Tingle Tingle Kooloo-Limpah!¶
A map of the area is always handy to have.
Watch out for the White Wolfos as you cross the bridges over to Tingle. Shoot him down and purchase a Map of Snowhead (20 Rupees) if you didn’t earlier.
The Lens of Truth¶
Head to the far east side of the Goron Village to meet our owl friend, Kaepora Gaebora . He will fly off leaving feathers on invisible platforms. Leap from feather to feather and enter the cave at the far end.
Open the large chest to find the Lens of Truth , equip it immediately. Bomb all of the boulders and use the Lens of Truth to see an Skulltula and two chests, they contain a Red Rupee and Purple Rupee.
The Goron Mask¶
Use the Lens of Truth to see the platforms and make it back to the otherside. Here you will find the ghost of a dead Gorgon. Follow him using the Lens of Truth to see and head back to the Mountain Village.
Cross the stream using the platforms and climb the wall, taking the ladder right, left, right to reach the top. Head into the cave to meet Darmani and listen to how he died.
He wants to be healed, so play the Song of Healing . A scene plays and Link receives the Goron Mask !
It’s easy to miss the hot spring under the grave.
Read the gravestone to learn the moves for the Goron Form then stand behind the gravestone and pull it back to turn the area into a hot spring.
Grab this hot water and leave the cave, exit east, and dump the water on the ice block near the White Wolfos. Here you’ll find another hot spring with Deku Babas and boulders, blow them up to reveal a chest with a Red Rupee inside.
Return to Goron Village and drop down the lower layer. Use a Ground Pound to open the door and reach the Goron Shrine.
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