After the cutscene ends, go ahead and investigate the truck that landed on its side. Go to the back and use the Touch Pad to lift the door off of the convict, then watch the next cutscene. When you stand up and try to move, you’ll find out you have some strange powers. Keep trying to move until you finally regain complete control, then dash through the fallen tree using the Circle button.
Delsin absorbing the powers from the escaped convict (left) and utilizing them to pass through a fallen tree (right).
Keep using your dash ability to go through the tree until you reach your brother, who is trapped underneath a vehicle. Approach it, then press and hold both thumbs on the Touch Pad to launch the vehicle away, freeing your brother. Follow Reggie to a locked gate, which you will have to dash through to continue. At first, there doesn’t seem to be a way into the cannery, but you will notice a smoke trail leading up to one of the red vents. Use your dash towards the vents to get onto the top of the roof and into the building.
Once you land inside, approach the blocked doorway straight ahead and Delsin will pick up the chain. Use Square to destroy the barriers and keep going until you meet up with Betty and the escaped convict. After the cutscene, follow the guy, whose named is Hank, hitting him with the chain whenever you get close enough. He will keep dashing away, so keep following him until you eventually get outside.
Delsin fighting with Hank (left), as well as facing his first Karma Moment of the game (right).
There will be a cutscene whenever you get outside, and you’ll face your first Karma Moment of the game. Depending on your choice, you will be set on the path of Good Karma (blue) or Evil Karma (red). Hold L2 or R2, then press X when given the chance to make your choice. It’s best to stick with one side throughout the game, as it can be tough to switch to the other Karma later. Watch the cutscene, which will bring you to the end of the mission.
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