Mission Acquisition | Rewards |
Head to Lorna’s Truck Stop, west Henbane River | 400 RP, Badass Outfit |
(1 of 2) You’ll find this Outpost west of the Jail
You’ll find this Outpost west of the Jail (left), approach from the back. (right)
Liberate the Cult Outpost¶
If you’re entering the Henbane River from the Holland Valley bridge, you’ll come across this outpost along the road (also along the road west of Hope County Jail). You’ll want to begin your approach from the back of the Truck Stop, atop the radio tower here (follow the zipline to see where it is). Climb to the top and pull out your binoculars to survey the area. The greatest threat here is the cultist stationed on the roof at the back as he has eyes on the whole area. When you’re ready, take the zipline down to the Outpost.
Once on the roof, drop down the back and enter the building to take out the first cultist before heading out the door and behind the next for another kill. Quickly move left and behind the cover to dispatch the next two cultists near their respective cover.
(1 of 2) The cultist in the warehouse is the first target
The cultist in the warehouse is the first target (left), be ready for an instant takedown as soon as you enter the store. (right)
Now sneak over to the door of the main truck stop and, while crouched still, head in and immediately eliminate the cultist inside. Head around back and outside to find a cultist with his back to you behind the pumps. Finally, climb onto the roof and sneak behind the last cultist to take him out and liberate the Outpost.
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