M&B II Bannerlord: Best Companions of Each Type¶
This section details the skills of different types of companions which you can find and recruit into your clan during a campaign. We’ll go through the best combat companions in terms of melee and ranged combat, and the best governance companions for managing settlements, caravans, parties, and clan roles. For a more general overview of the companion system, see the Companions page in our Character Development section.
The amount and type of companions that will be available to you will vary between campaigns, and each campaign will present different names for each available companion. This makes it impossible to trace specific named companions. However, there are consistent stats associated with specific companion epithets which you can search for in the encyclopedia of the game. This will allow you to locate particular companions which specialise in different skills. For example, if you know that you want a companion who has a good base level of archery skill (such as those with “Cowthief” or “The Black” epithets), you can locate them using the encyclopedia if you know which epithet to search with.
For the Best Combat Companions, we’ll define each companion type based on whether they have a primary (default) stat level above 100 in a specific skill. You’ll note that some companions are multitalented, thriving in most forms of combat and tactics. We’ll list those exceptional companions first, which are defined by having level 100+ in nearly all combat skills.
For the best governance companions, we’ll first provide an overview of the best skills and their associated perks for governors, party leaders, caravan leaders, and clan roles. We’ll then list a number of companions who are best suited for each position, based on their default skill values.
(1 of 2) Be sure to use the in-game encyclopedia to search for companions based on their epithets. All recruitable companions will be listed under the “Wanderer” occupation.
Be sure to use the in-game encyclopedia to search for companions based on their epithets. All recruitable companions will be listed under the “Wanderer” occupation. (left), Once you find a companion in the encyclopedia, you can confirm their skills from the bottom left, and where to find them from the top right of the encyclopedia entry. (right)
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