As you approach Windfall, you’ll notice the pirate ship docked near the prison. This means that they still likely reside here. The King of Red Lions reasons that the pirates won’t tell you a thing if you ask directly, so you should spy on them. But where would they be? The only known place where you can buy a material that blows up stuff (no, not the black market or Russia) - the Bomb Shop.
Begin by heading to the entrance. You’ll find that it is locked. Therefore, you need to head to the left side. You’ll see a narrow ledge that can be sidled across. Do so and get to the other side. Now, climb up the vines and onto the roof. Crawl through the light-filled hole.
As Link enters the room atop a high shelf, he witnesses the pirates finishing the robbery and tying up of Cannon (the Bomb Shop owner). You can’t blame them. I mean, upon averaging, he charged 1,000 Rupees apiece for Bombs - and you had to buy in quantities of 10, 20, or 30!
Mako comments that Tetra seems more concerned with the island than the treasure.
After the scene, you can jump from the ledge. You are unable to untie Cannon - like you would anyway! As a mild revenge, go to the back room and break boxes to get a fair amount of Rupees and leave.
Go up the hill that you see in the distance. Near the prison, you’ll be able to jump from the ledge onto the pirate ship. Do so and approach the door. Enter the password AS IT WAS SAID IN THE PREVIOUS SCENE . If you enter it correctly, you be permitted to enter.
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