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Tales of Arise

All Fish and Fishing Spot Locations

Ben Chard
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There are 44 Fish to collect in Tales of Arise. These are completely optional but offer multiple Trophies/Achievements while granting you useful ingredients for Cooking. This page will detail where to find all Fishing Spots and how to catch all Fish.

Cave of Solitude - Calaglia

You can reach this Fishing Spot by making your way to Kyrd Garrison and taking the southern exit. The Fishing Spot can be found to the far south of this area.

(1 of 2) Make your way to Calaglia’s Cave of Solitude

Make your way to Calaglia’s Cave of Solitude (left), you can reach there by heading south in Kyrd Garrison. (right)

Fish Lure Playstation Xbox
Cave Sea Bass Marine Floater Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Amber Mackerel Flaptrap Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Coral Flatfish Elegant Swimmer Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Karasuba Sea Bream Marine Floater X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Lacerda Salmon Subsurface Mirage Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png

Nevira Snowplains - Cyslodia

You can reach this Fishing Spot by taking the southern path at the fork when entering this area by either Cysloden (to the east) or Rudhir Forest (to the west).

(1 of 2) Head to the Nevira Snowplains in Cyslodia

Head to the Nevira Snowplains in Cyslodia (left), head south at the fork to reach this cave. (right)

Fish Lure Playstation Xbox
Pond Tilapia Subsurface Mirage X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Berserker Piranha Flaptrap Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Tricolored Catfish Portly Mudslinger X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Polar Bass Rock Slapper X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Nevira Piranha Disarming Lure X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Armored Sturgeon Mieu Sinker Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png

Frozen Valley - Cyslodia

You can reach this Fishing Spot by taking the northeast path at the fork when heading west from the Safar Sea Cave (found near the camp to the southeast of the area).

(1 of 2) Make your way to the Frozen Valley in Cyslodia

Make your way to the Frozen Valley in Cyslodia (left), head northeast from the camp to the southeast. (right)

Fish Lure Playstation Xbox
Hawksbill Trout Trembling Lure Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Pearly Pike Uber Spinner Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Polar Bass Rock Slapper X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Azure Tilapia Disarming Lure X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Cyslodian Salmon Uber Spinner X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png

Overseer Hill - Menancia

You can reach this Fishing Spot by continuing to head to the far south of this area, close to the eastern exit to Traslida Highway.

(1 of 2) Head to Overseer Hill in Menancia

Head to Overseer Hill in Menancia (left), and go to the far south to find this Spot. (right)

Fish Lure Playstation Xbox
Pond Tilapia Subsurface Mirage X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Berserker Piranha Flaptrap Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Hawksbill Trout Trembling Lure Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Menacian Bass Trembling Lure X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Traslida Arowana Stick Lure X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Golden Catfish Bienfu Lure Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png

Talka Pond Road - Menancia

You can reach this Fishing Spot by heading a little to the north from the southern exit to Mount Dhiara. You’ll also find the Fishing Expert here where you can earn new Lures and Rods based on the Fish you’ve caught.

(1 of 2) Make your way to Talka Pond Road in Menancia

Make your way to Talka Pond Road in Menancia (left), head north of the exit to Mount Dhiara to find the spot. (right)

Fish Lure Playstation Xbox
Dahnan Bass Beginner’s Popper X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Pond Tilapia Subsurface Mirage X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Hawksbill Trout Trembling Lure Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Menacian Catfish Round Popper X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Talka Trout Celestial Whale Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png

Adan Lake - Mahag Saar

You can reach this Fishing Spot by heading to the south as soon as possible in Aqfotle Hills (When entering via Niez to the east). Once in this area, make your way down to the southwest where you’ll find a camp and the Fishing Spot.

(1 of 2) Make your way to Adan Lake in the Mahag Saar region

Make your way to Adan Lake in the Mahag Saar region (left), you’ll find the spot to the far south near a camp. (right)

Fish Lure Playstation Xbox
Dahnan Bass Beginner’s Popper X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Berserker Piranha Flaptrap Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Tricolored Catfish Portly Mudslinger X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Azure Tilapia Disarming Lure X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Muddy Pirarucu Charming Lure X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Aureum Arowana Teepo Lure X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png

Adan Ruins - Mahag Saar

You can reach this Fishing Spot by heading to the North and taking a left when entering Adan Ruins via the Hidden Wharf to the south of the area.

