This page is a walkthrough for the Grand Theft Auto III Story Mission, Chaperone. It’ll navigate you through the necessary steps to taking Maria to the correct destinations.
Salvatore asks you to drive his wife Maria around.
Previous Mission | Next Mission |
Salvatore’s Called a Meeting | Cutting the Grass |
You’ll acquire $10,000 for completing this mission.
Meet Chico¶
Salvatore would like you to drive around his wife Maria Latore whilst everyone is attending the meeting at Salvatore’s Gentlemen’s Club. After Maria has wrapped up her argument with Salvatore, she’ll ask you to drive her to meet Chico, who is her drug dealer. Take the limo used in the previous mission Salvatore’s Called A Meeting and follow the waypoint southwest of your location to reach the Chinatown Waterfront.
(1 of 4) Drive Maria to the Chinatown Waterfront
Take Maria to the Club¶
Park next to Chico and wait for Maria to complete her business, then when she gets back in the limo, follow another waypoint southeast to reach a club in Atlantic Quays. Wait outside and eventually the police will arrive. Remain calm whilst sitting in the limo and Maria will get back in. From here, you can either go to the Paint “n” Spray to lose the wanted level or you can just ignore them and make your way back to Salvatore’s Gentlemen’s Club and drive into the garage to complete the mission.
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