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Dragon Age: Inquisition

Side Quests

Claire Farnworth
Scott Peers
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The Temple of Pride

This is the main quest of the area, but it is best put off until you finish up everything else you can. One reason for this is that shards are needed to open the temple door. Five of them, in fact. Five isn’t a lot, especially if you have been exploring. The Oasis area has 15 in total, for example.

Once you are ready to go on with this quest, head to the northwest tunnel from the Oasis camp and up through the tunnel as it leads higher up. This leads to the Upper Walkways, where you can follow the objective to the temple door. Pay the tool and enter the temple.

Technically this completes the quest. It does, however, lead to three doors further on in the temple, all of which are listed below. Note that you should activate the relic down here for experience and can also light some veilfire and see a rune directly across from the brazier you light.

Check the next sections for info on what comes next!

The Fire Captured

To do this quest, you need shards. A lot of them. For that reason this quest along with the Cold and Spirit doors are best saved until you explore a ton of areas and collect a ton of shards.

First Door (6 Shard Door)

You’ll kill some corpses here. Avoid any fire mines in the room and take them out. Loot the place afterward. The big tomb here has some fire-related items in it (nothing too special), but more importantly +4 FIRE RESISTANCE . Permanently! Very nice! Very good for fighting High Dragons.

You also get 177 Experience , 80 Influence and +1 Power .

Second Door (12 Shard Door)

More corpses. This area is bigger with more mines though, so be careful. Take them all out and loot the place. Once again the tomb here is the big reward. It has some more fire-related items in it (again, nothing really worth noting), but more importantly +6 FIRE RESISTANCE . Another permanent boost!

You also get 512 Experience , 200 Influence , +2 Power for opening the door.

Third Door (18 Shard Door)

The last door. There are more corpses here but there is also a Rage Demon. The “boss” of the area, really. Take him out with all of the corpses and loot the area. The big prize is the tomb of course. Open it for fire-related items, but also some other notable items like the Superb Belt of Fire Resistance , the Master Fire Rune and +10 FIRE RESISTANCE . Excellent.

You also get 967 Experience , 200 Influence , +2 Power for opening the door.

That is all for the fire doors. Get out there and get more shards so you can open the other doors!

The Cold Endured

To do this quest, you need shards. A lot of them. For that reason this quest along with the Fire and Spirit doors are best saved until you explore a ton of areas and collect a ton of shards.

First Door (6 Shard Door)

You’ll kill some corpses here. Avoid any ice mines in the room and take them out. Loot the place afterward. The big tomb here has some ice-related items in it (nothing too special), but more importantly +4 COLD RESISTANCE . Permanently!

You also get 177 Experience , 80 Influence and +1 Power .

Second Door (12 Shard Door)

More corpses. This area is bigger with more mines though, so be careful. Take them all out and loot the place. Once again the tomb here is the big reward. It has some more cold-related items in it (again, nothing really worth noting), but more importantly +6 COLD RESISTANCE . Another permanent boost!

You also get 512 Experience , 200 Influence , +2 Power for opening the door.

Third Door (18 Shard Door)

The third and final door. This time you face a Revenant , along with a bunch of corpses of course. Take them all out while avoiding the ice mines. It shouldn’t be too hard. Loot the area afterward of course. The big prize is the tomb, which contains cold-related items, a Superb Belt of Cold Resistance , and an Amulet of Power (Main Character ONLY), and a +10 COLD RESISTANCE boost! Lovely!

You also get 967 Experience , 200 Influence , +2 Power for opening the door.

That is all for the cold doors. Get out there and get more shards so you can open the other doors!

The Spirit Calmed

To do this quest, you need shards. A lot of them. For that reason this quest along with the Cold and Fire doors are best saved until you explore a ton of areas and collect a ton of shards.

First Door (6 Shard Door)

Corpses, always corpses. Take them out and loot the area. The tomb is of course the big prize, with minor spirit items and +4 SPIRIT RESISTANCE . Can’t complain about that!

You also get 177 Experience , 80 Influence and +1 Power .

Second Door (12 Shard Door)

Even more corpses. You know the drill; take them out and loot the area. The tomb here has more minor spirit items and +6 SPIRIT RESISTANCE . Very nice!

You also get 512 Experience , 200 Influence , +2 Power for opening the door.

Rifts in the Oasis

Your normal “ Close the Rifts“ quest… although the numbers here aren’t normal. The quest will state there are three rifts to be closed, and that is true. This is actually an easy-to-get-to quest, and can be done early in your visit.

The south rift is out in the open, by a landmark. Each wave of this rift has a Rage Demon, but shouldn’t prove too much of a challenge. Take care of them. Also note that there is a special treasure nearby. It should be noted that this large southern area is all sand (we took the pain to find out, manually), but there is one hidden secret.

To the southeast is a large dune. Climb up to it for the viewpoint, then look around to find a wooden structure to the southeast of you. Go break this structure for a Chest in a pit (and thankfully a ladder to get back up). Enjoy your new unique weapon.

Onto the other rifts. There is one to the northeast of the initial camp that you can get to easily. There is a Lesser Terror in the first wave and the third wave is three Lesser Terrors. Nothing to be feared, of course. The final rift is to the west, located in the valley and rather close to the second camp. This one is really no challenge and has only Shades and Wraiths. Since you are nearby, you may as well go get the Oasis Camp!

