Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title
Published Title Score Editor's Choice Publisher
Published Title Publisher
Icon Title In-game Description Pressure Info Abilities Areas Encountered / Affiliation Screenshots Physiology Flying / Grounded? Items Dropped Rare Items Dropped Stealable Items Morphable Items While Staggered Weaknesses / Detrimental Status Effects Immunities Lesser Resistances Greater Resistances Absorbed Elements
Item icon

A rare levrikon variant capable of spewing a toxin that transforms…

Exploiting its elemental weakness will pressure it. Frontal attacks…

Ghastly Shower Charge Anuran Fluid Stomp Unblockable Stone’s…

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Celeris" iconCeleris Consumables
"Celeris" iconCeleris Consumables
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
Item icon

Amphibious creatures living in densely wooded areas. Their main…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Oregano" iconOregano Herbs
"Oregano" iconOregano Herbs
"Oregano" iconOregano Herbs
"Ice" iconIce Elements



"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

Airborne lizards that live in the mines. They used to avoid humans,…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

Cyclostrike Fireball Divebomb

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Wind" iconWind Elements
"Wind" iconWind Elements
Item icon
Baby Grangalan

The offspring of grangalan junior. Unable to reproduce, it is…

When it’s HP falls below a certain point, it will approach and…

Self Destruct

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Iron Ore" iconIron Ore Ore/Stone
Item icon

Six-legged, carnivorous creatures that occupy mountainous regions.…

Impervious to physical attacks from the rear. Inflicting enough…

Toxic Breath Unblockable Subdue Unblockable

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Magic Damage" iconMagic Damage Battle Icons
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
Item icon

Large crustaceans that dwell near coasts. They use their giant…

They slip into a defensive stance after taking a certain amount…

Glaciate Freezing Pincers Bullfrog Bubble Unblockable Spritz…

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
Item icon

Elusive creatures that abide in arid environments they can change…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them, making…

Tongue Slap Aerora Silenceable Fira Silenceable

"Cosmo Canyon" iconCosmo Canyon Cosmo Canyon Region



"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Ice" iconIce Elements



"Fire" iconFire Elements



"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
Item icon

A rare sand spitter variant born in the wake of the Gold Saucer’s…

Inflicting enough damage after it emerges from the sand will…

Sandstrike Snare Unblockable

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
Item icon

Piscine creatures that adapted to their mountainous surroundings.…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them. They…

Spine Slam Massive Inhale Unblockable Pincushion

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Morphable Items" iconMorphable Items Debuffs
Item icon

Large, floating balls of flame found in mountainous regions.…

Inflicting enough damage while they are breathing fire will pressure…

!Fireball Inflame Swell Explosion Imminent Self- Destruct …

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Molotov Cocktail" iconMolotov Cocktail Consumables
"Molotov Cocktail" iconMolotov Cocktail Consumables
"Molotov Cocktail" iconMolotov Cocktail Consumables
"Fire" iconFire Elements
Item icon

A rare frightflower variant that has developed a resistance to…

Inflicting enough damage will pressure it. Stagger it quickly…

Nature’s Blessing Seed Bullet Nourishment Growth Spurt

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Oregano" iconOregano Herbs
"Marjoram" iconMarjoram Herbs
"Oregano" iconOregano Herbs
"Marjoram" iconMarjoram Herbs
"Ice" iconIce Elements



"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Fire" iconFire Elements
Item icon

Botanical fiends of the succulent variety, mainly found in arid…

Hitting them with physical ATB commands will pressure them. Though…

1000 Nedles Chaaarge!

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Planet's Favor" iconPlanet's Favor Valuables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Planet's Favor" iconPlanet's Favor Valuables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
Item icon

Botanical fiends of the succulent variety, mainly found in arid…

Hitting them with physical ATB commands will pressure them. Though…

1000 Nedles 3000 Needles Chaaarge! Spine Spew

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Planet's Blessing" iconPlanet's Blessing Valuables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Planet's Blessing" iconPlanet's Blessing Valuables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Magic Damage" iconMagic Damage Battle Icons
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
Item icon

