Mission: Chaperone¶
For information on The Definitive Edition, visit Chaperone
Reward: $15,000
When the mission starts, drive a car over to Luigi’s place in the Red Light District. Get a bit downhill from the club, closer to the Pay ‘N’ Spray, than the Taxi outside. Wait a while for Curly to leave and enter that Taxi.
Afterwards, wait a bit so you can move forward without the Spook-o-Meter rising (which it will if you’re too close to Curly).
We will not follow Curly; we’ll just beat him to his destination. Fly to Portland Harbor by whatever method you prefer (maybe even the Flying Cars cheat… ). Once you’re there, as you go through the main entrance, go to the left, towards the Import/Export Garage, but take the westbound path rather than the one going south.
Eventually, Curly will get there and confirm Salvatore’s suspicions. Make him pay dearly for this – run him over. Be careful, though – he has a Shotgun.
Mission: Bomb Da Base: Act I¶
For information on The Definitive Edition, visit Bomb Da Base: Act I
Reward: Nothing!
This is more of a cutscene notifying you that you’ll need to head to 8-Ball near his Bomb Shop. Do so and listen to him in the cutscene to learn that you will need $100,000 to start the mission due to expenses. You should have enough.
If not; Taxi missions are decent ways to rank up the cash fairly quickly.
Mission: Bomb Da Base: Act II¶
For information on The Definitive Edition, visit Bomb Da Base: Act II
Reward: $150,000
Once you’re ready with the $100,000, head over to 8-Ball’s and we’ll prepare to leave.
Once you gain control, get in a car with 8-Ball and drive down to Portland Harbor. Near the big western ship, you’ll find a blue marker. Park in there and you’ll be told to scout out a vantage point. This is best done from atop the building nearby by climbing the stairs.
At the top, note that 8-Ball will not proceed to move on the ship until you fire one shot. And he won’t be able to defend himself; any experience with a GTA game implies, then, that he’ll be dead within seconds if you don’t finish the guards.
Scout out the ship and plan your shooting route; from left to right, as well, starting from the ramp. Remember, even if you managed to block the ramp, there can be problems because a fail-safe in the game prevents eternal blocking; 8-Ball will eventually teleport past the vehicle.
So quickly go from the ramp up to its top, a bit left for some Colombians there, then go to the right and use your Sniper Rifle to continue shooting the rest of the Colombians. Once you think you’re done, keep an eye on 8-Ball as he runs into the ship’s interior (in case you missed one, which often occurs) to place the bombs.
And so…
You sunk my battleship! shot
Mission: Last Requests¶
For information on The Definitive Edition, visit Last Requests
A simple mission. Once you start, head to the southwest towards Luigi’s club in the Red Light District. On the way there, you’ll be paged with a warning from Maria. Apparently … IT’S A TRAP!
We are to not ignore Maria, despite how doped up she may be at the time. (If you ever played Liberty City Stories, you’ll know exactly what I mean.) The car truly is a deathtrap; a car with an active bomb, just waiting for you to turn the engine on and blow you up.
So, instead, go south to Callahan Point. Near the diner is a tunnel to the ocean. Use it and park in the marker near the docks. You’ll meet up with Maria and her friend, Asuka Kasen.
She apparently told Salvatore that you and she are an item and, of course, this instantly made you a marked man. You are to be killed on sight. So Asuka opts to take you to her condo on Staunton Island. Drive the boat towards the docks.
So, onto Staunton Island, the heart of Liberty City … in more ways than one. You’ll also receive a new hideout for Staunton. Sweet.
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