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So, we guess we might as well conquer another kingdom. Terrera seems the easiest of the two. It specializes in Ground, so who to bring?

"Eevee" IconEevee and "Jigglypuff" IconJigglypuff are required. "Pansage" IconPansage, "Carnivine" IconCarnivine, "Panpour" IconPanpour, "Piplup" IconPiplup, "Wooper" IconWooper, you know, pretty much any decent Water- or Grass-type you can find. We won’t be picky. But, for reference, our extras were Pansage, Carnivine, and two Woopers. We’ll also note we attacked from Pugilis.

Battle: Shingens Army (Turns: 30)

An intense battle against Rhyhorn, Scraggy, Charmander, Drilbur, and Tepig.

**Opponent Pokémon** **Type**
"Tepig" IconTepig Fire
"Scraggy" IconScraggy Dark/Fighting
"Rhyhorn" IconRhyhorn Rock/Ground
"Drilbur" IconDrilbur Ground
"Charmander" IconCharmander Fire
**Win Conditions** **Lose Conditions**
Hold all banners for five turns. Have your Pokémon KO’ed.
-- Enemies hold banners for five turns.

"Tepig" IconTepig is weak to Rock, Ground, and Water. Its move, Ember, will hit a target two tiles away. It deals super-effective damage to Fire, Ice, Bug, and Steel. Like all Fire-type starter Pokémon, it has the Blaze ability, which will raise its Attack once its HP is low.

"Scraggy" IconScraggy is weak to Flying and Fighting. Its move, Faint Attack, will always hit the adjacent enemy, and also does extra damage to Psychic and Ghost.

"Rhyhorn" IconRhyhorn is weak to Water (4x), Grass (4x), Steel, Ice, and Ground. It is also immune to Electric. Its move is Bulldoze, which hits all adjacent enemies, reduces Speed, and does extra damage to Fire, Rock, Poison, Electric, and Steel. Its ability, Lightningrod, lets it absorb an Electric attack to raise its own Attack.

"Drilbur" IconDrilbur is weak to Water, Grass, and Ice. Its move is Dig: it will dig underground in one turn, then hit the enemy on the next. It does extra damage to Fire, Poison, Steel, Rock, and Electric. Its ability, Sandpit, will heal its HP while on soil or sand.

"Charmander" IconCharmander is weak to Rock, Ground, and Water. Its move, Ember, hits targets two tiles away. It deals super-effective damage to Fire, Ice, Bug, and Steel. Like all Fire-type starter Pokémon, it has the Blaze ability, which will raise its Attack once its HP is low.

During a cutscene prior to the actual battle, Shingen refuses to battle you, thinking you’re too weak. As you leave to do something else, your partner notices that Shingen is actually attacking your kingdom in Pugilis!! So, rather than face Shingen himself, you’ll face one of his cronies.

So, what to do? Like back in Pugilis, you’ll be fighting for the control of the four banners. Again, move Eevee straight to the southwestern one and let everyone creep onto the field. Same rules apply, it’s the same as before, so just read up there.

We’ll also note that you cannot recruit anyone from this battle, so just enjoy the mass Link boost.

After the battle, the Terreran soldiers good-heartedly leave and, suddenly, your main character somehow transforms. Apparently, it is like Pokémon evolution; you become more powerful!

So, let’s try this again, shall we? Go into Terrera and let’s beat Shingen.

Battle: Shingens Army (Turns: 30)

This fight is similar to the last one, except this time you also have to fight a Rhyperior.

**Opponent Pokémon** **Type**
"Tepig" IconTepig Fire
"Scraggy" IconScraggy Dark/Fighting
"Rhyhorn" IconRhyhorn Rock/Ground
"Drilbur" IconDrilbur Ground
"Charmander" IconCharmander Fire
"Rhyperior" IconRhyperior Rock/Ground
**Win Conditions** **Lose Conditions**
Hold all banners for five turns. Have your Pokémon KO’ed.
-- Enemies hold banners for five turns.

Tepig is weak to Rock, Ground, and Water. Its move, Ember, will hit a target two tiles away. It deals super-effective damage to Fire, Ice, Bug, and Steel. Like all Fire-type starter Pokémon, it has the Blaze ability, which will raise its Attack once its HP is low.

Scraggy is weak to Flying and Fighting. Its move, Faint Attack, will always hit the adjacent enemy, and also does extra damage to Psychic and Ghost.

Rhyhorn is weak to Water (4x), Grass (4x), Steel, Ice, and Ground. It is also immune to Electric. Its move is Bulldoze, which hits all adjacent enemies, reduces Speed, and does extra damage to Fire, Rock, Poison, Electric, and Steel. Its ability, Lightningrod, lets it absorb an Electric attack to raise its own Attack.

Drilbur is weak to Water, Grass, and Ice. Its move is Dig: it will dig underground in one turn, then hit the enemy on the next. It does extra damage to Fire, Poison, Steel, Rock, and Electric. Its ability, Sandpit, will heal its HP while on soil or sand.

Charmander is weak to Rock, Ground, and Water. Its move, Ember, hits targets two tiles away. It deals super-effective damage to Fire, Ice, Bug, and Steel. Like all Fire-type starter Pokémon, it has the Blaze ability, which will raise its Attack once its HP is low.

Rhyperio is weak to Water (4x), Grass (4x), Steel, Ice, and Ground. It is also immune to Electric. Its move is Rock Wrecker, which hits a tile three tiles away, and does extra damage to Flying, Ice, Fire, and Bug. It cannot be used twice in a row. Its ability, Lightningrod, lets it absorb an Electric attack to raise its own Attack.