Botanical creatures that live near the coasts. Their roots have…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

Fire Fissure Lock On

"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions



"Laurel" iconLaurel Plants
"Condor Cedar" iconCondor Cedar Plants
"Laurel" iconLaurel Plants
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

Grotesque beasts that dwell in deserts. Each of its heads has…

Automatically becomes pressured after using aquatic Bezoar. …

Viper Sting Aquatic Bezoar

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Gold Dust" iconGold Dust Ore/Stone
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
Item icon
Chimera Mimic

Large insects that infest forest regions. At first blush, they…

Hitting them with powerful offensive abilities will pressure…


"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
Item icon
Citripine Schoolmaster

A rare citripinefish variant and leader of its school. When threatened,…

Exploiting its elemental weakness will pressure it.

Spine Slam Somnolent Spew Assemble Call to Arms

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

Coastal creatures with uniquely piscine qualities. Though timid,…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

Spine Slam Blackout Bubble

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Morphable Items" iconMorphable Items Debuffs
Item icon

Scaled, chicken-like creatures that roost in mountainous regions.…

Blocking their melee attacks will pressure them. Evading Swoop…

Petrifying Fog Swoop Cock-a-Doodle-Kick Unblockable

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Petrify" iconPetrify Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
Item icon

Snakelike creatures that slither in mines. Upon sensing danger,…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

Arctic Breath Gelid Spit Choke Unblockable

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Iron Ore" iconIron Ore Ore/Stone
"Lea Titanium" iconLea Titanium Ore/Stone
"Iron Ore" iconIron Ore Ore/Stone
"Lea Titanium" iconLea Titanium Ore/Stone
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon
Crown Lance

Platonic organisms that float near coasts. they are unable to…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them. They…

Thunder Silenceable Petrifying Beam

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
Item icon
Crystalline Crab

Large, bluish-white crustaceans that dwell in mountainous regions.…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them. When…

High Voltage

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Direct Attack" iconDirect Attack Battle Icons
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Physical" iconPhysical Battle Icons
Item icon
Cyclone Drake

Aerial creatures that dwell in deserts. They can manipulate air…

Attacking the aura that shrouds them will produce tornadoes.…

Spindrift Storm Diffusion Windstorm

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Wind" iconWind Elements
Item icon

Avian creatures that nest in forested regions. They boast electrified…

Exploiting their elemental weakness or inflicting enough damage…

Compression Shot Ionic Charge Electromagnetic Orb

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Wind" iconWind Elements



"Wind" iconWind Elements
Item icon
Dark Claw

A mutated death claw, distinguished by its partially iron exoskeleton,…

Evading its Reaper Claws attack will pressure it.

Reaper Claws Unblockable Diving Tackle

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Amethyst" iconAmethyst Ore/Stone
"Amethyst" iconAmethyst Ore/Stone
"Amethyst" iconAmethyst Ore/Stone
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
Item icon
Death Claw

Grotesque fiends with sturdy exoskeletons and dense muscles.…

Evading their Reaper Claws attack will pressure them.

Reaper Claws Unblockable

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Amethyst" iconAmethyst Ore/Stone
"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Amethyst" iconAmethyst Ore/Stone
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
Item icon
Desert Sahagin

Land dwelling creatures that abide in arid environments. They…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them

Jump Carapace Crush Flying Kick

"Cosmo Canyon" iconCosmo Canyon Cosmo Canyon Region



"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Crimsonite Crystal" iconCrimsonite Crystal Ore/Stone
"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Crimsonite Crystal" iconCrimsonite Crystal Ore/Stone
"Ice" iconIce Elements



"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Petrify" iconPetrify Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
Item icon

Rare Skeeskee variants prone to more extreme emotional fluctuations…

Evading Fury Bomber will pressure it.

Fury Bomber Incensed Spin Enough is Enough! Woe is Me!

