Mission Acquisition | Rewards |
Head to PIN-K0 Radar Station in the mountains to the northwest of Wolf’s Den | 400 RP, KAUMBAT H-158 Sky Scarab helicopter |
(1 of 2) The Radar Station is located in the mountains to the far northwest of Wolf’s Den
The Radar Station is located in the mountains to the far northwest of Wolf’s Den (left), a ground approach is difficult here. (right)
Liberate the Cult Outpost¶
You’ll find the Radar Station located at the top of the mountains to the northwest of Wolf’s Den. Begin the approach by using the grapple to reach the top of a radio tower to the southwest of the outpost. There’s a lot of cultists here, including a Marksman with a great view over the entire outpost.
This is a great location because unless you cause too much attention, you can perfectly pick off every cultist other than the heavy (with a shield icon). As you pick each enemy off one by one, the others will continue to search the area, take them out when they’re on their own to keep your location hidden.
(1 of 2) Make the Marksman here your first target to begin the commotion
Make the Marksman here your first target to begin the commotion (left), pick off the rest as they investigate, your location is safe. (right)
The Marksmans should be the main priority, with the one in the highest spot at the back the first target, before taking out the other one on a nearby roof. Once you’re left with just the heavy and a Judge, descend via the zipline to the ground and approach the heavy from behind to take him out before defeating the Judge by any means necessary to liberate the outpost.
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