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Dragon Age: Inquisition

Inquisitors Path Operations

Claire Farnworth
Scott Peers
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Mage Allies Operation Chain

Reclaiming the Mage Rebellion

Requirements Completed **In Hushed Whispers** , allied with mages.
Power Cost 0
Time Required 15 mins
Preferred None
Connections 1 Enhanced Amulet of Magic
Secrets 1 Enhanced Amulet of Magic
Forces 1 Enhanced Amulet of Magic

Details: Fiona gives the Inquisition the locations of a few hidden cells of rebel mages to bring them into the fold.

Reparations for Redcliffe

Requirements **Reclaiming the Mage Rebellion** completed, either **Here Lies the Abyss** or **Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts** done.
Power Cost 0
Time Required 60 mins
Preferred Connections
Connections None
Secrets N/A
Forces None

Details: Arl Teagan of Redcliffe would like the Inquisition to take responsibility for all the stuff the mage rebellion wrecked in his arling while they were staying there.

The Arl’s Invitation

Requirements Complete **Reparations for Redcliffe** .
Power Cost 0
Time Required 60 mins
Preferred Connections
Connections 30 Influence
Secrets None
Forces 30 Influence

Details: Okay, now that all that unpleasantness is over, Teagan issues the Inquisition an invitation to participate in a tournament on his lands for the chance to win a bannorn of your very own. Select a champion to act on your behalf.

Mage Prisoners Operation Chain

Information from the Grand Enchanter

Requirements Completed **In Hushed Whispers** , taken mages as prisoners.
Power Cost 0
Time Required 15 mins
Preferred Secrets
Connections None
Secrets 1 Amulet of Power
Forces 1 Amulet of Power

Details: Some of the mages from Redcliffe attacked Inquisition guards during an escape attempt. You decide how to deal with them.

The Extremists

Requirements **Information from the Grand Enchanter** completed, either **Here Lies the Abyss** or **Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts** done.
Power Cost 0
Time Required 60 mins
Preferred Secrets
Connections None
Secrets None
Forces None

Details: Leliana’s agents locate a cell of rebel mages building explosives. Have Cullen wipe them out, or let Leliana bring them in alive for questioning.

Templars Operation Chain

Negotiate with Hasmal’s Templars

Requirements Available in Skyhold. Took templars as prisoners in Champions of the Just.
Power Cost 0
Time Required 15 mins
Preferred Forces
Connections 30 Influence
Secrets 30 Influence
Forces 30 Influence

Details: There are rumors of blood mages in the Wending Wood. The Inquisition can investigate. Completing this operation will open False Accusations and then Confront Mages in the Wending Wood.

The Order’s Obligations

Requirements Available in Skyhold. Took templars as allies in Champions of the Just.
Power Cost 0
Time Required 15 mins
Preferred Forces
Connections 30 Influence
Secrets 30 Influence
Forces 60 Influence

Details: There are rumors of blood mages in the Wending Wood. The Inquisition can investigate. Completing this operation will open False Accusations and then Confront Mages in the Wending Wood.

Darkspawn Operation Chain

Investigate Val Gamord

Requirements Available after **Here Lies the Abyss** , but only if you chose to exile the Grey Wardens.
Power Cost 0
Time Required 15 mins
Preferred Forces
Connections None
Secrets 30 Influence
Forces 1 Darkspawn Alpha Greataxe, 30 Influence

Details: Use Cullen to send troops to engage the darkspawn directly.

Drive Darkspawn from Val Gamord

Requirements Completed **Investigate Val Gamord** .
Power Cost 0
Time Required 60 mins
Preferred Secrets
Connections 1 Masterwork Etched Two-Handed Grip, 30 Influence
Secrets None
Forces None

Details: Use Josephine to bring in allies and attack the darkspawn with a larger force.

Search Mines in Gamordan Peaks

Requirements Available after **Here Lies the Abyss** , but only if you chose to exile the Grey Wardens.
Power Cost 0
Time Required 15 mins
Preferred Forces
Connections None
Secrets 30 Influence
Forces 1 Darkspawn Alpha Greataxe, 30 Influence

Details: Use Cullen to send troops to engage the darkspawn directly.

Grey Wardens Operation Chain

Protect Val Gamord from Darkspawn

Requirements Available after **Here Lies the Abyss** , but only if you chose to ally with the Grey Wardens.
Power Cost 0
Time Required 15 mins
Preferred Forces
Connections None
Secrets None
Forces None

Details: Choose Cullen to send the Wardens against the darkspawn.

