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Icon Title In-game Description Pressure Info Abilities Areas Encountered / Affiliation Screenshots Physiology Flying / Grounded? Items Dropped Rare Items Dropped Stealable Items Morphable Items While Staggered Weaknesses / Detrimental Status Effects Immunities Lesser Resistances Greater Resistances Absorbed Elements
Item icon

A robot manufactured by Shinra’s Advanced Weaponry Division at…

Inflicting enough damage or landing synergy skills and synergy…

Pulse Blaster Tentadrill Drill Run Eerie Soundwave Silencing…



"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Berserk" iconBerserk Mixed
"Slow" iconSlow Debuffs
"Stop" iconStop Debuffs
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Silence" iconSilence Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
"Petrify" iconPetrify Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Morphable Items" iconMorphable Items Debuffs
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon
J Unit Sweeper

An autonomous antipersonnel weapon deployed in Junon. It remains…

Exploiting its elemental weakness will pressure it. It will remain…

Fire Blast Hard Charger Stomp Unblockable



"Grenade" iconGrenade Consumables
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Silence" iconSilence Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
Item icon
Modded Sweeper

An abandoned sweeper that was heavily modified by Beck’s Badasses.…

Exploiting its elemental weakness will pressure it. Destroying…

Saturation !attack Concentrated Fire Emergency Defence Mode…



"Grenade" iconGrenade Consumables
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Silence" iconSilence Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
Item icon
Custom Valkyrie

The modified version of the Valkyrie, a high-speed ariel weapon…

Inflicting enough damage by exploiting its elemental weakness…

Fire Silenceable Fira Silenceable Blizzard Silenceable Blizzara…



"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Wind" iconWind Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Berserk" iconBerserk Mixed
"Slow" iconSlow Debuffs
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Silence" iconSilence Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
"Petrify" iconPetrify Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Morphable Items" iconMorphable Items Debuffs
"Stop" iconStop Debuffs
Item icon
Crimson Mare Mk II

A modified version of the blood red battle armour designed for…

Destroying the weapons on both of its arms will allow you to…

X-ecution Spinning Thrust Unblockable Rotating Rail Laser Impact…



"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Berserk" iconBerserk Mixed
"Debrave" iconDebrave Debuffs
"Defaith" iconDefaith Debuffs
"Deprotect" iconDeprotect Debuffs
"Deshell" iconDeshell Debuffs
"Slow" iconSlow Debuffs
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Silence" iconSilence Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
"Petrify" iconPetrify Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Morphable Items" iconMorphable Items Debuffs
"Stop" iconStop Debuffs
Item icon
Slug Ray

Compact sentry weapons manufactured by Shinra’s Advanced Weaponry…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

Suppressive Fire Spearhead



"Hi-Potion" iconHi-Potion Consumables
"Orb of Gravity" iconOrb of Gravity Consumables
"Orb of Gravity" iconOrb of Gravity Consumables
"Orb of Gravity" iconOrb of Gravity Consumables
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements



"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Silence" iconSilence Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
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