Finish an Era with a Village with 400 Village Prosperity, and at least 8 Ocean Patches within its borders¶
A village will only appear once it has resources to attract it. As such, this development is easily manipulated. Using the Ocean Giant place one ocean and then count 9 tiles into the fertilised ground and place another. This should leave your forest with only four tiles. Next, add some fish to the Ocean, and wait for your village to appear.
As in previous water-based developments the recommended pattern involves both Mackerel and Clownfish, with an eye to transmuting some to Parrotfish in the future. Doing this can generate a lot of resources, particularly if you add extra aspects…
Continue to fill the Oceans with fish in this manner and you’ll be surprised at just how easil you can reach the required resources.
If you’re having issues then it’s recommended that you equip your Forest Giant with the ambassador required to upgrade fish with the predator aspect as this can generate even greater underwater resources through Parrotfish, thanks to being able to add a fourth type of fish to your waters.
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