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Tower of Fantasy

03 - Astrum Gone

Seren Morgan-Roberts
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This page offers a guide on how to complete Chapter 2-03 "Astrum" iconAstrum Gone in Tower of Fantasy.

Investigate the suspect’s residence

Your first task after leaving Banges Tech HQ is to head back down to Banges Port and investigate the suspicious man’s house. He lives under the sloped road near the harbor.

Head over to the house underneath the road.

Oncer you’re inside, investigate his computer, then return to Franz who can be found up the road. After speaking with Franz and Hilda, you’ll be asked to search possible Heirs of Aida Strongholds.

Search Heirs of Aida Stronghold α

To get to the first Stronghold, you’ll need to follow the main road out of Banges - consider taking the Falcon motorcycle for a scenic ride! When you arrive, you’ll be greeted by a whole load of level 19 Aidan enemies.

Try to avoid going in guns ablazing as you’ll be able to better manage the smaller groups of enemies, whereas if you run straight into the camp you’ll have to fight loads at once.

(1 of 2) First clear out some of the enemies

First clear out some of the enemies (left), then interact with the pc inside the tent. (right)

And remember, if your health is getting a bit low, disengage a bit and grab a quick snack!

Once you’ve cleared out the area in front of the tent (you don’t have to have defeated every single enemy in the vicinity), head into the tent and interact with the computer to get clues about the Astrum.

Search Heirs of Aida Stronghold β

The astrum’s been moved, so your next search point is Heirs of Aida Stronghold β. To get there, head up the wooden path opposite the first stronghold. There are a few more Aidan enemies once you reach the top of the cliff, but again, try not to draw too many of them at once. We recommend taking out the first handful but then running up the hill to the right, avoiding the other enemies, and heading towards the tent.

There are a couple of enemies near the tent, but if you bring them to the cliff behind the tent, you can push them off using melee attacks. Alternatively, you could just have a good old fashioned fight with them, but where’s the fun in that?!

However you decide to deal with the enemies, once they’re gone, head into the tent and interact with the computer.

(1 of 2) Take some of the enemies to near the cliff and push them off to save yourself a battle

Take some of the enemies to near the cliff and push them off to save yourself a battle (left), then interact with the pc in the tent. (right)

Search Heirs of Aida Stronghold γ

The astrum isn’t at the second stronghold either! You’ll need to go to Heirs of Aida Stronghold γ. The third stronghold is found just through the arch to the northeast. Once again, you’ll need to defeat the enemies around the stronghold before heading into the tent to find the computer.

Check the third pc to find the Astrum’s location.

Head to the Black Market

Next up on your travels is the Black Market, which can be found up the hill from Heirs of Aida Stronghold γ. When you arrive, you’ll need to speak to Franz. After speaking with Franz, speak with Hopkins, the Black Market merchant.

It doesn’t really matter which options you choose as the outcome will be the same. He’ll give you the Astrum that Kolador gave him if you perform some tasks for him.

The first of which is to head to an ore vein and dig for x5 refined Banges Ore. The ore vein in question can be found around 200m up the hill from the Black Market. Once you’ve followed the path up the hill, take a left and drop down onto a lower level to find the ore. Smack the ore veins with your weapon to obtain the refined Banges Ore.

Grab the ore for Hopkins.

After collecting it, return to Hopkins and hand over the ore. He’s not ready to give up the Astrum yet though apparently. Next, you’ll need to deliver some cargo for him. Head up the hill towards the Banges Omnium Tower and locate the small boy sitting at the base. Speak with him to deliver the cargo then return once again to Hopkins.

Deliver the cargo to the Mysterious Kid.

You still have more to do before you get the Astrum though! You’ll need to reach the top of the cliff above and retrieve Hopkins’ ledger. To get there head southwest and then up the wooden path to the top of the cliff. You’ll find the ledger nearby. Finally, return again to Hopkins and he’ll translate the ledger and give you the coordinates to the location of the astrum.

This concludes Chapter 2-03 Astrum Gone.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Perfect World
  • Platforms,
    Android, iOS, PC
  • Guide Release
    9 August 2022
  • Last Updated
    23 January 2023
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Craig Robinson

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