Now that we’ve beaten Greenleaf and conquered another kingdom, we could go right to Fontaine and defeat them with our mighty Grass Pokémon that we should have recruited in the previous fight.
But let’s investigate Greenleaf more thoroughly. You can use the Ponigiri shop if you want. You can also head to the Gold Mine, which we recommend starting with. Bring along the five you used versus Greenleaf’s army.
You can learn how to use the mine. Here, you can dig for gold, the monetary unit of this game. The dig is automatic, though the money earned is likely to be proportionate to the number of Warriors used. For example, we found about $1,300 with five Warriors.
Also, there can be Warriors at the Greenleaf Ravine here, so let’s pay them a visit, right? Use the same five as with the fight versus Greenleaf’s army.
Battle: Wild/Warriors Pokémon (Turns: 10)¶
Motochika “welcomes” you to Fontaine.
**Win Conditions** | **Lose Conditions** |
Beat all enemies. | Have your Pokémon KO’ed. |
Sewaddle is weak to Fire (4x), Ice, Bug, Poison, Flying (4x), and Rock. Its move, Bug Bite, will attack the enemy in front. It does extra damage to Grass, Psychic, and Dark. Sewaddle has the Grass Cloak ability, which will raise Defense while on grass terrain.
Cottonee is weak to Fire, Ice, Bug, Poison, and Flying. It uses the move Absorb, which will also take HP from the target in an amount equal to 50% of the damage dealt. This move is super-effective against Rock, Water, and Ground. It has the Melee ability, which will let it randomly attack adjacent enemies sometimes in battle. The other Cottonee has the Mountaineer ability, which will let it climb up higher cliffs and such.
So, what’s the battle plan here? Well, we would safely send two Pokémon, one Fire-type, to the left Cottonee and the other three to the other one. In this way, if you run out of turns, you can still use a Fire-type move to defeat the Cottonee and guarantee the recruitment. Sewaddle is just a wild Pokémon, so let it be until you’ve beaten the Cottonee.
If you succeeded during the battle in recruiting the Cottonees’ Trainers, you may as well let them join. Ekei used the Cottonee with the Melee ability; his Warrior Skill is Convalesce, which restores of the HP of the user and adjacent allies over three turns. Terumoto has the other Cottonee and uses the Fortify ability, which raises Defense for three turns.
There are still more Warriors here, though. Battle again next month, when the person icon appears.
Battle: Wild/Warriors Pokémon (Turns: 10)¶
Get ready for the next fight. You might wanna open floodgates.
**Win Conditions** | **Lose Conditions** |
Beat all enemies. | Have your Pokémon KO’ed, |
Carnivine is weak to Ice, Flying, Fire, Bug, and Poison. It has the move Vine Whip, which hits the tile in front of it and the two left and right of that one. It deals extra damage to Water, Ground, and Rock. It also has the Levitate ability, which immunizes it from Ground moves.
Treecko is weak to Ice, Flying, Bug, Fire, and Poison. It uses the move Absorb, and has the Mountaineer ability. Cottonee is also weak to Fire, Ice, Flying, Bug, and Poison. It can use Absorb, and has the Melee ability. For this fight, simply focus on Carnivine first before defeating the others.
After the battle, you should recruit Takeyoshi. He uses Carnivine from the previous fight and has the ability Eagle Eye, which improves attack accuracy for three turns.
Seems like no one is left at Greenleaf. March your army that defeated Greenleaf over to Aurora and head to the farm for another fight.
Battle: Wild/Warriors Pokémon (Turns: 10)¶
Keep in mind that some of your moves can be super effective, and some can even be critcal hits!
**Win Conditions** | **Lose Conditions** |
Beat all enemies. | Have your Pokémon KO’ed. |
Ekans is weak to Ground and Psychic. It uses the move Poison Sting, which will deal extra damage to Grass types. Its ability, Intimidate, will reduce the Attack of nearby enemies.
Minccino is weak to Fighting and immune to Ghost. It uses the attack DoubleSlap which will hit an adjacent enemy two to five times; it has no type advantages. It has the Mood Maker ability, which allows it to raise nearby allies’ Energy.
Bidoof is weak to Fighting and immune to Ghost. It uses Headbutt, which hits an adjacent enemy. It has no type advantages. It has the Simple ability, which doubles the effects of any stat changes.
Ekans, being the only owned Pokémon here, should be the first target. After that, you know what to do. The Warrior you can recruit from this battle is Chacha. She uses the Ekans from the previous fight and she has the Salve Warrior Skill, which will cure the statuses of the user and adjacent allies.
Okay, we think that does it for recruitments now. Send all of your Fire-type users somewhere else – you can keep Eevee and
Jigglypuff – and march some Grass-users to you. Carnivine,
Pansage, and the two Cottonee will be best, because they have Grass-type moves and resist Water attacks. Do some shopping if you wish, then head to Fontaine.
Battle: Motochikas Army (Turns: 20)¶
Your Army against Motochika’s Army.
**Win Conditions** | **Lose Conditions** |
Beat all enemies. | Have your Pokémon KO’ed. |
Oshawott is weak to Grass and Electric. It uses the move Water Gun, which can hit enemies two tiles away, and does extra damage to Fire, Rock, and Ground. It has the ability Torrent, which raises its Attack when in low HP.
Panpour is weak to Grass and Electric. It can use Water Gun, which will hit enemies two tiles away, and does extra damage to Fire, Ground, and Rock. It has the Melee ability, which will let it attack adjacent enemies during battle.
Piplup is weak to Electric and Grass. It can use Bubble, which will hit up to two tiles away, and deals extra damage to Ground, Fire, and Rock. It has the Torrent ability, which raises its Attack when in low HP.
Wooper is weak to Grass (4x) and immune to Electric. It can use Water Gun, which will hit up to two tiles away, and will be super-effective against Fire, Rock, and Ground. It has the Gulp ability, which will let the Pokémon recover HP when in the water.
The battle begins with Motochika’s side using the ground switches to let the riverwater flow into the field. As you pretty much have no chance of having a Water-type, you can’t cross the water. What can you do? Well, there are two such switches on your side of the field. Trigger one and you’ll have partial access to the other side; trigger both and the field’s open for play. Note, though, that the northern two switches can be re-triggered to let water flow in.
So, basically, hit the switches and quickly invade the opposite side. Carnivine should be okay on his own, what with Vine Whip and all. The two Cottonee should double-team someone. Pansear can probably be okay by himself, and so should Eevee and Jigglypuff. While they may be by themselves, someone else can always come and help when they’re done.
Remember, since you’re unlikely to finish off a lot of Pokémon in four turns, try to finish off each one with a Grass-type move!
Like against Motonari, we don’t think you can recruit Motochika. Anyways, Nobuchika will use Panpour and uses the Warrior Skill Crack Shot, which guarantees that moves hit. Morichika uses Wooper and has the Eagle Eye Warrior Skill, which improves accuracy for three turns. Chikamasa uses Piplup and has the Warrior Skill Shout, which cures all allies of Confusion or being asleep. All will make nice additions to your team.
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