"Cosmo Canyon" iconCosmo Canyon Cosmo Canyon Region



"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
Item icon

A rare landworm variant that produces a soporific gas when its…

Inflicting enough damage by exploiting its elemental weakness…

Sneak !attack Swallow Unblockable Earthquake Soporific Spit…

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Petrify" iconPetrify Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
Item icon

Docile herbivores that roam grassy areas. While not easily angered…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them. While…

Trample Charge Seeing Red

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

A rare Elphadunk variant that bears a deep grudge towards humans…

Exploiting its elemental weakness will pressure it, but also…

Trample Charge Seeing Red

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
Item icon

Gelatinous creatures that inhabit mines. They boast superior…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them. They…

Blizzara Silenceable Polar Punch

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Magic Damage" iconMagic Damage Battle Icons
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Direct Attack" iconDirect Attack Battle Icons
"Ranged Attack" iconRanged Attack Battle Icons
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Physical" iconPhysical Battle Icons
Item icon

Avian creatures that nest in mountainous regions. Their stiff…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

Blue Bolt

"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions



"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Mist Seeds" iconMist Seeds Plants
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Mist Seeds" iconMist Seeds Plants
"Wind" iconWind Elements
"Ranged Attack" iconRanged Attack Battle Icons
"Magic Damage" iconMagic Damage Battle Icons
"Direct Attack" iconDirect Attack Battle Icons
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Wind" iconWind Elements
Item icon

A rare tonadu variant that is extremely cautious by nature, hardly…

Inflicting enough damage will cause it to retaliate with a violent…

Gouge Whirlwind Razorwind Death from Above Unblockable Cacophony…

"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions



"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Laurel" iconLaurel Plants
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Laurel" iconLaurel Plants
"Wind" iconWind Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
Item icon

Botanical fiends that take root in heavily wooded areas. They…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Oregano" iconOregano Herbs
"Marjoram" iconMarjoram Herbs
"Oregano" iconOregano Herbs
"Marjoram" iconMarjoram Herbs
"Fire" iconFire Elements



"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
Item icon
Fulvum Varanus

Rare gagighandi variants that hatched nearby the Gongaga reactor.…

Hitting them with powerful offensive abilities while they are…

Tailwhip Trample Pounce Rush Solidifying Slug Ambush

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

Carnivorous creatures found in forested regions. Their vicious…

Hitting them with powerful offensive abilities while they are…

Tailwhip Trample Pounce Rush Petrifying Breath Ambush

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon
Gigant Bomb

A bomb variant that miraculously managed to stabilize itself…

Inflicting enough Ice damage when it uses Inflame will pressure…

!Fireball Unblockable Inflame Incendiary Rain Massive Explosion…

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Molotov Cocktail" iconMolotov Cocktail Consumables
"Molotov Cocktail" iconMolotov Cocktail Consumables
"Molotov Cocktail" iconMolotov Cocktail Consumables
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Wind" iconWind Elements
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Fire" iconFire Elements
Item icon

An avian creature that nests on Mt.Corel. Exposure to mako has…

Inflicting enough damage while it is in the air will pressure…

Talon Assault Double Talon Rake Aero Silenceable Aerora Silenceable…

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Wind" iconWind Elements
"Berserk" iconBerserk Mixed
"Slow" iconSlow Debuffs
"Silence" iconSilence Debuffs
"Petrify" iconPetrify Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Morphable Items" iconMorphable Items Debuffs
"Stop" iconStop Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
Item icon
Gold Cactuar

Botanical fiends of the succulent variety mainly found in arid…

Hitting them with physical ATB commands will pressure them. Though…

1000 Needles 3000 Needles Chaaarge! Spine Spew

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Planet's Favor" iconPlanet's Favor Valuables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Planet's Favor" iconPlanet's Favor Valuables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Magic Damage" iconMagic Damage Battle Icons



