How to Start Escort Merchant Caravan¶
This quest can be acquired from merchants in most major settlements throughout the game world. An easy way to locate merchants who can offer you the quest is to check any settlement with a teal exclamation mark next to it. This indicates the presence of a quest, and you can speak directly to a merchant from the portrait tab in the top right of the screen when the settlement UI first opens. The merchant will tell you that their caravan has been under threat of attack from roaming bandits and raiders. They need someone with a substantial force to escort the caravan along the trade routes, and they’re willing to pay for it.
Escort a Merchant Caravan for 3 Settlement Visits¶
When you speak with a merchant you’ll have two options for protecting the caravan: escort it yourself, or send a companion with enough troops to fend off attacks. You can only choose the latter option if you have a companion who has at least level 21 in Scouting and Leadership skills. If you don’t have a suitable companion, you’ll need to escort the caravan yourself. The first thing you should do is wait outside the settlement where you spoke with the merchant. You may see a number of caravans emerge from the settlement, but you’re looking for one with a teal exclamation mark over it (the same icon for available quests). The last thing you want to do is begin following the wrong caravan and losing track of the one you agreed to protect.
Once you’ve identified the correct caravan, follow it as it travels to each settlement. You can expect at least one fight between each settlement, and you’ll need to be quick to protect the caravan as soon as it’s under attack, so try to stay close. If you allow the caravan to get too far ahead you will leave it vulnerable to attack, which will reduce the amount of denars that you can earn by the end of the quest. It’s also possible to lose the caravan if you let it get out of sight, which will cause the quest to fail. So long as you remain close to the caravan and immediately engage any threats, you shouldn’t encounter any problems. You may find yourself travelling great distances across the map while you escort the caravan, so it’s worth stocking up on food supplies for your troops. The quest can seem excessive in length, but it’s well worth the denars (You should earn at least 1000) once you’ve escorted the caravan to all 3 settlements.
(1 of 4) Speak with a merchant with an exclamation mark associated with them to accept the quest.
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