Head to the Space Needle and find the mission marker to start it. You’ll have to climb to the top of the Space Needle, so start with the ladder and then use the air vents to launch yourself to ledges you can grab. You’ll also need to use wires and other parts of the Space Needle to get to the top. Whenever you see that something is about to hit you, don’t worry as it actually won’t, so just continue.
Delsin did say that he wanted to visit the Space Needle.
When you hit the observation deck, you will have to fight with some DUP enemies. Take them all out, then use one of the air vents to get to the next area. Here, you’re introduced to a new type of enemy, who can use concrete as a shield, as well as create a barrier around your feet, preventing you from moving (just dash if you get caught). Should things get a little too hectic, you can retreat to the level below to find some ammo crates to destroy and refill your smoke meter.
Once the enemies are clear, try and shoot the winch only for it to have no effect. Find the nearby Core Relay and drain it to gain the Orbital Drop. Basically, you need to perform actions that reflect your Karma and for every one you do, a meter will fill until you can perform the Orbital Drop.
Delsin prepping the Orbital Drop (left) and about to hit the ground to cause some damage (right).
Take too much time in between actions or perform something relating to the opposite Karma will reduce the meter to nothing. For now, you will see DUP guards on the ground, so perform the relevant action to fill the meter (Square for Evil and Triangle for Good). Once it’s full, go near the winch and press down on the D-Pad to perform the Orbital Drop. When you get the chance, pick the design you want to be placed on the flag, which will end the mission.
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