Once you’re ready, let’s march some people into Terrera to invade Cragspur. But who?
Eevee and
Jigglypuff are required, as always. You’ll want to bring some Water Pokémon and some Grass Pokémon, but try to specialize with the former, because of the
Pansear you’ll also fight. Pretty simple, so let’s go.
Battle: Nobunagas Army (Turns: 20)¶
Make sure to be prepared for the battle.
**Opponent Pokémon** | **Type** |
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Rock |
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Fire |
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Fighting |
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Rock/Ground |
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Rock/Ground |
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Rock |
**Win Conditions** | **Lose Conditions** |
Defeat all of the enemy Pokémon | Have your Pokémon KO’ed. |
Boldore is weak to Grass, Water, Steel, Ground, and Fighting. Its move is Rock Slide, which hits three tiles in front of it, may cause flinching, and will deal extra damage to Fire, Ice, and Flying. Its ability, Sturdy, stops one-hit KO attacks.
Pansear is weak to Water, Ground, and Rock. Its move is Flame Burst, which hits the tile two tiles in front of it and all diagonally-adjacent tiles, and deals extra damage to Steel, Grass, Ice, and Bug. Its ability is Melee, which lets it hit adjacent enemies in the heat of battle.
Machop is weak to Flying and Psychic. Its move is Karate Chop, which hits an adjacent enemy, has a raised critical-hit rate, and deals extra damage to Rock, Ice, Steel, and Normal. Its ability is Guts, which raises its Attack when under a status effect.
Larvitar is weak to Grass (4x), Water (4x), Steel, Ice, and Ground, and is immune to Electric. Its move is Rock Tomb, which hits a target two tiles away, may reduce Range, and inflicts extra damage to Flying, Ice, and Fire. Its ability is Sandpit, which lets it restore HP while on soil or sand.
Onix is also weak to Grass (4x), Water (4x), Steel, Ice, and Ground, and is immune to Electric. Its move is Rock Tomb, which hits a target two tiles away, may reduce Range, and inflicts extra damage to Flying, Ice, and Fire. Its ability is Jagged Edge, which inflict damage on those who hit it with a contact move.
Roggenrola is weak to Water, Steel, Ground, Fighting, and Grass. Its move is Rock Blast, which hits a tile two tiles away two to five times, and deals extra damage to Fire, Ice, and Flying. Its ability is Bodyguard, which allows it to take damage for adjacent allies.
Okay, let’s begin. You’ll first want to get a low-Range Pokémon and put it on the nearby switch to open up the pathway, then get everyone out of that enclosed area so the true fight can begin.
You’ll want to send half out the left door and half out the right one. You want your Water-type(s) for sure to head out the left door, and everyone else out the right door. If you cannot put three Water Pokémon out, you’ll want to send Eevee or Jigglypuff in their place, not a Grass-type. Grass-types need to be on the right.
So, how to do this? Well, you won’t be able to recruit anyone after this fight; at least, we couldn’t. We know we beat three guys in less than three turns, and the others with Vine Whip. So, all-out offense.
Also ALWAYS take note of the boulders on the field. Hit one with an attack and it will roll downhill (towards the place where you started out). This can deal out some pretty nasty damage.
Continue to Recruit¶
After beating up Cragspur, Keiji will come by, noticing that you’ve transformed. And then, you’ll love this, he gives you three of the elemental stones: Fire Stone, Thunderstone, and Water Stone! If you go into battle after handing a Pokémon one of these, you’ll end up having an evolved Pokémon!
So, what do you want? Using them on Eevee can yield Flareon (Fire),
Jolteon (Electric), and
Vaporeon (Water), respectively. Other Pokémon, though, can use them as well:
Vulpix with the Fire Stone can become a
Pikachu with the Thunderstone becomes
Raichu, and
Panpour becomes
Simipour. And that is just a few of them! They work like in the mainstream games, so go off that knowledge if you have it (otherwise you can check out our Black and White guide on GamerGuides.com).
Pick carefully, though. All evolutions are not possible to de-evolve; what you get, you get stuck with. Personally, we put the Thunderstone on Eevee, the Fire Stone on a Pansear we like, and the Water Stone on a Panpour we like. Do as you wish, though.
