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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

M7 - Red Brass

Jarrod Garripoli
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Obtainable Skills/Blueprints
Savage, Radar Specialist, Botanist, PB SHIELD Blueprint
# Mission Task Mandatory/Optional
1 Eliminated the commander of the company stationed at Wialo Village. Mandatory
2 Eliminated the commander of the platoon stationed at Shago Village. Mandatory
3 Eliminated the commander of the platoon stationed at Wakh Sind Barracks. Mandatory
4 Extracted the commander and the soldiers riding in his vehicle (4 total). Optional
5 Extracted the 3 commanders. Optional
6 Listened to the end of the 3 commanders’ conversation. Optional
7 Extracted 2 prisoners being held at Ghwandai Town. Optional

Three commanders are scheduling a meeting at Wialo Village and your objective is to get rid of them all. Two of them are from neighboring places, while the third is already in Wialo. Their routes are highlighted with a white path on your map and the two will be in vehicles, with some escorts, so it’s going to be tough to catch them before they reach Wialo.

It is possible though and all you need to do is set up a diversion on the routes they’ve taken (highlighted in white on the map). Leave D-Horse in the road and then simply knock out the enemies when they stop in the road. You can then proceed to extract them before they even reach the meeting point. Note that doing this obviously negates the ability to listen in on the conversation during the meeting.

Lay your diversion then pick off the Commanders en route (left). The final Commander is waiting at the meeting point (right) and can be grabbed as he leaves.

Alternatively, you can wait for them to reach the village before reacting. Once they all reach Wialo Village, let them have their meeting, but use your binoculars’ microphone from a distance to try and listen in on their conversation. Depending on your actions in the game thus far, they will talk about countermeasures. For example, since this guide is putting an emphasis on stealth, they will likely talk about placing mines in their guarded areas.

After their meeting, they will return to their respective bases, where they will remain for rest of the mission. You’ll have to go to each one and either extract them (if you’re not killing anyone) or kill them. There shouldn’t be too many extra enemies in Shago Village, so that commander should’ve give you too much trouble.

The one at Wialo Village is pretty simply itself, especially since you should have marked a good number of troops when you were there for the meeting. The toughest of the three is the one at Wakh Sind Barracks, as the commander is a sniper and will easily spot you, even when crawling. He’ll be on top of the barracks, overlooking the rest of the area, so sneak up from the back to get him. Once you’ve gotten all three, leave the hot zone to finish.

Mission Task 4

The description for this task is worded a little weird. Two of the commanders are driving to the meeting place in jeeps, along with two guards each. You need to extract the four soldiers (two each) riding in the vehicles. Having D-Horse is ideal for this, as you want to move fast. If you wait until later, you can tag these soldiers with markers so you know which ones to grab.

Mission Task 6

You need to not alert any enemies and just leave them be so the two other commanders arrive at Wialo Village. As soon as you begin, head to the village and find a spot close enough so you can listen to their conversation without being spotted. Note that you can use the mic on your binoculars to listen in on their dialogue.

You can listen to the conversation through a wall by using the mic on your binoculars (left). You can find the two prisoners at Ghwandai marked on the map (right).

Mission Task 7

Start by landing close to Ghwandai Town and head there straight away. One prisoner is located inside of the largest building on your map, and the other is located on the northern end. If you’re having trouble locating them, wait until you have D-Dog to help you pinpoint their locations.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4, XB 360, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Stealth
  • Guide Release
    30 September 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author

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Big Boss wakes up from a coma after nine years to find himself in a world that has moved on completely. But war never changes. And old enemies from the past are still searching for him, to put an end to his legacy once and for all. You are the legendary soldier, Big Boss, codenamed “Venom Snake”. Fight past demons and confront new ones in Hideo Kojima’s swansong for the Metal Gear series. Let us guide you on your journey for Hideo Kojima’s final Metal Gear Game: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

Version 1.1

  • The ultimate guide to 100% completion: Every mission and side-ops, all secrets and collectibles at your fingertips.
  • Hi-resolution screenshots and videos to S-Rank every single mission.
  • Information on the Mother Base management meta-game.
  • Carefully designed to avoid unnecessary story spoilers.
  • A full trophy/achievement guide.
  • Locations of all of the collectibles, such as Blueprints, Wild Animals and more.
  • A detailed list of every Key Dispatch Mission.
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