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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

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Nathan Garvin
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These Trophies/Achievements can be unlocked while playing through the main missions of the game. Some are automatically given while others require certain conditions to be met on certain missions.

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A Heated Combination

Enter a classic numerical code in the game's first keypad.

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Early on in the first mission in Dubai you will be tasked with turning back on the power so that you can use the first keypad in the game. Don’t hack this keypad, instead input the code 0451 and doing so will unlock the Trophy/Achievement.

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Adept of the Metaverse

Engage in all Tutorials in Adam's first mission in Dubai.

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Throughout your time in the first mission in Dubai, you will get three prompts for tutorials. Make sure you take all of these tutorials and upon finishing the last one, the Trophy/Achievement will unlock. The tutorials themselves are self explanatory and only cover the basics of the game. Note that anything you do while in the situations presented in these tutorials will not void the Pacifist or Foxiest of the Hounds Trophies/Achievements.

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Singh No Swan Song

Have Singh's back when it matters most.

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As you reach towards the end of the Dubai mission, just before the main objective location make a save. After hacking the door and heading through, a cutscene will take place and then all hell will break loose. Ignore everything here and jump down off the terrace to land in the courtyard below. From here you can make a run for the Helicopter and on the left side, towards the front there will be a panel. Interact with this and then remove the battery inside to complete the mission, if the Trophy/Achievement doesn’t pop here then reload and try again. In total you have around 2 minutes to complete this before Singh is killed and you need to reload.

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Time Traveler

You managed to bring Koller the Neuroplasticity Calibrator before he even asked you for it.

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You’ll want to make a sparate save file during M3: Getting in Top Shape. The mission involves you heading to Koller in order to get your augments working again. When you reach Koller’s office, make a separate save so that you can reload here after getting Time Traveller, it will save you a lot of work in the future.

From here, exit out of the office and back onto the streets of Prague and take the metro over to the Palisades district. From here, open your map and locate the manhole cover to your east, a little south-east of Tubehouse Electronics. Once down in the sewers head left around the corner and you’ll see a door. If you look above you’ll see some pipes overhead so leap onto them and follow this to a vent. Go through the next vent ahead of you and you’ll be in a small bathroom. While still crouched, open the door and follow the walkway around until you reach a corner and a gate with a solitary guard inside. Wait for the guard to turn around or use the Glass-Shield Cloaking augment and KO the guard. You’ll now find the safe in the north-west corner of the room so use the keypad on the wall here (CODE: 4863) and take the Neuroplasticity Calibrator inside.

Retrace your steps back onto the streets of Prague and proceed with Mission 3: Getting in Top Shape making sure you choose to give the item to Koller before you complete the mission.

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The Golden Rookery

Find the missing Gold Penguin an return him back to his colony.

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This is one of the trickiest and most obscure Trophy/Achievement in the game. First you must find a Golden Penguin statue in the Utulex Complex and then carry it (physically, like you would a body) all the way to the ARC area and into a hidden room. If you make a save as soon as you begin Mission 7 then you can play through this guns blazing without having to rely on stealth and then reload after you get the Trophy/Achievement.

From your starting location head up the stairs and then climb the ladder immediately to your left and follow the walkway around to the right before finding another ladder to your left again. Climb this ladder and enter the nearby door to find the missing Golden Penguin sitting comfortably here. With your newfound friend in your possesion, drop down to the floor providing you have Icarus Landing (be sure to pick up the Golden Penguin after you land). Proceed on with the mission until you reach the ARC territory later in the mission (You don’t need to worry about Otar’s request or any additional objectives as you’ll be reloading after), you’ll know you’re in the right place from the cutscene that triggers (you can loot the keycard for the elevator easily by following the nearby Police Officer on his phone and knock him out near the toilet).

After the cutscene ends you will notice that there are three guards in your immediate vicinity so save your game (on the file you created at the start of this, not your master save file) and put the Golden Penguin down on the floor. Pull out your favourite gun and get to work on the enemies here. When they’re eliminated, follow the path straight forward and head down the stairs before taking a left into the door and through the vent in the wall at the end (you’ll need the “Punch Through Wall” augment for this). Head through here and then drop down onto the floor and quickly turn the breaker off to avoid electrocuting yourself and toss over the Golden Pengun to the floor above. Climb up yourself and finally place the Golden Penguin into the box on his red chair to obtain this Trophy/Achievement and a Praxis kit from a nearby hidden compartment.

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Between Technology and the Divine

Complete & win the debate with Talos Rucker.

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Towards the end of Mission 7 you will enter into a social debate with Talos Rucker and in order to obtain this Trophy/Achievement you must win this (and get the eBook in this room after the debate). The choices you’ll want to select here are “Turn Tables”, “Patronise”, “Justify” and finally “Turn Tables” once more.

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So Many Cucumbers

Deus Ex is All About Cucumbers...

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Following your debate with Talos Rucker in Mission 7, the area will be on high alert. Make a save first and then proceed into the market where you’ll see lots of fruit and veg. During this section, take cover behind some of the cucumbers (yes, really) and hopefully one of the stray bullets will hit one.

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The Net is Vast and Infinite

Using Jim's keycard, you infiltrated the NSN and viewed a recording without triggering any alarms.

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In Mission 9: Checking Out the Men in Charge, you will be tasked with entering the NSN and finding out information on Miller. Make sure you complete this section without triggering any of the alarms here to recieve the Trophy/Achievement.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Square Enix
  • Platforms,
    Linux, Mac, PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    29 September 2016
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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Two years after the events of “The Aug Incident” in Human Revolution, in the year 2029, Adam Jensen is faced with the full weight of his decisions. After augmented people were forced to violently strike those around them due to a hijacking incident, Jensen feels like he failed. In the aftermath of strong public opposition against augmented humans, the world has become divided and “augs” are forcibly separated from all those who aren’t. Jenson is once again thrown into a tumultuous situation and desperately tries to rectify past mistakes.

Version 1.1:

  • Full coverage of the main campaign.
  • All side missions and collectibles covered.
  • Vital combat mechanics and stealth/evasion tips.
  • Master your hacking skills.
  • Trophy/achievement road map and guide.
  • HD screenshots from your friends at Gamer Guides!
  • Full eBook locations mini-guide.
  • “I Never Asked For This” achievement difficulty information.
  • Breach Mode details and achievement information.

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