"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
Item icon
Gorgon Mane

A rare crown lance variant that has adapted to forested environments.…

Exploiting its elemental weakness will pressure it. It will also…

Thundaga Silenceable Petrifying Shot

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Fire" iconFire Elements



"Fire" iconFire Elements
Item icon

Bipedal creatures found in forested regions. Sociable by nature,…

Attacking them twice while they are guarding will cause them…

Lethal Haze Telluric Terror Unblockable Earthshake Unblockable…



"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Moss Agate" iconMoss Agate Ore/Stone
"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Moss Agate" iconMoss Agate Ore/Stone
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Direct Attack" iconDirect Attack Battle Icons
Item icon
Grandhorn Warden

A rare Grandhorn variant the grew skilled in battle in order…

Attacking it twice while it’s guarding will cause it to counter…

Lethal Haze Telluric Terror Unblockable Earthshake Unblockable-Bulldoze…

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Moss Agate" iconMoss Agate Ore/Stone
"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Moss Agate" iconMoss Agate Ore/Stone
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Physical" iconPhysical Battle Icons
Item icon

Egg like creatures that live in forested regions they reproduce…

Inflicting enough damage will cause them to produce a grangalan…

Earthen Pillars Replicate

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Moss Agate" iconMoss Agate Ore/Stone
"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Moss Agate" iconMoss Agate Ore/Stone
Item icon
Grangalan Junior

The offspring of a grangalan who will in turn produce babies…

Inflicting enough damage will pressure them.

Evil Eye Replicate

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
Item icon
Grasslands Wolf

Feral beasts that stalk the plains outside Midgar. They live…

Exploiting their elemental weakness, blocking their Spin Swipe…

Throat Clamp Unblockable Spin Swipe

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon
Great Malboro

These grotesque fiends live in Gongaga’s jungles and boast countless…

Shattering their mouth will make them susceptible to staggering…

Bioga Silenceable Bad Breath Unblockable Putrid Breath Unblockable…

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Great Malboro Tendril" iconGreat Malboro Tendril Monster Parts
"Great Malboro Tendril" iconGreat Malboro Tendril Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Berserk" iconBerserk Mixed
"Deshell" iconDeshell Debuffs
"Debrave" iconDebrave Debuffs
"Defaith" iconDefaith Debuffs
"Deprotect" iconDeprotect Debuffs
"Slow" iconSlow Debuffs
"Stop" iconStop Debuffs
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Silence" iconSilence Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
"Petrify" iconPetrify Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Morphable Items" iconMorphable Items Debuffs
Item icon

Prehistoric wind beast that abide in arid environments. They…

They will eventually cast off their protective wind shrouds to…

Restraint Unblockable Befouling Wind Focused Vortex

"Cosmo Canyon" iconCosmo Canyon Cosmo Canyon Region



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
Item icon

Fungal creatures found in mountainous regions. They posses an…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

Sporiferous Spray

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Sage" iconSage Herbs
"Sage" iconSage Herbs
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
Item icon
Heliopora Terpsicolt

Rare sea terpsicolt variants. A steady diet of blood high in…

Exploiting their elemental weakness or evading Leech will pressure…

Leech Unblockable Barbed Boomerang Tidal Swell

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

Poikilotherms that live near coasts. They are extremely timid…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them. While…

Feverish Rush Immolating Wave

"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions



"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon
Insectoid Chimera

Large insects that infest mountainous regions. At first blush,…

Launching them into the air or exploiting their elemental weakness…


"Nibel Region" iconNibel Region Regions



"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

Large insects with voracious appetites found in moutnainous regions.…

Exploting their elemental weakness will pressure them.