So, before we go for the next kingdom, time to do some recruiting. By the way, we are at September, Year 3, so this may vary. We decided just to settle, because we will have a Dark kingdom in a few moments. Begin with the Park in Cragspur.
Battle: Wild/Warriors Pokémon (Turns: 10)¶
Watch out, a battle is coming!
**Opponent Pokémon** | **Type** |
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Poison/Bug |
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Rock/Steel |
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Rock |
**Win Conditions** | **Lose Conditions** |
Defeat all off the enemy Pokémon. | Have your Pokémon KO’ed. |
Skorupi is weak to Flying, Fire, Rock, and Psychic. Its move is Poison Jab, which hits an adjacent enemy, may induce poisoning, and deals extra damage to Grass. Its ability is Battle Armor, preventing critical hits.
Aron is weak to Fighting (4x), Ground (4x), and Water. It is immune to Poison. Its move is Metal Claw, which hits an adjacent enemy, may up the user’s Attack, and does extra damage to Ice and Rock. Its ability is Sturdy, preventing one-hit KO attacks.
Roggenrola is weak to Water, Steel, Ground, Fighting, and Grass. Its move is Rock Blast, which hits a tile two tiles away two to five times, and deals extra damage to Fire, Ice, and Flying. Its ability is Bodyguard, which allows it to take damage for adjacent allies.
You’ll definitely want to go for Skorupi first. It may not provide a Bug move to work weaknesses off of, but that Battle Armor is a huge bonus. Aron is also a nice Link, so consider that, especially because its move hurts Ice, a type we’ve yet to fight in a kingdom.
Head to Illusio¶
Battle: Wild/Warriors Pokémon (Turns: 10)¶
What? Your Pokémon is evolving! Your Pokémon has evolved into a better Pokémon!
**Opponent Pokémon** | **Type** |
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Ice |
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Electric/Bug |
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Poison |
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Psychic |
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Psychic |
**Win Conditions** | **Lose Conditions** |
Defeat all of the enemy Pokémon. | Have your Pokémon KO’ed. |
Cubchoo is weak to Rock, Steel, Fighting, and Fire. Its move is Powder Snow, which hits the two tiles in front of it, may freeze the target, and deals extra damage to Flying, Ground, and Dragon. Its Stealth ability lets it more easily evade on favorable terrain.
Joltik is weak to Fire and Rock. Its move is Electro Ball, which hits a tile two tiles in front of it, and deals more damage to fast targets, Flying, and Water. Its ability, Compoundeyes, boosts accuracy.
Ekans is weak to Ground and Psychic. Its move is Poison Sting, which hits the two tiles it’s facing, may poison, and deals more damage to Grass. Its ability, Intimidate, lowers nearby enemies’ Attack.
Ralts is weak to Dark, Ghost, and Bug. Its attack is Confusion, which hits three tiles away, may cause confusion, and deals more damage to Fighting and Poison. Its ability, Instinct, lets it evade more easily.
Gothita is weak to Bug, Ghost, and Dark. Its attack is Confusion, which hits three tiles away, may cause confusion, and deals more damage to Fighting and Poison. Its ability, Instinct, lets it evade more easily.
Well, Cubchoo will be a big bounty for you. Don’t let its cute appearance fool you: Ice-type Pokémon are some of the best, for only they and Dragons have an advantage over Dragons, easily the strongest Pokémon in the game. Joltik is also a good choice, given its few weaknesses. Ekans, bleh. Ralts and Gothita may make nice Links, though Fighting and Poison are typically not types you should be worried about. Gang up on the ones you want.
Well, beyond that, we didn’t many other useful recruitments. Take want you want out of the remaining pool (during November of Year 3):
– At the Chrysalia Ravine, an Ekans Warrior.
– At the Violight Sky Garden, an Anorith Warrior.
– At the Fontaine Ravine, an unknown-special-condition Gurdurr Warrior.
– At the Terrera Farm, an unknown-special-condition Kirlia Warrior.
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