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Battle: Nobunagas Army (Turns: 15)

Isn’t it just annoying to fight Zubat and Golbat in one fight? Not because of them, but because of their annoying habit of appearing in massive amounts in caves in the mainstream Pokémon games.

**Opponent Pokémon** **Type**
"Golbat" IconGolbat Poison/Flying
"Monferno" IconMonferno Fire/Fighting
"Spiritomb" IconSpiritomb Dark/Ghost
"Zubat" IconZubat Poison/Flying
"Arbok" IconArbok Poison
"Ekans" IconEkans Poison
**Win Conditions** **Lose Conditions**
Claim all three of the banners. Have your Pokémon KO’ed.
-- The enemy claims all banners.

"Golbat" IconGolbat is weak to Psychic, Ice, Rock, and Electric, and is immune to Ground. Its move is Poison Fang: it attacks an adjacent enemy, may badly poison, and deals extra damage to Grass. Its ability, Inner Focus, stops flinches.

"Monferno" IconMonferno is Hideyoshi’s Pokémon evolved from when we beat him way back. It is weak to Water, Ground, Flying, and Psychic. Its move is Flame Wheel, which attacks two tiles away, may burn, and does extra damage to Grass, Bug, Ice, and Steel. Its ability, Blaze, raises its Attack when its HP is low.

Spiritomb lacks weaknesses and is immune to Normal, Fighting, and Psychic. Its move, Shadow Sneak, attacks an adjacent enemy and does extra damage to Ghost and Psychic. Its ability, Interference, lowers nearby enemies’ accuracy.

"Zubat" IconZubat is weak to Psychic, Ice, Rock, and Electric, and is immune to Ground. Its move is Wing Attack, which hits an adjacent enemy and does extra damage to Bug, Fighting, and Grass. Its ability, Melee, will let it hit adjacent enemies in the heat of battle.

"Arbok" IconArbok is weak to Psychic and Ground. Its move is Venoshock, which hits the tile two tiles away and the ones to the left of right of there; it deals double damage whilst poisoned, and deals extra damage to Grass. Its ability, Intimidate, will lower nearby enemies’ Attack.

"Ekans" IconEkans is weak to Psychic and Ground. Its move is Poison Sting, which can hit up to two tiles away, may poison, and deals extra damage to Grass. Its ability is Shed Skin, which will allow it to cure a status over time.

So, you have to claim some banners. There is a set path for you to go on: to the eastern room, the central one, then the western one for all of the banners. You should let your high-Range characters to the west, your low ones go to the eastern one, and all else need to hit the center. We would avoid the secret passages on the field if possible, and also fight enemies when possible. It is easier when the enemies are gone, no?

Also about the secret passages: their paths are set. Therefore, you may find some to be to your advantage. We’d avoid them unless we knew where they’d take us. That one in the starting room seems to be good for low-Range Pokémon. As your enemy may end up piling up as they leave the northern room, you’ll want to beware of attacks from behind.

And also be careful of the purplish water: it will induce the Poison status on whoever steps on it if they’re not of the Poison or Steel types.

And, as usual, you won’t be able to recruit anyone.

Keep Recruiting!

So, of the four of Nobunaga’s kingdoms we originally were offered, one remains. Yaksha, the Dark kingdom, is probably going to be the hardest one if you have not done any kind of recruiting for Fighters or Bugs.

So, for us, it is April of Year 4. Currently available recruitments are not very promising, except perhaps one in the Violight Sky Garden.

Battle: Wild/Warriors Pokémon (Turns: 10)

Can Jigglypuff keep going? And hey, it’s Jolteon!

**Opponent Pokémon** **Type**
"Ekans" IconEkans Poison
"Machop" IconMachop Fighting
"Shinx" IconShinx Electric
**Win Conditions** **Lose Conditions**
Beat all enemies. Have your Pokémon KO’ed.

Ekans is weak to Psychic and Ground. Its move is Poison Sting, which can hit up to two tiles away, may poison, and deals extra damage to Grass. Its ability is Intimidate, which weakens nearby enemies’ Attack.

"Machop" IconMachop is weak to Flying and Psychic. Its move is Karate Chop, which hits an adjacent enemy, has a raised critical-hit rate, and deals extra damage to Rock, Ice, Steel, and Normal. Its ability is Guts, which raises its Attack when under a status effect.

"Shinx" IconShinx is weak to Ground. Its move is Spark, which hits an adjacent tile, and deals extra damage to Flying and Water. It has the Intimidate ability, which will lower nearby enemies’ Attack.

You’ll first want to go for Machop. That’s the only reason why we’re even here: to gather Fighting types. Ekans is not special and Shinx may make a good Link, though it has no use in the foreseeable future. Gang up on Machop.

After dealing with an enemy invasion, we’ll restart recruitment on June of Year 4. Options aren’t exactly desirable. We’ll just list them and let you go for whoever you want; we’ll note that we didn’t go for any of these.

– In Aurora’s Farm, you’ll find "Treecko" IconTreecko and Ekans.

– In Ignis’s Cave, you’ll find "Bidoof" IconBidoof.

– In Fontaine’s Ravine, you’ll find "Venipede" IconVenipede and "Chingling" IconChingling.

– In Violight’s Sky Garden, you’ll find "Beedrill" IconBeedrill.

– In Greenleaf’s Ravine, you’ll find Machop. We should have plenty by now.

– In Pugilis, you’ll find a special Shinx.

– In Terrera, you’ll find a special "Pineco" IconPineco.

– In Illusio, you’ll find "Riolu" IconRiolu.

– In Chrysalia, you’ll find "Scraggy" IconScraggy, "Anorith" IconAnorith, and "Igglybuff" IconIgglybuff.

– In Cragspur, you’ll find (special) "Kirlia" IconKirlia and a "Tepig" IconTepig.

Again, do as you wish. That Machop may or may not be tempting; do it if you want.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Tactical RPG
  • Guide Release
    13 August 2012
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Daniel Chaviers

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