"Nibel Region" iconNibel Region Regions



"Mist Seeds" iconMist Seeds Plants
"Mist Seeds" iconMist Seeds Plants
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

Segmented worms that dwell in deserts. They use their sharp teeth…

Inflicting enough damage by exploiting their elemental weaknesses…

Sneak !attack Swallow Unblockable Earthquake

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
Item icon

A rare Ignilisk variant that has developed the ability to actively…

Exploiting its elemental weakness will pressure it. While pressure,…

Flame Whorl Feverish Rush Immolating Wave

"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions



"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

An avian creature covered in scales as opposed to feathers. It…

Grows pressure over time while storing electric charge. Once…

Flying Stomp Looping Strike Tail Slash Amp Up Electric Discharge…

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Celeris" iconCeleris Consumables
"Celeris" iconCeleris Consumables
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
Item icon

An avian creature that prefers grassy areas. It attacks by striking…

Exploiting its elemental weakness when it is enraged will pressure…

Acid Shower Charge Stone’s Throw

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Celeris" iconCeleris Consumables
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

Large, herbivorous beasts found in forested regions. True tanks…

Automatically become pressured after using certain attacks. They…

Gouge Bulldozer Ground Pound Concentrate

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
Item icon

Botanical creatures found in grassy areas. Although capable of…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them. Inflicting…

Scream Silenceable Quick Nap

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Marjoram" iconMarjoram Herbs
"Sage" iconSage Herbs
"Marjoram" iconMarjoram Herbs
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

A rare mandragora variant that grew near a life spring. Extremely…

Exploiting its elemental weakness will pressure it. Inflicting…

Billhook Delay Dance Shriek Quick nap Disseminate Germinate…

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Marjoram" iconMarjoram Herbs
"Sage" iconSage Herbs
"Marjoram" iconMarjoram Herbs
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

Herbivores that roam forested regions. Something has altered…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will draw their ire. After…

Charge Rage Seeing Red Exhaustion Breather

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
Item icon
Materia Guardian

A ferocious beast that dwells within the caves of Mt. Nibel.…

Evading its capture attempts of freeing captured allies will…

Dual Tail Lash Mucous Jet Mucous Discharge Seizing Claw Unblockable…

"Nibel Region" iconNibel Region Regions



"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Berserk" iconBerserk Mixed
"Slow" iconSlow Debuffs
"Stop" iconStop Debuffs
"Silence" iconSilence Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
"Petrify" iconPetrify Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Morphable Items" iconMorphable Items Debuffs
Item icon

A rare Mu variant tasked with guarding the species’ tunnels,…

Exploiting its elemental weakness or hitting it with powerful…

Stone Glacial Blast Burning Up

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Sage" iconSage Herbs
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Mist Seeds" iconMist Seeds Plants
"Mist Seeds" iconMist Seeds Plants
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Physical" iconPhysical Battle Icons
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Wind" iconWind Elements
Item icon

An immense serpent that dwells in the swamplands. It strikes…

Inflicting enough damage by exploiting its elemental weakness…

Snap Feast Devour Bite Chomp Impale Sweep Headbutt Corrosive…

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Berserk" iconBerserk Mixed
"Slow" iconSlow Debuffs
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Silence" iconSilence Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Morphable Items" iconMorphable Items Debuffs
"Stop" iconStop Debuffs
"Petrify" iconPetrify Debuffs
"Fixed Damage" iconFixed Damage Battle Icons
"Fire" iconFire Elements
Item icon

A grotesque fiend that has taken up residence in one of Junon’s…

Landing synergy abilities will pressure it.

Astral Apprehension Accursed Orb Eldritch Horror Unblockable…

"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions



"Mindflayer Crown" iconMindflayer Crown Monster Parts
"Magic Damage" iconMagic Damage Battle Icons
"Berserk" iconBerserk Mixed
"Deprotect" iconDeprotect Debuffs
"Deshell" iconDeshell Debuffs
"Debrave" iconDebrave Debuffs
"Defaith" iconDefaith Debuffs
"Slow" iconSlow Debuffs
"Stop" iconStop Debuffs
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
"Morphable Items" iconMorphable Items Debuffs
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Silence" iconSilence Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
Item icon