Once you are done with these three rifts, the quest “ Rifts High and Low“ will show up. Depending on how you tackle the rifts, of course.

Rifts High and Low

You may stumble upon this quest, depending on the order you encounter rifts in. This quest has two rifts in it: one in the south and one in the north. The south one is relatively close to the Oasis Camp, and is located west, in the tunnels. This one is a bit harder with Rage Demons and a more enclosed area (meaning ranged attackers need to watch their back more). Take it out to clear the tunnels.

In this first rift, be sure to visit the dead-end nearby to find a hidden Bottle of Thedas; Golden Scythe 4:90 Black on the table.

The northern rift is at the far northwest edge of the map (going further north will lead you to the world map). Head north of Enver’s Mining Camp to this rift and take out the numerous Wraiths. Some are up on a rock to the northeast; a tactical position for your archers. Once you have the first wave dealt with, prepare for a Despair Demon in the second wave. He comes with numerous Wraiths that should be your first priority due to their relentless ranged attack.

Once the Despair Demon falls, close up the rift and be done with this quest.

Holding the Oasis

This quest is easy to do. Very easy. Still, the rifts are a bit closer. You can get this camp out of the way when going after the northern rifts. It is down in the valley, near the Oasis and aptly named the Oasis Camp . With it under your control you will be done with this quest, as it is the only other camp in the area.

Serpentstone Survey in the Oasis

You likely already have plenty of Serpentstone in your inventory from your time on the Storm Coast. That makes the Paragon’s Luster the stone that you’ll need. To the west of the Desert Camp (stay high!) you will run into Enver’s Mining Camp. Around here you will find plenty of the stuff. You can also find it naturally while exploring the valleys and oasis area to the north. As you only need two chunks, this quest will be done in a heartbeat.

You will unlock the Mining Requisition in the Oasis quest once you complete this one.

What Its Worth

To get this quest, go and unlock the Oasis Camp and then wandering around nearby (more than likely slightly to the east, up the hill) is a wandering miner. Go and talk to her and she’ll tell you about leaving her ring in a cave nearby… a cave full of spiders. Hearing about that gives you this quest.

The cave in question is actually Par’as Cavern , and is on the northern part of the map. Still, it isn’t far away and can be reached by heading northeast from the Oasis Camp, up the hill. You can find a note near a body outside the cave. Poke your head in and retreat to tempt a couple of spiders to come out, so you can deal with them outside.

The cave itself is absolutely packed. In fact, it isn’t a bad idea to go in and draw a few more out if you wish. There are easily 6-8 more in there after all. On Normal and below, it is easy to charge in without much thought (maybe a regen drink), but on higher difficulties you will need to be more strategic by drawing the spiders into a chokepoint, having a tank hold them, and then use traps and area of effects spells to cull their numbers.

Once you are done, nab the Chest in the middle and go down the left tunnel. It also has a Chest with the Wedding Ring inside it, which is what the miner wanted. While you are here, check the right path for yet another Chest and the middle door to start the “ The Door in Par’as Cavern“ quest, which you will do directly after this one.

Go and talk to the miner now and return the ring. As a reward, you will get a key to the door that you found. Hopefully her marriage will be alright!

The Door in Paras Cavern

You will get this quest while doing the What It’s Worth ****** quest, and as a result for finishing that quest you’ll get the key to the door in question! Everything just ties together so nicely.

Open the door with the key and open the Chest inside for random goodies. And with that you are done. Yep, that’s it!

Mining Requisition in the Oasis

This requisition is laughable. Seriously. All they want out of you is 5 Iron and 5 Nugskins . These can be found in the tunnels, but you very likely already have these items naturally, and can likely turn the quest in as soon as you get it. A very easy quest.

This will unlock the “ Alloy Requisition in the Oasis“ quest once you complete it. Which, honestly, is another very easy one.

Alloy Requisition in the Oasis

This time you are tasked to get 4 Serpentstones and 4 Paragon’s Luster . Again, the only challenge here is the Paragon’s Luster, which is native to this area, and once again the best place for it is to the north and to the west (Oasis area and Enver’s Mining Camp). Once you have four pieces you can likely turn this in to complete the quest.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4, Steam, XB 360, XB One
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    17 December 2014
  • Last Updated
    24 January 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Greg Boccia, Greg Wright, Claire Farnworth

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This guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition offers a detailed walkthrough of the main story and all side quests associated with each region, detailing easily missed features and hidden lore secrets along the way. The guide also covers all three main DLC: Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent, and Trespasser, and all dialogue choices throughout the game.

Inside this guide you will find:

  • Coming Soon! A detailed Character Builds section with coverage of all classes, skill trees, recommended armor, weapons, consumables, and much more!

  • A Walkthrough for all main story quests, detailing the consequences of your choices along the way.

  • Walkthrough for all DLC content, covering Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent, and Trespasser.

  • Exploration sections for each region, including side quests, requisitions, collections and companion quests.

  • Comprehensive section on Dialogue Choices, covering both approval and romance options for companions.

  • Breakdown of Specialization Trainers, including where to find them and how to complete their missions.

  • Crafting section covering key locations for potions, tonics, grenades, and other materials.

  • An Equipment section, detailing where to find some of the best weapons and armor.

  • A Mounts section with descriptions of how to acquire them and when they become available.

  • Overview of Multiplayer including basic starting tips, coverage of characters, challenges, and loot.

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