hidden area with the Gold Loot Chest.
Gold Loot Chest #3
Location : Hive Library
In the final chamber of the Hive Library leap into the water. At the bottom edge of the pool is a library mechanism; the Gold Loot Chest is near it. This is also the same area where you fight the enemy rush at the end of the mission.
Drop down into this pool and turn around to find loot chest 3.
Gold Loot Chest #4
Location : Temple of Crota
Head to the bottom-most area of the temple and exit to the right. Follow the path across a bridge then look down off the right side to find the Gold Loot Chest below.
Head towards this bridge and peer over the edge to see loot chest 4.
Gold Loot Chest #5
Location : The Summoning Pits
When you reach the end of The Summoning Pits Strike mission and face Phogoth, return to the back of the area and check the platform here for the Gold Loot Chest.
In the final mission, head over to this side of the arena (left) and then turn around to find the chest nestled there (right).
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