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When the cutscene is over, the chapter begins with you standing on a cliff. There’s a photo opportunity as soon as you start, too, so make sure to take it. You need to head back to the car on the cliffs below you on the other side, so head left from where you are to follow Nadine across a tree-bridge.

(1 of 2) Grab the photo right at the start

Grab the photo right at the start (left), Make your way down to the car (right)

Nadine gets across safely, but when you try to do the same, the bridge collapses. Don’t worry, you’re safe! It just means you have to find another way across now.

Head right from the rock platform you’re standing on and slide down the muddy slope. Across the way is a tree in the cliff-face, and if you stand at the ledge you’ll be prompted to throw a rope. There are many of these opportunities throughout the game to help you traverse the environment.

(1 of 2) Use L1 to use the grapple hook

Use L1 to use the grapple hook (left), and jump from the ledge to swing across (right)

Using L1, throw the rope to fix the grapple to the branch jutting out. Now jump from the ledge – you won’t make it right away, so while you’re hanging, hold down L1 and use the left analogue stick to climb up the rope until you are level with the wall. Now move left and right to do a wall-run. It’s safe to jump from the rope when you see Chloe reach out her hand towards the ledge.

(1 of 2) Climb the rope while hanging using L1 and the left analogue stick on the controller

Climb the rope while hanging using L1 and the left analogue stick on the controller (left), Use R2 to drive the car (right)

Climb around the handholds and hoist yourself up to where Nadine is waiting for you. It’s time to jump in the car and enjoy the incredible sights as you drive through the jungle.

Go straight over the muddy slope in front of you and follow the river upstream. You’ll eventually come to a hill that appears as though you can’t go any further – but you can, and right into a flock of flamingo’s, too!

From here, stick to the left to find the path behind a waterfall, and follow the cave through to the other side. Keep driving forward, going down another muddy slope, where you’ll immediately come to a Hoysala ruin with a pair of doors. Either side of the doors are two statues: one of Ganesh, and one of Shiva.

(1 of 2) The Hoysala ruins

The Hoysala ruins (left), Chloe and Nadine inspect the gate (right)

Park the car in front of the doors and hop out. When you approach the doors, you’ll activate a cutscene.

The doors are barricaded, so you need to pull them down with the winch on the front of the car. As soon as you attach it to the doors, you’ll be ambushed by some of Asav’s men. Take them out, pick up any ammunition and grenades, and jump back in the car. Hold down L1 to reverse until the doors collapse, then drive on through.

(1 of 2) Attach the winch to objects that can be pulled down

Attach the winch to objects that can be pulled down (left), Cross the stone bridge (right)

Once again, follow the river left – you’ll come to a small area marked by two trees and a stone bridge. Go across the bridge and through the tunnel. There’s a bigger mud-slope this time, but there are some stone panels that can help to prevent you from sliding back down to the bottom. Use them to reach the top and follow the trail to another cutscene.

(1 of 2) Approach the next area to activate a cutscene

Approach the next area to activate a cutscene (left), Take out the enemies in the area to reach the next gate (right)

This next area is full of Asav’s men – you need to go through them to reach the next gate. They’re patrolling on every level from the water on the ground, to the ruins on the upper platforms.

It’s up to you how to proceed, as long as no man is left standing. You can use all the ledges and ruins to your advantage, as well as the long grass for cover. Nadine will help, too, of course. Once all the men have been cleared, head over to the giant ruin in the distance and find a way to open the gate.

(1 of 2) Head to the large ruins

Head to the large ruins (left), and open the gate with the wheel machanism (right)

Although deceiving at first, the gate does have handholds that you can climb. There is a wheel mechanism at the top – repeatedly press triangle to spin it and open the gate. Nadine will drive through in the car, and a smaller door will open up next to you. Go through, jump on to the décor, and make your way down to drop into the car beneath you.

Drive over the incline to end the chapter.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    8 May 2018
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Jemma Hough

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Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is an action-adventure game developed by Naughty Dog. In this spin-off expansion to the popular franchise, you’ll play as the sassy fortune hunter, Chloe Frazer, as she seeks the legendary Tusk of Ganesh in India during a civil war. Pursued by an insurgent leader, and joined by her allies, the quest to recover the Tusk soon becomes a perilous mission to save all of India.

In this guide you will find:

  • A complete story walkthrough
  • A guide for the optional ‘Mystery Ruin’ side quest
  • A complete Treasure Hunting Guide covering the locations of all 68 treasures
  • A complete Photo Locations Guide covering all optional photo opportunities
  • A complete Optional Conversations Guide
  • A complete Lockbox Locations Guide
  • Full Trophy list

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