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All-Night Mask

To get it, on the First Night at 12am, you have to stop Sakon the Thief from stealing the Bomb Bags from the Old Lady. Then, on the Final Night at 10pm, you can purchase the All-Night Mask at the Curiosity Shop for 500 Rupees. This of course means you need the Giant’s Wallet.

This mask has one use only: to listen to Anju’s Grandmother’s stories, which normally make you fall asleep. Listen to the first story (Carnival of Time) and choose all the top answers to receive a Piece of Heart. Listen to the second story (Four Giants) and choose “I dunno” to receive another Piece of Heart.

Blast Mask

Shortly after 12am, Sakon the Thief will appear and will rob the Old Lady in North Clock Town. Sakon will then run around North Clock Town for a few moments. Run over and slash at him to get the Bomb Bag back. The Old Lady will thank and reward you with the Blast Mask.

You can use the Blast Mask as an alternative to using Bombs. Be sure to hold your shield out when detonating the Blast Mask to prevent yourself from taking any damage.

Bremen Mask

To get it, go to the Laundry Pool in Clock Town during the First or Second Night and talk to Guru-Guru who is practicing there by himself. He will talk about the past and give you the mask he stole because he doesn’t need it anymore.

Wear this and press B to parade small animals around.

You can use it at the Cucco Shack at Romani Ranch to make all the ten baby chicks grow up instantaneously one by one. Grog will reward you with the Bunny Hood.

Bunny Hood

Romani Ranch becomes accessible on the Third Day. However, if you have a Powder Keg, you can blast away the rock that is blocking the pathway, allowing you to enter on the First or Second Day. To get the mask, go to the Cucco Shack at the back of Romani Ranch and use the Bremen Mask to parade the ten baby chicks around. If you get all of them, they will one by one grow up to full blown Cuccos. Once they are all finished, you will receive your prize.

Wear this to run twice as fast, thus, jump twice as far! This is extremely useful.

Also, wear this while playing the Postman’s Timing Game to see the timer for the full 10 seconds, making it easier to get a Piece of Heart.

Captains Hat

After getting Epona, you can enter the Ikana Valley and reach the Ikana Graveyard. Next to Dampe’s House, there is a giant skeleton. Play the Sonata of Awakening to awaken Captain Keeta. Shoot him with an arrow to stop him in his tracks and chase after him to battle with him. Once he is defeated, run up the trail and speak with him.

He will then grant you the contents of the chest behind him. After he disappears, jump to the other side using the Bunny Hood, the Zora Mask, or get as close as you can and Hookshot to the chest. Open it for your prize, the Captain’s Hat.

Wear this to speak with and command the warriors of Ikana, including the Stalchildren. You can also use this mask in rooms where there are ReDeads and they will start to dance around, making them very easy to defeat.

Couples Mask

The Couple’s Mask is the final item to collect during the Anju and Kafei Quest . You can complete the quest as soon as you have acquired the Hookshot and Garo’s Mask. At the end of the quest, you can meet with Kafei at Ikana Canyon where you will find Sakon the Thief at 6pm on the Final Day. After completing the mini-dungeon, Kafei will obtain the Sun’s Mask. Upon returning to the Stock Pot Inn with 1 hour and 30 minutes remaining, Kafei will reunite with Anju, merging the Sun and Moon Mask into the Couple’s Mask. See the Anju and Kafei Quest for more details.

Wear this and talk to the people arguing in the Mayor’s Office to make them stop. Afterwards, talk to the Mayor by himself to receive a Piece of Heart.

Don Geros Mask

After the Elder’s Son has been put to sleep, the torches in the room will light up. Use a Deku Stick to light up all the remaining torches found within the Goron Shrine. This will cause the chandelier at the top of the Shrine to start spinning. While wearing the Goron Mask, roll off the ledge while at full speed and break one of the pots on the chandelier. One of the pots will drop some tasty Rock Sirloin. Grab the Rock Sirloin and walk it all the way back to Mountain Village. Toss the Sirloin up to the shivering Goron atop the ledge. He will eat it and have the strength to get home. As thanks, he will give you the frog-like mask he is wearing.

After Goht is defeated, the whole Snowhead area will begin turning back to normal. In the lake in Mountain Village, there are some lily pads and a lone Frog. We have to find the other four frogs and bring them here by talking to them with the Don Gero’s Mask on. When that is done, return here and talk to them using the mask to receive a Piece of Heart.

  • #1 The first one is already in the lake in Mountain Village in spring (when the Snowhead Temple boss is defeated).
  • #2 Waiting in the Laundry Pool of Clock Town.
  • #3 On a log in Southern Swamp when you’re heading towards the Deku Palace in the non-poison water.
  • #4 Defeat Gekko in the Woodfall Temple.
  • #5 Defeat Gekko in the Great Bay Temple.
    To get it, you must light the torches in the Goron Shrine after you put the Elder’s Son to sleep with the Goron Lullaby. After you have lit them all, the chandelier above will begin to spin. Next, use the Goron Mask to roll into each of the five jars that make up the chandelier until you break the one with the Rock Sirloin inside.

Garos Mask

Play Epona’s Song and ride Epona to the Gorman Track. Speak with the Gorman Brothers and they’ll challenge you to a race. Beat the two brothers and you will be rewarded with the Garo’s Mask.

This mask, along with the Hookshot, allows you to reach the southern portion of Ikana Canyon. In certain areas around Ikana, it will also cause Garos to appear. Defeat them in duels to get hints.

Giants Mask

You acquire the mask midway through the boss battle with Twinmold, after defeating the first of the two Twinmolds. Wear this mask and you become gigantic! It costs Magic to wear though, and can only be used in the desert area in which you battle Twinmold.

