Mission Acquisition | Rewards |
Chad Wolanski, Grill Streak - South of the F.A.N.G. Center | 200 RP, $750 |
(1 of 2) You’ll find the Grill Streak to the south of the F.A.N.G. Center
You’ll find the Grill Streak to the south of the F.A.N.G. Center (left), although he struggles to get the words out, Chad wants help finding meat. (right)
Collect Meat from Antlered roadkills [4]¶
Seek out Chad Wolanski at the Grill Streak, located to the south of the F.A.N.G. center and attempt to listen to his request. Chad grunts that he wants you to help him restock his meat however he’ll only take roadkill.
You’ll want to use a pickup truck or something along those lines to hit the deer or pronghorns and following a successful kill, loot the corpse for the meat. There are four locations marked on your map and they’re a good starting point, if you still have trouble finding them then look for hunting spots with these animals and make your way there. Once you have the four pieces of meat, return to Chad and hand them over to conclude the mission.
Try to use a larger vehicle to reduce how many times you need to drive into the animals.
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