Find Source of Darkspawn Attacks

Requirements Complete **Protect Val Gamord** from Darkspawn.
Power Cost 0
Time Required 240 mins
Preferred Secrets
Connections 30 Influence
Secrets 30 Influence
Forces 30 Influence

Details: Choose Leliana to have scouts track the corruption.

Pursue Marquise Bouffon

Requirements Completed **Find Source of Darkspawn Attacks** .
Power Cost 0
Time Required 60 mins
Preferred Secrets
Connections 30 Influence
Secrets 30 Influence
Forces 30 Influence

Details: Choose Leliana to find an alternate pass through the mountains.

Defeat Marquise Bouffon

Requirements Completed **Pursue Marquise Bouffon** .
Power Cost 0
Time Required 60 mins
Preferred Connections
Connections 1 Song of the Marshes
Secrets 1 Song of the Marshes
Forces 1 Song of the Marshes

Details: Choose Josephine to have an allied noble bring siege equipment.

Destroy Darkspawn Outbreak

Requirements Completed **Defeat Marquise Bouffon** .
Power Cost 0
Time Required 1440 mins
Preferred Forces
Connections 1 Master Demon-Slaying Rune
Secrets 1 Master Demon-Slaying Rune
Forces 1 Master Demon-Slaying Rune

Details: Choose Cullen to have the Wardens destroy the darkspawn for good.

Ser Barris Operation Chain

Save Val Colline from the Venatori

Requirements Ser Barris must survive Champions of the Just.
Power Cost 0
Time Required 60 mins
Preferred Secrets
Connections 30 Influence
Secrets 30 Influence
Forces 30 Influence

Details: The city of Val Colline is being attacked by the Venatori. Ser Barris will take some templars to help counter their spells. You may choose any specialist, but Leliana will complete this operation fastest.

Have Ser Barris Lead Against Demons

Requirements Completed **Save Val Colline from the Venatori** .
Power Cost 0
Time Required 90 mins
Preferred Forces
Connections 30 Influence
Secrets 30 Influence
Forces 30 Influence

Details: Ser Barris has received a request for help from an old friend in Ansburg. Demons are crossing the veil and attacking people in the city. Dispatch Barris and templars to fight the demonic invasion. You may choose any specialist, but Cullen will complete this operation fastest.

Investige Man Accused of Abomination

Requirements Completed **Have Ser Barris Lead Against Demons** .
Power Cost 0
Time Required 120 mins
Preferred Connections
Connections 30 Influence
Secrets 30 Influence
Forces 30 Influence

Details: A man in Jader has been accused of being an abomination. Send Ser Barris to investigate whether or not this is true. You may choose any specialist, but Josephine will complete this operation fastest. After it’s complete, if there are no judgments waiting, the next time you click on the Inquisitor’s throne you will get a scene where Ser Barris is promoted to Knight Commander of the templars.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Electronic Arts
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4, Steam, XB 360, XB One
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    17 December 2014
  • Last Updated
    24 January 2021
    Version History
  • Guide Author
    Greg Boccia, Greg Wright, Claire Farnworth

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This guide for Dragon Age: Inquisition offers a detailed walkthrough of the main story and all side quests associated with each region, detailing easily missed features and hidden lore secrets along the way. The guide also covers all three main DLC: Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent, and Trespasser, and all dialogue choices throughout the game.

Inside this guide you will find:

  • Coming Soon! A detailed Character Builds section with coverage of all classes, skill trees, recommended armor, weapons, consumables, and much more!

  • A Walkthrough for all main story quests, detailing the consequences of your choices along the way.

  • Walkthrough for all DLC content, covering Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent, and Trespasser.

  • Exploration sections for each region, including side quests, requisitions, collections and companion quests.

  • Comprehensive section on Dialogue Choices, covering both approval and romance options for companions.

  • Breakdown of Specialization Trainers, including where to find them and how to complete their missions.

  • Crafting section covering key locations for potions, tonics, grenades, and other materials.

  • An Equipment section, detailing where to find some of the best weapons and armor.

  • A Mounts section with descriptions of how to acquire them and when they become available.

  • Overview of Multiplayer including basic starting tips, coverage of characters, challenges, and loot.

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