Phase 1: Land¶
To find Gyorg more easily, you can run around in a tight circle around the centre.
This phase is pretty simple, you’re on the middle platform and Gyorg is swimming around the edge. When Gyorg rises to the surface shoot it with Arrows . Do this a few times and the eyeball will be released as Gyorg is stunned.
Strike the eye three times with arrows and repeat the process. Occasionally, Gyorg will flop onto the platform and attempt to ram into you. This attack is easy to dodge by just jumping into the water momentarily, otherwise you’ll want to stay out of the water.
Use the pots to replenish your Arrows and keep damaging Gyorg until he rams the middle platform making it disappear.
Phase 2: Water¶
This phase is very different compared to the N64 original.
There are Spike Mines in the water and no where for you to get on land so you must defeat Gyorg in his territory now. Small schools of fish will be released to attack you, defeat them with Eletric Barrier and collect the Recovery Hearts that they’ll give.
Gyorg will swim around and periodically stop somewhat near a Spike Mine. At this time you need to swim near Gyorg and break the chain holding the Spike Mine so that when Gyorg tries to suck you in you may swim against the current and Gyorg eats the Spike Mine.
This sequence will stun Gyorg and the eyeball will be available for damaging. Use Electric Barrier to deal the most reliable damage and repeat this cycle twice more to claim victory.
Collect the Heart Piece and Gyorg’s Remains for another scene.
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