41 - Prisoner Extraction 15
This prisoner is located inside of Nova Braga Airport, so you can expect a decent number of enemies. Thankfully, you’ll avoid a lot of them, as the prisoner is located inside of the southernmost hangar on the map, being guarded by around six or so enemies. However, you will want to be careful, as there’s a sniper overlooking the hangar just north of it.
42 - Prisoner Extraction 16
You’ll find this prisoner at Kunoko ya Nioka Station, found inside of a building at the northern side of the facility. You will have your usual assortment of guards around him, but there’s also a gunship flying around, as well. You can completely ignore it and simply put the enemies to sleep, sneak into the building and carry the prisoner outside for extraction when the coast is clear.
43 - Prisoner Extraction 17
There’s a surprising number of enemies guarding this prisoner, which is pretty far away from any bases or guard posts. The prisoner is inside of a shack, with two other men watching him, another standing outside of the door and two more patrolling the area. In addition, there will be two snipers positioned on hills, as well as one or two more normal enemies.
44 - Prisoner Extraction 18
One of the more annoying places, Qarya Sakhra Ee is the base on the hill with a lot of buildings. This place is tailored for D-Dog, as his skill to locate enemies easily makes it much more manageable. The prisoner is inside of a building about halfway up the base, with a few enemies near her, including two snipers. Take your time and slowly make your way up, using the mountain as an excellent hiding spot.
45 - Prisoner Extraction 19
OKB Zero is always a fun place to go through, if you like having to fight through a bunch of enemies. The prisoner will be located inside of a building in the last big area, so you’ll have to sneak or fight your way past the entrance and initial area. The building is on the left side, close to the southern limit of the area. There’s a bunch of enemies around, including one or two snipers on the buildings.
46 - Prisoner Extraction 20
It’s time to return to Kunoko ya Nioka Station for the final prisoner extraction, only you’ll be heading into the middle of it. Not only do you have to worry about a good deal of enemies, but there’s also an enemy gunship looming about in the air. It’s easier to come from the eastern landing zone, but you’ll need to proceed with caution on this Side Ops.
47 - Extract the Little Lost Sheep
It seems a little sheep (literally) has separated from its herd at Da Wialo Kallai. If you mark the spot on the map when choosing the side ops, then the waypoint will bring you right to the sheep. However, it is being guarded by two enemies, so you will want to subdue them before extracting the sheep.
The sheep can be found in a pen to the east (left) but it is guarded by some soldiers which you should remove before extracting it (right).
48 - Capture the Legendary Brown Bear
There’s two things you should bring along for this Side Ops, and they are D-Dog and the sniper rifle with tranquilizer rounds. The bear can be found in the middle of the giant blue circle and it’s definitely better to approach from the south. You can find a crack in the rock wall, allowing you to climb and get close enough to the bear where it won’t notice. You will want to hit it in the head (straight on) with the sniper tranquilizer round, then simply extract it to finish.
49 - Capture the Legendary Ibis
The Ibis is a small blue bird and can be found by the mansion where the Code Talker mission took place. Bringing D-Dog is a huge help here, as he can pinpoint the location of the bird easily. You’ll know it’s the target, since the icon of the wild animal will be pulsating. A silenced sniper rifle will be a tremendous help, as you don’t want to spook the bird and have it take off, which means that otherwise you’ll have to wait for it to land again. Be careful of any nearby enemies and use the bridges to gain access to it once you’ve put it to sleep.
50 - Capture the Legendary Jackal
Bring D-Dog along with you so you can pinpoint the location of the jackal, who will be accompanied by four other jackals. If you have a silenced sniper rifle with tranquilizer rounds, putting them all to sleep will be very easy for you, as you can simply stay back and shoot them all. Otherwise, you will need to be quick with your normal gun before they escape.
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