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Dragon Age: Inquisition

Wildlife (A-D)

Claire Farnworth
Scott Peers
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Armored Mabari

The mabari are an essential part of Fereldan military strategy. Trained hounds can easily pull knights from horseback or break lines of pikemen, and the sight and sound of a wave of wardogs, howling and snarling, has been known to cause panic among even the most hardened infantry soldiers

Info Description
Location: Crestwood, Storm Coast
Level Range: 4-11
Health Modifer: 1.5
Armor: Very High
Resistances: Cold
Vulnerabilities: Fire
Immunities: Physical Effect
Crafting Material: Canine Leather

August Ram

The slender and sleek hide gives the animal the grace of a hart halla. Its curved horns spiral back over delicate ears twitching at the slightest rustle of grass. When startled, speed is the august ram’s only defense against the hunter. It is difficult to sneak up on these shy and wary creatures

Info Description
Location: Hissing Wastes, Emerald Graves, Emprise du Lion
Level Range: 12-15
Health Modifer: 0.25
Armor: Very Low
Resistances: Cold
Vulnerabilities: None
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: August Ram Leather


I would’ve liked to watch the little family playing in the stream all day, but the wind changed and the mama bear caught our scent, even with Eldwin working his magic. She leapt in our direction, stopped when she couldn’t see anything, then rose up on her hind legs and roared. What a sight that was! I estimate she was half again as tall as I. Quick as anything, she charged toward us, snapping branches as she went. I dove out of the way, but Eldwin, bless his heart, was too slow. A massive paw caught him right in the chest and he went down. Poor Eldwin. Nature is ruthless but magnificent.

Info Description
Location: Emerald Graves, The Hinterlands, Storm Coast
Level Range: 8-12
Health Modifer: 3
Armor: High
Resistances: Cold
Vulnerabilities: Fire
Immunities: Physical Effects/Paralyze/Freeze
Crafting Material: Bear Hide

Black Wolf

The scouts report activity uncharacteristic of lupine behavior. The Breach and resulting rifts have caused unprecedented disruptions in the Veil. Such alterations to the environment may account for the unnatural aggression. If this is indeed the case, I cannot yet say how widespread the impact. How many wolves does this environmental imbalance influence? What threat do they pose to resistant members of the pack? The local population? This warrants further investigation.

Info Description
Location: Crestwood, Emerald Graves, Emprise du Lion, Exalted Plains, The Hinterlands
Level Range: 4-19
Health Modifer: 1.5
Armor: Low
Resistances: Cold
Vulnerabilities: Fire
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: Canine Leather


The dwarven Shaperate originally bred this hulking beast as a beast of burden and food source, the rough equivalent of surface oxen and cows. Some versions of the bronto have even been developed as dwarven mounts, valued more for sure-footedness and stamina than speed. While present in Orzammar in large numbers, some brontos still exist in packs in the Deep Roads, having returned to a wild state after the fall of the dwarven kingdoms. They require remarkably little sustenance, absorbing nutrients from water, fungus, and even rocks (hence the “rock-licker” appellation many dwarves use to describe brontos), and exist primarily in a dormant state until provoked. An angry, charging bronto is considered a rather dangerous opponent.

Info Description
Location: Crestwood, Emerald Graves
Level Range: 16-19
Health Modifer: 2
Armor: Very High
Resistances: Cold
Vulnerabilities: Fire
Immunities: Physical Effects, Paralyze, Freeze
Crafting Material: Bronto Hide


One of the few natural, non-darkspawn creatures to live in the Deep Roads, the deepstalker is a reptilian cave-dweller known for burrowing into the stone paths of the Deep Roads and ambushing prey, usually nugs. They hunt in packs, attacking with round mouths of serrated teeth or spitting poisons from venom glands. Although a single deepstalker poses little threat to any experienced explorer, packs can be lethal.

Info Description
Location: Crestwood, Storm Coast
Level Range: 8-15
Health Modifer: 0.5
Armor: Very Low
Resistances: None
Vulnerabilities: Electricity
Immunities: None
Crafting Material: Deepstalker Hide


Newly hatched dragons are roughly the size of a deer and voraciously hungry. They live for a short time in their mother’s lair before venturing out on their own. The slender, wingless creatures are born in vast numbers, as only a few survive to adulthood.

Info Description
Location: Emprise du Lion, The Hinterlands, Hissing Wastes, Storm Coast
Level Range: 8-21
Health Modifer: 1
Armor: Low
Resistances: Fire
Vulnerabilities: Electricity
Immunities: Physical Effects
Crafting Material: Dragon Blood, Dragon’s Tooth, Dragonling Scales


As I searched for my courage, I heard a crashing through the undergrowth. Bandits, I thought. Or a bear. But instead it was a giant beast, with pelt of blue-gray and gleaming black horns. And riding its muscled back was my Guy. The druffalo was enormous but gentle as a doe. The children called her Bluebell.

Info Description
Location: Crestwood, Frostback Mountains, The Hinterlands
Level Range: 1-11
Health Modifer: 2
Armor: Very High
Resistances: Cold
Vulnerabilities: Fire
Immunities: Phsyical Effects/Paralyze/Freeze
Crafting Material: Druffalo Hide
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4, Steam, XB 360, XB One
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    17 December 2014
  • Last Updated
    24 January 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Greg Boccia, Greg Wright, Claire Farnworth

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This guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition offers a detailed walkthrough of the main story and all side quests associated with each region, detailing easily missed features and hidden lore secrets along the way. The guide also covers all three main DLC: Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent, and Trespasser, and all dialogue choices throughout the game.

Inside this guide you will find:

  • Coming Soon! A detailed Character Builds section with coverage of all classes, skill trees, recommended armor, weapons, consumables, and much more!

  • A Walkthrough for all main story quests, detailing the consequences of your choices along the way.

  • Walkthrough for all DLC content, covering Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent, and Trespasser.

  • Exploration sections for each region, including side quests, requisitions, collections and companion quests.

  • Comprehensive section on Dialogue Choices, covering both approval and romance options for companions.

  • Breakdown of Specialization Trainers, including where to find them and how to complete their missions.

  • Crafting section covering key locations for potions, tonics, grenades, and other materials.

  • An Equipment section, detailing where to find some of the best weapons and armor.

  • A Mounts section with descriptions of how to acquire them and when they become available.

  • Overview of Multiplayer including basic starting tips, coverage of characters, challenges, and loot.

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