There are 6 Owls to track down and return to the Owl Forest in Cyslodia for Tales of Arise. These are completely optional but offer multiple Trophies/Achievements while granting you rewards mostly in the form of cosmetics.
Owl #10 - White Silver Plains¶
(1 of 2) The 10th Owl can be found in the White Silver Plains
The 10th Owl can be found in the White Silver Plains (left), look on the wall to the right leading to Messia 224. (right)
As you head to the northeast to reach Messia 224, you’ll pass through an archway. As soon as you do, look to the right to find this Owl perched on the wall, this will present you with the Left Eyepatch.
Owl #11 - Messia 224¶
(1 of 2) The 11th Owl is located in Messia 224
The 11th Owl is located in Messia 224 (left), look in the basket by the furnace on the northern path. (right)
Once you enter Messia 224, take the left path when you reach the intersection and you’ll reach a furnace. Head around to the side here and look in the basket to find this Owl who will hand over the Wolf Ears.
Owl #12 - Nevira Snowplains¶
(1 of 2) The 12th Owl is located in the Nevira Snowplains
The 12th Owl is located in the Nevira Snowplains (left), make your way to the island in the center of the lake to find it. (right)
Head to the large lake to the northwest of the Nevira Snowplains and then swim to the central island. Once there, you’ll find the Owl perched on the large rock who will hand over the Wolf Tail.
Owl #13 - Cysloden Alley¶
(1 of 2) The 13th Owl is found in Cysloden’s Alley
The 13th Owl is found in Cysloden’s Alley (left), look on the wall behind the stall with the large screen. (right)
In Cysloden, make your way to the Alley and then head towards the southern exit leading to Fountain Plaza Avenue. You’ll pass a market along the way and behind the stall with the large screen, the next Owl is perched on the wall who will present you with the Sunglasses.
Owl #14 - Riville Prison Tower 2F¶
(1 of 2) The 14th Owl is located on the 2F of Riville Prison Tower
The 14th Owl is located on the 2F of Riville Prison Tower (left), head to the southeast room and look on top of the bookshelf. (right)
Make your way to the room located in the southeast of this floor and search on top of the bookshelf. The Owl perched here will hand over the Devil Horn.
Owl #15 - Frozen Valley¶
(1 of 2) The final Owl in Cyslodia is located in the Frozen Valley
The final Owl in Cyslodia is located in the Frozen Valley (left), look at the tree just before crossing the bridge to Safar Sea Cave, (right)
As you head towards the Safar Sea Cave, you’ll cross a bridge and just before it, you’ll find a tree. The Owl is perched on top and will present you with the Half Frames.
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