Chapter 8 | . |
Lockboxes | 5 |
All five lockboxes in this chapter are in the same area, and are orange, so you shouldn’t be able to miss them. We’re going to take you to them in a clockwise direction, but you can go the other way if you wish.
From the starting point, drop down to your left (or sneak across the top of the train carriage in front of you), making sure to avoid the rebels that are patrolling – or even take them out while in stealth if you get the opportunity.
The first box is inside the building in front of you, so make your way towards the back to open lockbox #17.
(1 of 2) Drop down to the left from the starting point
Drop down to the left from the starting point (left), Make your way into the building for the lockbox (right)
From here, continue forward, sticking to the left side. You can jump on to a platform with some long grass to help keep you hidden.
Drop off the platform to find lockbox #18 against the wall at the back of the area.
(1 of 2) Continue towards the back of the area
Continue towards the back of the area (left), Open the lockbox against the wall (right)
Now turn right and head between two tankers. Then head left at the gap to find a large container hiding lockbox #19 inside.
Head right from the last lockbox between two tankers, then cut off to the left to find it inside a container
Leave the container through the left side and go backwards, turning right at the next container. Vault up the platform to find lockbox #20 sitting against the wall.
Go backwards from the last container to find the lockbox on your right
Then, from here, look for the truck on your right. Lockbox #21, the last box of the game, is sitting in the back of the truck.
(1 of 2) The last lockbox is in the back
The last lockbox is in the back (left), Turn around to find the truck parked up behind you (right)
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