Kicking off the Holy War¶
Afer your meeting with Dutch, take a look to your left and interact with the clothes in the locker. You’ll be given the choice to customize your deputy. Any choice you make with regards to your face, hair and skin tone will be final. Although the game takes place in First Person, this will affect how other people perceive your deputy in all multiplayer modes.
Next up, you will be given the choice to choose your initial clothing from the small selection available. Your choice here is not final and you can purchase more clothing from shops around Hope County. Once you’re happy with the way your deputy looks, confirm with the [Square/X] button.
Take the time to explore your current surroundings before heading over to Dutch. You’ll find in the room opposite of you a radio with which you can interact with for some background information and a Med Kit on the bed.
The next room, the Armoury, is locked for now and you’ll obtain the key for it shortly. The room opposite this has more notes for you to read. Ignore the room Dutch is occupying, the room next to him has more notes and the room to the side in here has a lootable cabinet.
Head back to the room Dutch was in, checking the board on the wall for more details about the Seed family before finally talking with Dutch.
The Seed family have full control across three regions of Hope County
Dutch will open his safe for you after his conversation for you to plunder. Inside you’ll find a 1911 Handgun, Hope County Map and Dutch’s Key, take everything and you will finally have access to the Inventory and Map.
Head back to the previously locked door and open it with your newly acquired key to find more ammo for the 1911 and a note to Dutch from his daughter. There’s not much else to do here in the bunker so head towards the exit, picking up the Shovel and the Pipe on your way. Exiting the bunker will conclude the mission and start the next mission.
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