Like with the battle in Greenleaf, we’ll have to claim all three banners. Like usual, stand under one to claim it. You need not hold it for X turns, so just hope you get to one fast enough. Each one is atop a tower. You’ll need to use a lift near the tower to get up there.

Now transformed, for some reason, you get a different Warrior Skill – rather than Top Speed, you get Courage, which boosts Attack AND Range. We sent Eevee to the northeastern tower, our northern remaining trio to the center tower, and the other two to the southwestern tower.

Who do you want to recruit? Well, we think Shingen is an automatic win for the fight, or he just came because we got all the banners without him getting one; either way, you WANT him. The Drilbur guy is okay, as is "Rhydon" IconRhydon. Others, not too much. Tepig and Charmander you should have, and Scraggy doesn’t really get a bunch of use. We’ll only explain the wanted ones after the fight.

Shingens Cunning Plan

Well, after the battle, an interesting cutscene occurs. Shingen admits he never wanted to win; in fact, he planned on joining us the whole time! Then comes in Kenshin, claiming the same for Illusio – he gives you his own kingdom without a fight! Two at once, eh?

Now, if you recruited the good ones… Shingen trained "Rhyperior" IconRhyperior and has the Rally ability (boosts Attack of user and adjacent Pokémon). Katsuyori trains Drilbur and has the Mighty Blow ability, which raises Attack. Masatoyo has the familiar Brotherhood ability – it is Rally, but for Defense.

Congrats! You just got a two-for-one deal!

Gathering More Recruits

So, we got two kingdoms at once. We now have nine of the kingdoms in Ransei, while Nobunaga has the northern eight. It seems like an all-out war is to come. While we all reflect on this, your partner has made us some food.

As we take this time to calm down, we realize how little this time is. Suddenly, Nobunaga appears … and is that ZEKROM!? Hoo, boy… There’s no way we can stand up to that legendary Pokémon. Anyhow, Nobunaga is also soon found to be your partner’s brother, which is mildly startling. After the scene ends, it is stated that you must first beat Nobunaga’s subordinates before facing him in Dragnor.

So, four more kingdoms are made available: Cragspur, which specializes in Rock; Viperia, which specializes in Poison; Avia, which specializes in Flying; and Yakshma, which specializes in Dark. Given, Rock is likely to be the easy one. We’ll do it first, but first, recruitments!

So, it is July of Year 3 on our playthrough. Recruits are at the Farm in Terrera and they look fairly decent.

Battle: Wild/Warriors Pokémon (Turns: 10)

Look, it’s you!

**Opponent Pokémon** **Type**
"Shieldon" IconShieldon Rock/Steel
"Scyther" IconScyther Bug/Flying
"Drilbur" IconDrilbur Ground
"Wooper" IconWooper Water/Ground
**Win Conditions** **Lose Conditions**
Beat all enemies. Have your Pokémon KO’ed.

"Shieldon" IconShieldon is weak to Fighting (4x), Ground (4x), and Water. Its move is Iron Head, which can hit up to two tiles away, may cause flinching, and does extra damage to Rock and Ice. Its ability is Shield, which allows it to take damage for allies.

"Scyther" IconScyther is weak to Rock (4x), Fire, Electric, and Flying. Its move is Fury Cutter, which deals damage on the three tiles its facing, is powerful when used in succession, and deals extra damage to Dark, Grass, and Psychic. Its Swarm ability raises its Attack when in low HP.

Drilbur is weak to Water, Grass, and Ice. Its move is Dig: it will dig underground in one turn, then hit the enemy on the next. It does extra damage to Fire, Poison, Steel, Rock, and Electric. Its ability, Sandpit, will heal its HP while on soil or sand.

Wooper is weak to Grass (4x) and immune to Electric. It can use Water Gun, which will hit up to two tiles away, and will be super-effective against Fire, Rock, and Ground. It has the Deep Sleep ability, which lets it recover HP while asleep.

So, who first? Well, Shieldon is of the Rock/Steel-type, which gives it a HUGE set of defenses you’ll love, and it has a Steel-type move, a rarity. Scyther is also pretty good. And Drilbur should be one you’ve already obtained. we’d first gang up on Shieldon, then go for Scyther, then Drilbur.

Recruit data!

Tomonobu trained Shieldon and has the Shout Warrior Skill, which will cure allies of Sleep/Confusion. Masakage trained Scyther and has the Deep Breath Warrior Skill, which restores HP at the cost of not moving for three turns. Yataro trained Drilbur and has the Impact Warrior Skill, causing enemies to flinch for three turns. All in all, not a bad set.

On the next month, August of Year 3, you’ll find "Starly" IconStarly and "Magikarp" IconMagikarp Warriors in the Terrera Farm. Not a very good choice, nor is any other area available at that time.

– Terrera’s Farm yields Magikarp and Starly Warriors.

– Illusio’s Floating Rock yields an "Ekans" IconEkans Warrior and a "Beedrill" IconBeedrill Warrior.

– Pugilis’s Park yields a "Venipede" IconVenipede Warrior.

– Greenleaf’s Ravine yields a Tepig Warrior.

– Violight’s Sky Garden yields an "Anorith" IconAnorith and a "Shinx" IconShinx Warrior, the latter being special and under unknown special recruitment conditions.

– Ignis’s Cave yields "Machop" IconMachop, "Gurdurr" IconGurdurr, and "Pineco" IconPineco Warriors, the last one being under unknown special recruitment conditions.

Take who you want. We’re only really in this to provide stuff on decent recruits, and these aren’t exactly good. So feel free to pick who you like, it doesn’t make a huge difference.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Tactical RPG
  • Guide Release
    13 August 2012
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Daniel Chaviers

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