How to Make Money in Bannerlord: Winning Tournaments¶
If you feel confident in your combat abilities, winning tournaments is one of the easiest and quickest ways to earn a lot of money. All you need to do is visit any major settlement and enter the arena. Here you can speak with a tournament master to find out where the nearest tounament is taking place. You can then travel to the relevant settlement and sign up for the tournament. There are no special requirements, but you may wish to raise the stakes by increasing the amount of denars that you bet on any given battle within the tournament. By doing so, if you win the tournament you could be seeing profits in the tens of thousands, especially when you are facing high ranked opponents. In addition to the base value of denars that can be won, you can also win specific prize items which vary depending on the local settlement inventory and the rank at which you are participating. You can view the tournament leaderboard for a particular settlement from the tournament menu.
(1 of 2) Enter tournaments and place bets to increase your profits, even if you don’t always win. In some tournaments, this can result in a great deal of denars being gained within a short amount of time.
Enter tournaments and place bets to increase your profits, even if you don’t always win. In some tournaments, this can result in a great deal of denars being gained within a short amount of time. (left), You can view the leaderboard for a specific tournament from the tournament menu in any given settlement. (right)
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