It seems it’s time to track down some of the escaped Conduits from the buses and you will start out by checking the toilets in the area. Keep going to each one, swiping on the Touch Pad to open it, until you find the right one. The guy inside will go to escape and you’ll have to go after him, but the angels from the last mission will come down and take him away.
You need to search all of the toilets until you finally find the escaped Conduit.
For the next one, you should see three circles on your map. Just go around in these areas until you hear about one of the Conduits being at the construction site. Go there and get to the top, where you will see a crane. The Conduit will be on the crane, at the end of the arm and he will jump when you get too close. Of course, an angel will catch him and take off, so give chase for a little bit until you realize you can’t catch it.
At this time, Reggie calls and says he has a plan, so meet him at the park. You need to chase after him and pretend to shoot close to him (you can shoot him a couple times if you want), until an angel comes and scoops him up. Now, chase after the angel and Reggie until you are on top of a building and a scene starts.
You see angels and demons coming out of the TV screen and it’s your job to destroy the screens. Angels will attack you by shooting a laser, while Demons will divebomb to your position (line of sight). There are a multitude of screens you need to destroy, four on the one side and four on the other side of the street. Use cover and be smart to take them all out, which ends the mission.
Watch out for the demon’s divebomb attack, as they’ll explode (left) and keep shooting the large screens to seal both the angels and demons from appearing (right).
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