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Any Electric types are a huge bounty: their Electric moves deal double damage, but they resist Flying moves! This same idea will also apply to Pokémon of the Rock-type, so consider them. We would suggest bringing along three or four. Since there is a "Carnivine" IconCarnivine to fight as well, we would prefer bringing along Ice Pokémon, for their advantage over Flying as well. Rock Pokémon also make a nice one, and Rock/Steel Pokémon take one-fourth of the damage from Flying.

For reference, we brought along "Jolteon" IconJolteon, "Jigglypuff" IconJigglypuff, "Cubchoo" IconCubchoo, "Rhyperior" IconRhyperior, "Charmeleon" IconCharmeleon, "Pikachu" IconPikachu, and "Aron" IconAron. It’s not the best party, but we haven’t exactly found that many Ice-, Electric-, or Rock-types on my playthrough. They still work pretty good, though. March all six over to Illusio and invade Avia.

Battle: Nobunagas Army (Turns: 20)

Fighting isn’t always easy and fun. But give your best and do not give up if something is not going the way you planned it.

**Opponent Pokémon** **Type**
"Braviary" IconBraviary Normal/Flying
"Carnivine" IconCarnivine Grass
"Starly" IconStarly Normal/Flying
"Staravia" IconStaravia Normal/Flying
Golbar Poison/Flying
"Rufflet" IconRufflet Normal/Flying
**Win Conditions** **Lose Conditions**
Beat all of the enemy Pokémon. Have your Pokémon KO’ed.

"Braviary" IconBraviary is weak to Ice, Rock, and Electric, and immune to Ground and Ghost. Its move, Sky Drop, lets it fly up one turn, then attack on the next, dealing extra damage to Fighting, Grass, and Bug Pokémon. Its ability, Keen Eye, prevents lowering of accuracy.

Carnivine is weak to Flying, Fire, Ice, Bug, and Poison. Its attack is Vine Whip, which will hit the tile in front of it and the tiles left and right of there, and deals extra damage to Water, Rock, and Ground. Its ability, Levitate, will immunize it from Ground moves.

"Starly" IconStarly is weak to Ice, Rock, and Electric, and immune to Ground and Ghost. Its move, Quick Attack, hits an adjacent enemy, but lacks super-effective effects. Its ability, Keen Eye, prevents accuracy loss.

"Staravia" IconStaravia is weak to Ice, Rock, and Electric, and immune to Ground and Ghost. Its move, Wing Attack, deals extra damage to Bug, Grass, and Fighting. Its ability, Hero, raises its Attack and Defense when the army is about to lose.

"Golbat" IconGolbat is weak to Ice, Rock, Electric, and Psychic, and is immune to Ground. Its move, Poison Fang, attacks an adjacent enemy, may badly poison, and deals extra damage to Grass. Its ability, Interference, lowers nearby enemies’ accuracy.

"Rufflet" IconRufflet is weak to Ice, Rock, and Electric, and immune to Ground and Ghost. Its move, Wing Attack, deals extra damage to Bug, Grass, and Fighting. Its ability, Keen Eye, prevents accuracy loss.

So, what to do here? Well, you probably already know from previous grinding for recruits, but that arrow ramp will jump you across the gap if you stand on it at the end of the turn. This battle will easily get complicated, so strategies are very tough to make. We can really just say to heal when needed and abuse weaknesses. And never leave a Pokémon alone unless it is of the Rock/Steel type. Recruits from here are not allowed, so deal with it and just fight without letting up (unless it is to heal or move around).

Recruitment Drive

The month after the fight versus Avia, your partner will come up, claiming Jigglypuff’s been acting odd since the fight versus Nobunaga began. Just now, she hands over the Jigglypuff Charm Jigglypuff gave her. This item will prevent all status ailments when equipped on one of Oichi’s Pokémon; it has no effect for anyone else.

So, in December of Year 3, we decided to go shopping for once. Do what you want.

In January of Year 4, Nobunaga will attack Cragspur. The battle varies too greatly depending on who invades and, if no one is there, then it’ll be taken over. Defend your kingdom!

Our recruitment search will be in February, Year 4. There is a nice fight in the Avia Sky Garden.

Battle: Wild/Warriors Pokémon (Turns: 10)

Always look out for shops. They are selling items that might come in handy later!

**Opponent Pokémon** **Type**
"Axew" IconAxew Dragon
"Machop" IconMachop Fighting
"Starly" IconStarly Normal/Fighting
**Win Conditions** **Lose Conditions**
Beat all of the enemy Pokémon. Have your Pokémon KO’ed.

"Axew" IconAxew is weak to Ice and Dragon. Its move is Dragon Rage, which hits up to two tiles away and deals 40 damage, always. Its ability, Instincit, raises its evasion.

"Machop" IconMachop is weak to Flying and Psychic. Its move is Karate Chop, which hits an adjacent enemy, has a raised critical-hit rate, and deals extra damage to Rock, Ice, Steel, and Normal. Its ability is Guts, which raises its Attack when under a status effect.

Starly is weak to Ice, Rock, and Electric, and immune to Ground and Ghost. Its move, Quick Attack, hits an adjacent enemy, but lacks super-effective effects. Its ability, Keen Eye, prevents accuracy loss.

Definitely head straight for Axew. No exceptions; that’s the main reason why we’re here for the recruiting. Machop is okay, but save him for the end.

Next month, there isn’t a whole lot of good choices. we’ll just list them. Do what you want, but we’re not going to cover what really doesn’t need it.

– The Cragspur Cave has "Beedrill" IconBeedrill, (special) "Kirlia" IconKirlia, and "Riolu" IconRiolu Warriors.

– The Illusio Floating Rock has a Starly Warrior.

– The Chrysalia Ravine has (special) "Tepig" IconTepig, "Magikarp" IconMagikarp, and "Anorith" IconAnorith Warriors.

– The Violight Sky Garden has "Igglybuff" IconIgglybuff and "Ekans" IconEkans Warriors.

– The Greenleaf Ravine has Machop and (special) "Gurdurr" IconGurdurr Warriors.

– The Aurora Farm has Machop and "Charmander" IconCharmander Warriors.

– The Ignis Cave has "Chingling" IconChingling, "Treecko" IconTreecko, and Ekans Warriors.

– The Pugilis Park has a special Cubchoo Warrior (why it’s not worth it).

As we said, do as you wish. Most of these aren’t exactly worth it, due to having specials that we can’t grab, or just useless ones (to us). Anyhow, we’re going to fight Viperia next.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Tactical RPG
  • Guide Release
    13 August 2012
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Daniel Chaviers

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