Making Your Own Song¶
Note that the Scarecrow’s Song is reset each time you travel back to the first day.
Since you have everything you need to reach the Great Bay Temple , you should take some time to collect a few additional items.
Play the Song of Time to start a new cycle then head to the Astral Observatory or the Trading Post in West Clock Town to find Pierre the Scarecrow.
Stand infront of him and pull out the Ocarina of Time. Play a simple song, such as YXAYXAYX that’s easy to remember to learn the Scarecrow’s Song .
Piece of Heart #27¶
Head to Termina Field and break the boulder near the entrance to Great Bay Coast. Drop into the hole then shoot down the beehives, one of which release the Piece of Heart . Put on the Zora Mask, defeat the Bio Deku Babs, and collect your reward.
Piece of Heart #28¶
Soar over to Snowhead then go back one screen. Use the Goron Mask and leap over the first gap using the ramp but stop at this point. Use the Lens of Truth to see an invisible pathway leading out to a lone platform in the distance.
Go as far as you can then play the Scarecrow’s Song to summon Pierre. Hookshot onto him and collect the Piece of Heart .
Piece of Heart #29¶
Before you can collect this piece you’ll need a Magic Bean , so head to Southern Swamp. Put on the Deku Mask and speak with the Business Scrub to purchase one for 10 Rupees then soar to Great Bay Coast.
Swim to the northern portion and head to the land to the east. Look up the wall to spot a target, Hookshot up to it and then across to the other two.
Plant the Magic Bean and play the Song of Storms to make the plant grow. Ride it up to the next platform then play the Scarecrow’s Song to summon Pierre. Hookshot to him and collect the Piece of Heart.
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