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Battle: Wild/Warriors Pokémon (Turns: 10)

Surely you can beat them in the Sky Garden!

**Opponent Pokémon** **Type**
"Ekans" IconEkans Poison
"Rufflet" IconRufflet Normal/Flying
"Carnivine" IconCarnivine Grass
"Pichu" IconPichu Electric
**Win Conditions** **Lose Conditions**
Beat all enemies. Have your Pokémon KO’ed.

"Ekans" IconEkans is weak to Ground and Psychic. It uses the move Poison Sting, which will deal extra damage to Grass types. Its ability, Intimidate, will reduce the Attack of nearby enemies.

"Rufflet" IconRufflet is weak to Rock, Ice, and Electric, and is immune to both Ground and Ghost. Its move, Wing Attack, attacks an adjacent enemy and will deal extra damage to Bug, Grass, or Fighting Pokémon. It has the Keen Eye ability, which prevents its accuracy from going down.

"Carnivine" IconCarnivine is weak to Flying, Fire, Ice, Bug, and Poison. Its attack is Vine Whip, which will hit the tile in front of it and the tiles left and right of there, and deals extra damage to Water, Rock, and Ground. Its ability, Levitate, will immunize it from Ground moves.

"Pichu" IconPichu is weak to Ground. Its move is ThunderShock, which can attack up to two tiles away, and will deal extra damage to Flying and Water, and may paralyze the target. Its ability is Static, which means that a contact attack may cause the move’s user to become paralyzed.

Before the fight begins in earnest, you’ll understand how to obtain new Link Pokémon for your characters. Basically, you want to find a Pokémon that has a marking above their heads to mark an affinity for them. Then just move next to the Pokémon and tap Link. Got it? Use this to find everyone’s Perfect Link!

So, what to do? Well, the Pokémon here are not exactly unique, so we guess just gang up on whoever you want. You can deal super-effective damage to both Rufflet (via Pichu and "Mareep" IconMareep) and Carnivine (Fire-types, "Sewaddle" IconSewaddle, Ekans), so, if you want all of them, just take out Ekans and Pichu first. Then take out Carnivine and Rufflet via super-effective attacks.

Next month, fight in there again for a chance at some more Pokémon battles!

Battle: Wild/Warriors Pokémon (Turns: 10)

Do you have a strategy while fighting?

**Opponent Pokémon** **Type**
"Machop" IconMachop Fighting
"Rufflet" IconRufflet Normal/Flying
"Mareep" IconMareep Electric
"Pichu" IconPichu Electric
**Win Conditions** **Lose Conditions**
Beat all enemies. Have your Pokémon KO’ed.

"Machop" IconMachop is weak to Flying and Psychic. Its move, Karate Chop, often deals critical hits, hits an adjacent enemy, and will do extra damage to Normal, Rock, Ice, Dark, and Steel. Its ability, Guts, will raise its Attack when under the influence of a status.

Rufflet is weak to Rock, Ice, and Electric, and is immune to both Ground and Ghost. Its move, Wing Attack, attacks an adjacent enemy and will deal extra damage to Bug, Grass, or Fighting Pokémon. It has the Keen Eye ability, which prevents its accuracy from going down.

Mareep is weak to Ground. Its move is ThunderShock, which can attack up to two tiles away, and will deal extra damage to Flying and Water, and may paralyze the target. Its ability is Calming, which may put enemies to sleep.

Pichu is weak to Ground. Its move is ThunderShock, which can attack up to two tiles away, and will deal extra damage to Flying and Water, and may paralyze the target. Its ability is Static, which means that a contact attack may cause the move’s user to become paralyzed.

So, who do you want here? Well, by far you’ll want the Machop Warrior. As for Rufflet, you probably already have one or an equivalent Pokémon, so, if you have time, why not? We’d recommend first ganging up on Machop, then Rufflet, then go for the rest at will. Pichu and Mareep are okay Links, if you didn’t get enough Electric-types in the battle for Violight.

Analysis Time

Time to discuss these recruits. Dosetsu trained Machop and has the Marksman Warrior Skill, which raises accuracy and the critical-hit rate for three turns. Hisahide trained Rufflet and has the Quick Strike Warrior Skill, which will increase Range and make enemies flinch.

At this point, all areas seem to be clear. Time to invade Chrysalia. So, who to bring?

Well, "Eevee" IconEevee and "Jigglypuff" IconJigglypuff are required, of course. "Charmander" IconCharmander, "Tepig" IconTepig, and "Darumaka" IconDarumaka finish off pretty much all type advantages, except versus "Spheal" IconSpheal, so bring along the trust Carnivine for this as well. Just keep ’em out of the way of the Bugs! March your party of six into Violight and invade Chrysalia.

Battle: Yoshimotos Army (Turns: 20)

Let’s take a look at our opponents.

**Opponent Pokémon** **Type**
"Pineco" IconPineco Bug
2x "Venipede" IconVenipede Bug/Poison
"Spheal" IconSpheal Water/Ice
"Sewaddle" IconSewaddle Bug/Grass
**Win Conditions** **Lose Conditions**
Beat all enemies. Have your Pokémon KO’ed.

"Pineco" IconPineco is weak to Fire, Flying, and Rock. Its move, Bug Bite, will attack an adjacent enemy, possibly use their item, and will do extra damage to Grass, Dark, and Psychic. Its ability, Jagged Edge, means that a contact attack on Pineco will induce physical damage upon the attacker.

Both "Venipede" IconVenipede are the same, as far as type data, moves, and abilities go. They are weak to Fire, Flying, Rock, and Psychic. Their move is Poison Sting, which can attack up to two tiles away, may induce poisoning, and will do extra damage to Grass. Their ability is Poison Point, which means that contact attacks may induce poisoning upon the attacker.

Spheal is weak to Grass, Electric, Fighting, and Rock. Its move is Powder Snow, which may attack up to two tiles away, and does extra damage to Grass, Flying, and Dragon. Its ability, Deep Sleep, will let it heal HP whilst sleeping.

Sewaddle is weak to Fire (4x), Flying (4x), Rock, Poison, Ice, Bug. Its move is Bug Bite: it will attack an adjacent enemy, may use their item, does extra damage to Grass, Dark, and Psychic. Its ability is Grass Cloak, which raises its Defense when on grassy terrain.

So, what to do? Well, basically send Carnivine and two Fire-types after Spheal; the Fire-types will provide back-up for, after all, Spheal is near other Bug Pokémon. Another thing you can do is abuse the Pokémari balls on the field - hit one and it’ll fly in that direction, damaging any Pokémon it hits. Just be careful that you don’t get hit!

One more down!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Tactical RPG
  • Guide Release
    13 August 2012
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Daniel Chaviers

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