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Pokémon: Black & White 2

Route 16

Vincent Lau
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Wild Pokemon

Name Type Location Encounter Rate
"Liepard" IconLiepard Dark Grass/Dark Grass 20%
"Trubbish" IconTrubbish Poison Grass/Dark Grass 20%
"Minccino" IconMinccino Normal Grass/Dark Grass 30%
"Gothita" IconGothita (B2) Psychic Grass/Dark Grass 30%
"Solosis" IconSolosis (W2) Psychic Grass/Dark Grass 30%
"Audino" IconAudino Normal Shaking Grass 85%
"Cinccino" IconCinccino Normal Shaking Grass 5%
"Emolga" IconEmolga Electric/Flying Shaking Grass 10%
"Pineco" IconPineco Bug Swarm ???

There are a few trainers to battle here. Run over to the first trainer, a Depot Agent dressed in green.

Trainer Battle: Depot Agent

Pokemon Level Type
"Drilbur" IconDrilbur 25 Ground

Now follow the path south. You’ll come upon a cyclist cycling around and around along a stretch of path. Move into his sight to start a battle.

Trainer Battle: Cyclist

Pokemon Level Type
"Tranquill" IconTranquill 25 Normal/Flying

Before heading into the tall grass north of the road, let’s follow it and defeat the trainers there first. Continue right, down the road. You’ll come upon two guys who’re itchin’ for a Double Battle. Move in front of them and the battle will begin.

Double Battle: Backers

Pokemon Level Type
"Scraggy" IconScraggy 24 Dark/Fighting
"Scraggy" IconScraggy 24 Dark/Fighting

Continue along the path until you reach the next Cyclist. Battle her.

Trainer Battle: Cyclist

Pokemon Level Type
"Whirlipede" IconWhirlipede 25 Bug/Poison

Continue along the path and enter the gate to Marvelous Bridge. Sadly you can’t go through until you’ve beaten the Champion. But you can talk to the man next to the Vending Machine for a free Fresh Water .

Return to Route 16. Run back to the large boulder next to the Backers. If you haven’t taught Strength to a Pokemon, it’d be a good idea to do it now (It’s HM04 in your backpack). Teaching it to a Normal-type is a very good idea as they’ll do 120 base damage whenever they use it in battle.

Use Strength on the boulder, then push it into the hole. Now you can move through the Dark Grass area! Move in and follow the path along until you come upon the female Backpacker. Talk to her for yet another battle.

Trainer Battle: Backpacker

Pokemon Level Type
"Liepard" IconLiepard 25 Dark

Payback is best used by slow Pokemon. Ideally one that take a few hits!

To the right of the Backpacker is a small gap behind the fence. Walk into the gap and follow it to the item. It’s TM66 - Payback ! How cool! Move back to the Backpacker. Turn on your Dowsing MCHN. It will show that there’s a hidden item to the north. Follow it to the gap in the dark grass at the top.

Pick it up to find that it’s a TinyMushroom . That’s all to do in the Dark Grass area, so backtrack to the road. Move left and enter the path there, off the road into the tall grass. Follow it until you reach the Backpacker who’s looking for a battle.

Trainer Battle: Backpacker

Pokemon Level Type
"Watchog" IconWatchog 25 Normal

You should notice a small tree to the left of the trainer. This small tree can be cut by using HM01 - Cut! Mow down the tree, then move down the path that you just opened. Grab the Heal Ball at the end of it. Head back to the trainer and take the path leading north-east.

You’ll see an entrance to another area at the end of the path. This leads to Lostlorn Forest . Enter at your own peril! You may want to heal your Pokemon first though.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pokemon Company International
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    5 October 2012
  • Last Updated
    19 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Daniel Chaviers, Vincent Lau

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Inside this guide you will find:

  • Top tricks for beating all eight Gym Leader
  • Beat the Elite Four and the current Champion with style!
  • How and where to find the Pokemon you want to catch
  • Find and catch all Legendary Pokemon!
  • Post story-mode walkthrough with all hidden areas uncovered
  • Save time by finding the rarest of items for free!
  • Packed full with high-quality screenshots!
  • Tips and info on both Black and White versions
  • Wild Pokémon Encounter rates.
  • Mysterious Nature Preserve.
  • Videos for all the Gym Leader and Elite Four battles, plus legendary Pokemon.
  • Advanced stat building systems - learn how to raise a prize Pokémon

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