Herbivorous creatures that prefer grassy areas, digging networks…

Hitting them with powerful attacks will make them flinch and…

Stone Waterspout Sinkhole Natural Spring

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Sage" iconSage Herbs
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Mist Seeds" iconMist Seeds Plants
"Mist Seeds" iconMist Seeds Plants
Item icon
Mystic Dragon

An airborne lizar that lives in caves. It mutated after consuming…

Inflicting enough damage will pressure it, but once pressured,…

Tumble Talon Flame Belch

"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Wind" iconWind Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
Item icon

Fungal creatures that mutated due to mako exposure. They spew…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

Sporiferous Spray Fungal Counter

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Sage" iconSage Herbs
"Marjoram" iconMarjoram Herbs
"Sage" iconSage Herbs
"Marjoram" iconMarjoram Herbs
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
Item icon

Beastmen that lived deep within the caves long before human began…

Blocking their club attacks will pressure them, but blocking…

Fury Furious Blows Brutish Tremor

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Iron Ore" iconIron Ore Ore/Stone
"Lea Titanium" iconLea Titanium Ore/Stone
"Iron Ore" iconIron Ore Ore/Stone
"Lea Titanium" iconLea Titanium Ore/Stone
"Fire" iconFire Elements
Item icon
Orange Cacrot

Botanical fiends of the succulent variety, mainly found in arid…

Hitting them with physical ATB commands will pressure them. Though…

1000 Needles Chaaaaarge!

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Planet's Blessing" iconPlanet's Blessing Valuables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Planet's Blessing" iconPlanet's Blessing Valuables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
Item icon

Beastmen with short tempers that live in grassy areas. They posses…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.


"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Iron Ore" iconIron Ore Ore/Stone
"Lea Titanium" iconLea Titanium Ore/Stone
"Iron Ore" iconIron Ore Ore/Stone
"Lea Titanium" iconLea Titanium Ore/Stone
"Fire" iconFire Elements



"Fire" iconFire Elements
Item icon
Pastel Amphidex

rare amphidex variants that have entered their mating season.…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

Polliwog Punch Toad Tussle Toadfrog Tune Unblockable



"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Oregano" iconOregano Herbs
"Oregano" iconOregano Herbs
"Oregano" iconOregano Herbs
"Ice" iconIce Elements



"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

A great aerial creature that calls the grasslands home. This…

Inflicting enough damage by exploiting its elemental weakness…

Electrify Vortex Sweep Headlong Charge Prey Fulmen Electrodiffusion…

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Quetzalcoatl Talon" iconQuetzalcoatl Talon Monster Parts
"Quetzalcoatl Talon" iconQuetzalcoatl Talon Monster Parts
"Quetzalcoatl Talon" iconQuetzalcoatl Talon Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Slow" iconSlow Debuffs
"Stop" iconStop Debuffs
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Morphable Items" iconMorphable Items Debuffs
Item icon

A rare spearhawk variant that has become even more proficient…

Exploiting its elemental weakness will pressure it.

Zap Talon Unblockable Thunderpeck

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
Item icon
Sahagin Warrior

Rare desert sahagin variants. These sahagins have been recognized…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

Jump Carapace Crush Salientian Stone Unblockable Flying Kick…



"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Crimsonite Crystal" iconCrimsonite Crystal Ore/Stone
"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Crimsonite Crystal" iconCrimsonite Crystal Ore/Stone
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Petrify" iconPetrify Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
Item icon
Sandhog Pie

Creatures that dwell in mountainous regions, flourishing in abandoned…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them . Guarding…

Bounce Irate Gravity Unblockable Silenceable

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Amethyst" iconAmethyst Ore/Stone
"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Amethyst" iconAmethyst Ore/Stone
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
Item icon

Piscine creatures that adapted to desert environments. Their…

Evading or blocking the Sandstrike, or attacking them when they…


"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Morphable Items" iconMorphable Items Debuffs
Item icon
Sandstorm Drake

A rare cyclone drake variant. Creates sandstorms with its powerful…

Attacking the aura that shrouds it will produce tornadoes. The…

Dust Cloud Storm Diffusion Sandstorm

"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Wind" iconWind Elements
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Petrify" iconPetrify Debuffs
Item icon
Savage Grandhorn

