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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

M32 - To Know Too Much

Jarrod Garripoli
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Obtainable Skills/Blueprints
Climber, Electromagnetic Net Specialist, Rocket Control Specialist
# Mission Task Mandatory/Optional
1 Extracted CIA agent Mandatory
2 Extracted CIA agent before his discovery by the search team Optional
3 Extracted 4 search team soldiers Optional
4 Extracted driver of transport vehicle Optional
5 Extracted 2 prisoners being held in Shago Village and Lamar Khaate Palace Optional
6 Extracted the Soviet soldier planning to assassinate the CIA agent Optional

A Soviet soldier who had been collaborating with the CIA has gone missing. As soon as you land, start sprinting towards the yellow marker, which is where the target is hiding. If you don’t have the horse with you, you won’t be able to get to him before the search party finds him, which consists of four enemies using Walkers.

If you did bring the horse, then you will possibly get to the agent before the enemies find him, allowing you to extract him and ending the mission after leaving the hot zone. However, should the enemies find him, they will call in a vehicle to escort him to Lamar Khaate Palace, along with the Walkers. It’s best to ignore them and sprint straight towards the base.

The location of the CIA agent on the map (left), where you’ll find him laying in the sand (right).

While they are slowly moving towards the Palace, you will want to get to the northern end of the compound, where you will likely see a prisoner in one of the small buildings (if you’ve brought D-Dog). Take out any enemies here and move them if necessary, as they will be bringing your target back here. As soon as they arrive and have the target inside, a hidden timer will start.

This is where you will want to be very quick, as someone is coming from the outpost just to the north (by vehicle) to kill your target. That means you will need to quickly dispatch any enemies guarding the entrance, then head inside the building, bring him outside and quickly Fulton extract him. Exit the hot zone, which you can do by crawling away from the base, to finish the mission.

Mission Task 2

The easiest way to get to the agent before the search party finds him is to use D-Horse or D-Walker, as they are both fast enough to get there in time. Do not make any stops and as soon as you get there, Fulton him.

Mission Task 3

If you rush to the agent and grab him before the search party finds him, you can spend the necessary time to go around to capture all of the enemies. There’s only four of them and they will all be using Walker Gears, so you’ll need to shoot them with a tranq from behind to put them to sleep.

Mission Task 4

The transport driver will come from Lamar Khaate Palace to pick up the CIA agent whenever he is discovered by the search party. If you know his route, you can set up an ambush before he actually meets up with everyone else, as the Walker Gears will sit at the agent and wait for the driver.

Mission Task 5

The prisoner at Lamar Khaate is located in one of the cells just north of the main building; if you let the search party take the CIA Agent here, you can get them both at the same time. For the one in Shago Village, you can find him inside of the main building, on the second floor.

If you let the agent be captured, he will be brought to Lamar Khaate (left). This brings in the Soviet Soldier from the north, who you can ambush (right).

Mission Task 6

For this mission task, you have to let the CIA Agent get captured and taken to Lamar Khaate Palace. Once he’s there, the Soviet soldier will arrive by vehicle not long after that to kill the agent. One thing you can do from the beginning of the mission is to head straight to Lamar Khaate and clear out the area just north of the main building, which will make it easier to secure the Soviet soldier.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4, XB 360, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Stealth
  • Guide Release
    30 September 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author

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Big Boss wakes up from a coma after nine years to find himself in a world that has moved on completely. But war never changes. And old enemies from the past are still searching for him, to put an end to his legacy once and for all. You are the legendary soldier, Big Boss, codenamed “Venom Snake”. Fight past demons and confront new ones in Hideo Kojima’s swansong for the Metal Gear series. Let us guide you on your journey for Hideo Kojima’s final Metal Gear Game: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

Version 1.1

  • The ultimate guide to 100% completion: Every mission and side-ops, all secrets and collectibles at your fingertips.
  • Hi-resolution screenshots and videos to S-Rank every single mission.
  • Information on the Mother Base management meta-game.
  • Carefully designed to avoid unnecessary story spoilers.
  • A full trophy/achievement guide.
  • Locations of all of the collectibles, such as Blueprints, Wild Animals and more.
  • A detailed list of every Key Dispatch Mission.
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