(1 of 2) You’ll find Adan Ruins in Mahag Saar

You’ll find Adan Ruins in Mahag Saar (left), head north from the exit to Hidden Wharf to find it. (right)

Fish Lure Playstation Xbox
Hawksbill Trout Trembling Lure Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Cave Sea Bass Marine Floater Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Emerald Salmon Trembling Lure Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Lesser Pirarucu Charming Lure X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Aqfotle Arowana Stick Lure Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png

Hidden Wharf - Mahag Saar

You can reach this Fishing Spot by heading to the Hidden Wharf in Mahag Saar once you regain the ability to travel Dahna following the events in Ganath Haros. Once there, speak with Mahavar in front of the ship and choose to go to the Fishing Spot.

(1 of 2) The Hidden Wharf is located in Mahag Saar

The Hidden Wharf is located in Mahag Saar (left), speak to Mahavar to have him ferry you to this spot. (right)

Fish Lure Playstation Xbox
Vesper Sea Bass Marine Floater Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Sardonyx Grouper Subsurface Mirage Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Garnet Sea Bream Disarming Lure X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Blueback Tuna Celestial Whale Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Mahag Saar Barracuda Uber Spinner X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Silver Marlin Silver Fang Lure Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png

Shinefall Woods - Ganath Haros

You can reach this Fishing Spot by heading to the North at the first fork when entering Shinefall Woods via Thistlym (located to the east of the area).

(1 of 2) You can find Shinefall Woods in Ganath Haros

You can find Shinefall Woods in Ganath Haros (left), head north at the first fork to find this spot. (right)

Fish Lure Playstation Xbox
Dahnan Bass Beginner’s Popper X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Ganath Haros Piranha Stick Lure Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Tricolored Catfish Portly Mudslinger X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Ganath Haros Catfish Round Popper X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Green Pike Rock Slapper X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png

Lavtu Marshlands - Ganath Haros

You can reach this Fishing Spot by heading to the southwest of the Lavtu Marshlands when entering the area via Pelegion (located to the west of the area), you’ll need to swim through the water to reach this small cave.

(1 of 2) Head to the Lavtu Marshlands in Ganath Haros

Head to the Lavtu Marshlands in Ganath Haros (left), then make your way to the southwest where you’ll find a cave. (right)

Fish Lure Playstation Xbox
Dahnan Bass Beginner’s Popper X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Tricolored Catfish Portly Mudslinger X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Lavtu Tilapia Celestial Whale Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Lavtu Arowana Rock Slapper X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Lesser Pirarucu Charming Lure X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Cobalt Trout Rappig Minnow Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png

Fogwharl Limestone Caverns - Ganath Haros

You won’t be able to reach this Fishing Spot until you complete the Untameable Rage Sub-Quest which becomes available in the second act of the game, following the events at Ganath Haros. This Sub-Quest involves entering a high level area and defeating the boss which is Lv 60 so you may need to wait until you return in the post-game to access this Fishing Spot.

(1 of 2) You’ll need to clear the Untameable Rage Sub-Quest to reach this area

You’ll need to clear the Untameable Rage Sub-Quest to reach this area (left), you’ll find the spot just behind the boss here. (right)

Fish Lure Playstation Xbox
Ganath Haros Piranha Stick Lure Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Pearly Pike Uber Spinner Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Azure Tilapia Disarming Lure X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Ganath Haros Catfish Round Popper X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Fogwharl Pike Portly Mudslinger X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Cygni Pirarucu Zapie Doppelganger X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png

Uninhabited Island - Other

You won’t be able to reach this Fishing Spot until you complete the Beyond the Grave Sub-Quest which becomes available once you reach the final area in the game. To begin the Sub-Quest (there is no icon on the Fast Travel map), enter Tuah Seashore in Ganath Haros to tigger a cutscene and then take the map to Mahavar to have him ferry you across to the island.

(1 of 2) You’ll need to begin the Beyond the Grave Sub-Quest to reach this island

You’ll need to begin the Beyond the Grave Sub-Quest to reach this island (left), this won’t become available until you reach the final area in the game. (right)

Fish Lure Playstation Xbox
Vesper Sea Bass Marine Floater Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Tsuyukusa Mackerel Flaptrap Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Mahag Saar Flatfish Charming Lure Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png
Zesti Grouper Round Popper Square_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png Triangle_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_Xbox_Tales_of_Arise.png Y_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
Gluttonous Barracuda Elegant Swimmer X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png X_Button_2_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png A_Button_Tales_of_Arise.png
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, PS5, XB One, XB X|S
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    9 September 2021
  • Last Updated
    9 November 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Ben Chard

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This guide for Tales of Arise includes the following:

  • Every Material catalogued.
  • All Weapons covered.
  • How to craft the Best Accessories
  • Where to locate every Owl and Astral Flower.
  • How to find and cook every Recipe.
  • Details on the best Artes for all characters.

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