A bipedal creature found deep within the jungles of Gongaga.…

It periodically restrains a target with Earthbound, but these…

Lethal Haze Telluric Terror Unblockable Bulldoze Unblockable…

"Gongaga Region" iconGongaga Region Regions



"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Moss Agate" iconMoss Agate Ore/Stone
"Zinc Ore" iconZinc Ore Ore/Stone
"Moss Agate" iconMoss Agate Ore/Stone
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Physical" iconPhysical Battle Icons
Item icon
Sea Terpsicolt

Aquatic monsters that live near coasts and feed on the blood…

Exploiting their elemental weaknesses or evading Leech will pressure…

Leech Unblockable Deadly Discus Whirling Barbs

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

A rare shoalpod variant that possesses an internal ink sac. Capable…

Exploiting its elemental weakness will pressure it. While hiding…

Blizzard Silenceable Blizzaga Silenceable Leech Shell Spinner…

Corel Corel Region



"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
Item icon

A rare griffon variant that mutated as a result of direct exposure…

They will eventually cast off their protective wind shrouds to…

Restrain Unblockable Befouling Wind Focused Vortex

"Cosmo Canyon" iconCosmo Canyon Cosmo Canyon Region



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
Item icon

Mollusks that live near coasts, feeding off crabs and shellfish…

Exploiting their elemental weaknesses will pressure them. While…

Blizzard Silenceable Leech

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Numinous Ashes" iconNuminous Ashes Ore/Stone
"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon
Silver Chimera

Rare chimera variants whose multiple heads now think as one thanks…

Automatically becomes pressured after using Aquatic Beam.

Viper Sting Salamander Belch Aquatic Beam

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Exquisite Beast Spine" iconExquisite Beast Spine Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Gold Dust" iconGold Dust Ore/Stone
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
Item icon

Avian creatures that nest in arid environments. Highly combative,…

Evading Fury Bomber will full pressure them.

Fury Bomber Enough is Enough!

"Cosmo Canyon" iconCosmo Canyon Cosmo Canyon Region



"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Wind" iconWind Elements
Item icon

Avian creatures that nest in mountainous regions. They hunt in…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

Zap Talon Unblockable Thunderpeck



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Wind" iconWind Elements
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Wind" iconWind Elements
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
Item icon

A rare fleetwing variant that possesses heightened flying capabilities.…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

Compression Shot Tailing Twister

"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions



"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Mist Seeds" iconMist Seeds Plants
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Mist Seeds" iconMist Seeds Plants
"Wind" iconWind Elements
"Physical" iconPhysical Battle Icons
"Ranged Attack" iconRanged Attack Battle Icons
"Magic Damage" iconMagic Damage Battle Icons
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
Item icon
Terror of the Deep

A monstrous aquatic creature that lives off the coast of Junon.…

Inflicting enough damage on its head while it is in the water…

Spiral Spurge Tail Lash Water Jet Grasping Tail Unblockable…

"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions



"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Berserk" iconBerserk Mixed
"Slow" iconSlow Debuffs
"Silence" iconSilence Debuffs
"Sleep" iconSleep Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Morphable Items" iconMorphable Items Debuffs
"Fire" iconFire Elements
"Slow" iconSlow Debuffs
"Petrify" iconPetrify Debuffs
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

Rare Grasslands wolf variants that mutated due to prolonged mako…

Inflicting detrimental status effects on them will pressure them.…

Throat Clamp Unblockable High Voltage Blitz

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Lightning" iconLightning Elements
Item icon

Migratory avian creatures that settle in fertile lands when it…

Inflicting enough damage will cause them to retaliate with a…

Gouge Whirlwind Death from Above Unblockable

"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions



"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Laurel" iconLaurel Plants
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Laurel" iconLaurel Plants
"Wind" iconWind Elements
Item icon

Profoundly enigmatic creatures whose unsettlingly expressionless…

Evading their Chef’s Knife will pressure them.

