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The Outer Worlds

Vulcan's Hammer

Nathan Garvin
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Quest Information .
Location: Terra 2 - Roseway
How to Start: Talk to Orson Shaw

(1 of 2) Talk to Orson Shaw, who will ask you to recover a weapon schematic from a storage facility.

Talk to Orson Shaw, who will ask you to recover a weapon schematic from a storage facility. (left), The wilderness between Roseway and the storage facility is quite treacherous, not in the least because of well-hidden mines. (right)

During the quest Passage to Anywhere, talk to Gladys on Groundbreaker to start the quest The Distress Signal, which will allow you to access the Rosewater location on Terra 2. Land there, then make your way to the town of Rosewater and talk to Orson Shaw to start this quest. Seems he misplaced a schematic in Auntie Cleo’s Storage Facility, and would feel better if he had it back.

To satisfy Orson you’ll need to head to a storage facility southeast of Roseway, and there’s a good stretch of wilderness - full of raptidons and marauders - in your way. While you can probably sneak past most of them, the Roseway area is small enough that fights can easily lure previously-bypassed enemies to you, so you might be better off picking off groups of enemies on your way. Be especially wary of a group of marauders west of the storage facility - not because they’re terribly dangerous, but they’ve put plenty of mines around, often next to mushrooms, giving the mines excellent cover.

There’s also a group of marauders east of the storage facility, but they can be safely avoided, as you can easily sneak to the door on the northern end of the building without alerting them. If you do fight them, be wary of their numbers - there’s likely three marauders, three canids and a Scrap Mechanical wandering around here. With a bit of sniping and using the building as cover, we didn’t have much of a problem. Crush your enemies and you’ll also have access to another door along the eastern edge of the storage facility.

(1 of 2) Sneak through the storage facility

Sneak through the storage facility (left), or blast your way through the marauders who stand in your way. (right)

Enter via the northern or eastern doors, with the latter being preferable, as it’s much easier to sneak to your objective from there. If you go through the northern door you’ll need to sneak your way east through a doorway, then south through a room occupied by a marauder and through a larger doorway to the southwest, and finally south through another large door, skirting through the corner of a marauder-filled warehouse room. Do this and you’ll find yourself in the room where you’d have entered if you went in through the eastern door. It’s definitely more work, but then again to get to the north door you’ll likely have to scrap with a group of marauders anyways, so… pick your poison. Or just kill them all, at worst you’ll probably only have to fight four marauders at a time, with plenty of doors to use as cover and/or bottlenecks.

However you go about it, when you reach the room the eastern entrance leads to (the northwestern-most room of the building) make your way east through a doorway to reach… a kitchen? whatever it is, go through a locked door to the west [Lockpick 45] and search a shelf in the middle of the room to find an Acid Steeper near the floor, a component you need for the quest The Cleaning Machine. You can also use a terminal to read about the FORCE Phlogisynchotron Pistol, but you’re close enough to the actual thing to take the shine off any documentation.

(1 of 3) Search the storage facility to find an Acid Sweeper on a shelf.

Speaking of which, go through a doorway to the south, then head down some stairs and scrap a pair of automechanicals. Once cleared, search above the table in the center of the room to find the FORCE Pistol Schematics, which are what you came here to get. Sneak out of storage facility, or finish scouring the looting the place. Either way, it’s time to decide what to do with these schematics.

Orson Shaw will be all too happy to receive his schematics back, of course, and aside from pulling his leg with an inconsequential [Lie 30] check you can also extort him for more Bits via an [Intimidate 45] or a [Persuade 45] check. Extorting him will decrease your reputation with Auntie Cleo, and only score you a paltry 100 Bits, and you’ll further damage your reputation if you then keep the schematics, although you’ll be able to buy the unfinished weapon Ultimatum off of Orson for a mere 100 Bits. Given the power the unfinished weapon has, it’s probably not worth anything, really.

Whether you extort Orson or not, if you at any point do hand the schematics over you’ll allow Orson to quickly finish this little project of his, for which you’ll gain 1,875 Bits, some Auntie Cleo reputation, and the rather unimpressive Ultimatum weapon. Still, after some tinkering by Orson the weapon is much more powerful than it would have been if you extorted Orson and bought it off of him, and he’ll promise you future returns if R&D picks up the project. Something to look forward to.

(1 of 2) Give the schematics back to Orson

Give the schematics back to Orson (left), or sell them to Gladys. (right)

On the other hand you can turn the schematics in to Gladys for a cool 1,875 Bits, and you can squeeze and extra 500 Bits out of her if you can pass an outlandish [Intimidate 100] or [Persuade 100] check… which perhaps isn’t too crazy if you boosted your dialog skills to 50~ each and got Inspiration to 60 for the skill unlock, and you have two companions with you that boost Persuade or intimidate… but that’s a very, very specific series of “ifs” there. Oh well, collect whatever you can from Gladys, either way it goes a good way towards purchasing that Stellar Bay Navkey you’ll need as part of the quest Passage to Anywhere.

So, the difference between selling the schematics to Gladys or giving them to Orson is functionally nil, although you can extort 100 Bits from Orson and 500 Bits from Gladys, albeit with a much higher skill check required in the latter case. On the other hand, if you just give the schematics to Orson you’ll gain Auntie Cleo reputation, for what that’s worth.

(1 of 2) If you didn’t alienate Orson Shaw, he’ll call you back to Roseway later and give you the Ulti-Nature

If you didn’t alienate Orson Shaw, he’ll call you back to Roseway later and give you the Ulti-Nature (left), a handgun that fire corrosive, ricocheting rounds. (right)

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Private Division
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    24 October 2019
  • Last Updated
    28 May 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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Lost in transit while on a colonist ship bound for the furthest edge of the galaxy, you awake decades later than you expected only to find yourself in the midst of a deep conspiracy threatening to destroy the Halcyon colony.

As you explore the furthest reaches of space and encounter a host of factions all vying for power, who you decide to become will determine the fate of everyone in Halcyon. In the corporate equation for the colony, you are the unplanned variable.

Inside this comprehensive strategy guide for the latest RPG from Obsidian Entertainment you will find:

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