Mine 1 - Northeast of the hidden tomb entrance, near a GPS Cache.
Mine 2 - In the water to the south of the camp, easily destroyed from the beach.
Mine 3 - On the beach to the south of the camp, near the previous mine.
Mine 4 - In the ocean, before taking the zipline to the galleon.
Mine 5 - In the ocean, before you swing across the pole to the galleon.
Mine 6 - At the base of the shipwreck, on the way to the Endurance.
Mine 7 - Near the same wreckage as the previous mine, but from the other side.
Mine 8 - On the second beach, near the tower, on the way to the Endurance.
Mine 9 - To the south of the second beach, on the way to the Endurance.
Mine 10 - In the far southeast corner of the map, on the way to the Endurance.
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