Chef’s Knife

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Phoenix Down" iconPhoenix Down Consumables
"Mega-Potion" iconMega-Potion Consumables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Direct Attack" iconDirect Attack Battle Icons
"Ranged Attack" iconRanged Attack Battle Icons
"Magic Damage" iconMagic Damage Battle Icons
Item icon
Tonberry King

A giant tonberry that lives in a remote part of the Corel Desert.…

Inflicting enough damage when it’s attacks miss will pressure…

Royal Treatment Unblockable Well-Honed Knife Unblockable Tantrum…

"Corel Region" iconCorel Region Regions



"Tonberry King's Robe" iconTonberry King's Robe Monster Parts
"Marred Crown" iconMarred Crown Key Items
"Tonberry King's Robe" iconTonberry King's Robe Monster Parts
"Direct Attack" iconDirect Attack Battle Icons
"Ranged Attack" iconRanged Attack Battle Icons
"Magic Damage" iconMagic Damage Battle Icons
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
Item icon

Large rats often found in wide-open plains. Their poisonous bodies…

Exploiting their elemental weakness will pressure them.

Virulent Bite

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon
Twin Brain

Grotesque creatres that make their home on Mt. Nibel. Previously…

They become pressured during Screech.

Screech Withering Gaze Life Siphon Unblockable Double Incantation…

"Nibel Region" iconNibel Region Regions



"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Hazardous Material" iconHazardous Material Consumables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Hazardous Material" iconHazardous Material Consumables
Item icon

Avian creatures that nest in mountainous regions. They can fly…

Exploiting their elemental weakness or evading right before they…


"Nibel Region" iconNibel Region Regions



"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Mist Seeds" iconMist Seeds Plants
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Mist Seeds" iconMist Seeds Plants
"Wind" iconWind Elements
"Wind" iconWind Elements
Item icon

A rare toxicity variant. Its extremely aggressive nature and…

Exploiting its elemental weakness will pressure them.

Venom Discharge Poisonous Rampage Unblockable

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Beast Bone" iconBeast Bone Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon
White Mousse

Mutated flans that have absorbed mako-polluted seawater and thus…

Hitting them with elemental damage will pressure them, but also…

Crush Devour Unblockable Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Wind…

"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions



"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Ether Onion" iconEther Onion Valuables
"Slow" iconSlow Debuffs
"Stop" iconStop Debuffs
"Poison" iconPoison Debuffs
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Physical" iconPhysical Battle Icons
Item icon
White Terror

A ferocious grasslands wolf living apart from all known packs…

It graually amasses energy over time. dealing damage or blocking…

Spine Swipe Throat Clamp Unblockable Earsplitting Howl

"Grasslands" iconGrasslands Regions



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
Item icon

A rare zemelette variant that hatched near a lifespring, thus…

Inflicting enough damage while it is casting Soothing Breeze…

Soothing Breeze Unblockable Volplane

"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
"Stone" iconStone Debuffs
"Proportional Damage" iconProportional Damage Battle Icons
Item icon

Avian creatures that nest in forested regions. Equally capable…

Inflicting enough damage during Wingbeat will pressure them.…

Wingbeat Unblockable Volplane

"Junon Region" iconJunon Region Regions



"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Beast Talon" iconBeast Talon Monster Parts
"Beast Pelt" iconBeast Pelt Monster Parts
"Ice" iconIce Elements
Item icon

Avian creatures that live in mountainous regions. They are unafraid…

Exploiting their weakness or inflicting enough damage will pressure…

Tornado Tailspin

"Nibel Region" iconNibel Region Regions



"Exquisite Beast Hide" iconExquisite Beast Hide Monster Parts
"Ash Wood" iconAsh Wood Plants
"Ash Wood" iconAsh Wood Plants
"Wind" iconWind Elements
"Wind" iconWind Elements
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