Gibdo Mask

To get it, you have to fix the river in Ikana Canyon. Go to the cave on the higher ledge of Ikana Canyon where you will meet up with Sharp. Play the Song of Storms to cause the river to fill up. This will start up the Music Box House, causing the Gibdos to disappear.

Pamela lives inside the house and will come outside if a noise is triggered. Stand on the side of the house and use a Bomb or the Blast Mask to create a noise. Running around to the front door and enter before Pamela can make it back. Run downstairs and Pamela’s Father will pop out of the wardrobe. Play the Song of Healing to return things to normal and receive the Gibdo Mask.

You look scary with this mask, even Gibdos think you’re one of them! This will allow you to speak with Gibdos while Beneath the Well.

Great Fairys Mask

To get it, grab the Stray Fairy at either the Laundry Pool (day) or East Clock Town (night) and bring it to the Fairy Fountain in North Clock Town in your normal form.

This mask will float and shimmer when there is a Stray Fairy in the room. It will also make those Stray Fairies fly towards you unless they are trapped.

This mask is required to collect all the Stray Fairies in the various Temples.

Kafeis Mask

To get it, go to the Mayor’s Residence on the First or Second Day and enter the room on the right. Talk to Madame Aroma and accept her request to find her missing son, Kafei.

Wear this mask to ask people about Kafei. It is only used a couple times in the Anju and Kafei Quest. See that section for more information.

Kamaros Mask

To get it, exit Clock Town to the north. Walk towards the northwest portion of Termina Field and you’ll see a series of mushroom-shaped rocks. One of the large ones has a half naked man dancing on top of it. Jump over to him and play the Song of Healing to get the mask.

Wear this and press B to dance.

If you go to West Clock Town during the First or Second Night, you’ll find the Rosa Sisters practicing. Dance for them with the Kamaro’s Mask to get a Piece of Heart.

Keaton Mask

You get it during the Anju and Kafei Quest from the Man from Curiosity Shop after first performing many of the prior required events. There are circles of bushes that will come to life when you attack one of them. They are located in North Clock Town, Milk Road, and Mountain Village (in spring). The easiest of which is in North Clock Town. Attack one, and after the bushes have disappeared, Keaton will appear, who will ask you five questions.

Mask of Scents

Capture the Deku Princess inside an Empty Bottle and take her to the Deku King. As thanks for rescuing the Princess, you will now be able to play a mini-game with the Deku Butler. Exit the Deku Palace and hope across the lily pads that are to the west of the Palace. Inside, speak with the Butler to start a race. If you can reach the end, you will be rewarded with the Mask of Scents.

This mask allows you to see hidden mushrooms in the Mysterious Woods next to the Magic Hags’ Potion Shop, right next to where Koume got beat up by Skull Kid.

Bring them back to Kotake and she’ll know how to make Blue Potions and the first one is free! You can also use it in other random areas, including the Bathroom of the Stock Pot Inn.

Mask of Truth

To get this mask, you have to kill all 30 of the Skulltulas in the Spider House in Southern Swamp. In order to complete the Spider House, you will need a Magic Bean, an Empty Bottle, and the Sonata of Awakening. You can technically complete this before going to the Woodfall Temple.

This mask allows you to read the minds of small animals (by picking them up), as well as giving you the ability to talk to Gossip Stones.

Postmans Hat

After acquiring the Letter to Mama during the Anju and Kafei Quest , head to the Post Office after 6:00 pm on the Final Day. Give the Postman the Letter to Mama, and he will express deliver it Madame Aroma at the Milk Bar. After coming out of the Milk Bar, he will stop, right near the exit of East Clock Town. Speak with him and he’ll give you the Postman’s Hat before fleeing.

This mask allows you to get Rupees out of the Mailboxes around Clock Town. The first time you check the Mailbox in East Clock Town near the exit, you will get a Piece of Heart.

Romanis Mask

On the First Night, speak with Romani and come back at 2:00 am on the First Night to fend off “Them”. After saving Romani Ranch from “Them”, you can hitch a ride with Cremia at 6:00 pm on the Second Night, heading to Clock Town.

Along the way, you’ll have to take a detour and defend the cart against thieves (the Gorman Brothers in disguise). Upon successfully making it to Clock Town, Cremia will thank you by giving you the Romani’s Mask

Wear this to get into and purchase milk at the Latte Milk Bar in Clock Town.

Stone Mask

Shiro the soldier can be found within the Pirates’ Fortress in the massive outdoor room where the Gerudo are patrolling back and forth. He is located near the ladder that leads to the central watch tower. Use the Lens of Truth and give him some Red Potion to acquire the Stone Mask.

Where this mask to be ignored by guards that would normally throw you out, such as those in the Deku Palace and the Pirates’ Fortress. It also allows you to be ignored by many of the various enemies in the game.

Troupe Leaders Mask

Enter the Latte Milk Bar using Romani’s Mask on the First or Second Night. Stand on the stage and play each part of the song for Toto, the band leader of the Indigo-Go’s. You can play one part with Link, one with Deku Link, one with Goron Link, or Zora Link. After all four have been played, Gorman will cry and give you this mask in thanks.

This mask can be used during a side quest to acquire an Empty Bottle.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    12 February 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Greg Boccia

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After saving the land of Hyrule, Link–the Hero of Time–travels in search of his missing friend. Following an untimely sequence of events, Link ends up in Termina, a curious land doomed to a catastrophic fate. In just three days, the moon will come crashing down from the sky, annihilating everything in its path. It’s certainly no easy job being the Hero of Time, but fortunately help is at hand.

Inside this guide you will find:

  • All the necessary steps to complete the game and save the world (again).
  • Guidance to complete the numerous sidequests and side activities.
  • Locations of all the masks, Pieces of Hearts, Bottles and other key items.
  • Hundreds of high-quality and informative screenshots.

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