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Resist Buffs


"Resist" iconResist fortifies the affected character against the infliction of negative status ailments, granting immunity to such effects for a set duration. This protective measure can shield characters from a variety of debilitating conditions, ensuring their continued effectiveness in battle.

Methods of Application


  • Prevents the affected character from being inflicted with negative status ailments.


  • Renders the character immune to status ailments for a duration of two minutes.
  • Does not remove existing negative statuses but prevents the infliction of new ones during its duration.
  • Can be dispelled by certain enemy abilities or specific items.


  • "Resist" iconResist typically lasts for a duration of two minutes, providing reliable protection against status ailments during that time frame.


"Resist" iconResist serves as a valuable defensive tool, safeguarding characters from the myriad of negative status ailments that enemies may attempt to inflict. Strategic use of Resist can bolster the party’s resilience and provide a significant advantage in battles against foes reliant on status effects.

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