Map Room¶
While still in the Map Room, shoot the pots across from the chest to release Stray Fairy #6 , use the Great Fairy’s Mask to collect it.
Now sink to the bottom of the water and defeat the Dexihands with Double Cutters or swim through with Electric Barrier – take the green path with the red pipe .
Bio Deku Baba Room¶
The underwater Bio Deku Babas can be displaced with your Electric Barrier attack.
Defeat the Bio Deku Babas in this room, there are several underwater already and the last one is on a ledge. Open the chest that spawns to find Stray Fairy #7 . Exit this room via the door at the north end.
Compass Room¶
To start, shoot the Real Bombchu with an arrow to make it explode. Now use the Hookshot/Double cutters to defeat the Bio Deku Babas and the Dexihand at the bottom of the water. Hop into the water and open the chest at for Small Key #1 .
Climb back up and use the lily pads to reach the chest on the ledge for the Compass . Hop down the main platform and look into the water to spot two Dexihands and a jar. Shoot the jar to release Stray Fairy #8 , collect it with the Great Fairy’s Mask, then hop into the water.
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