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Icon Title Objectives Description In-Game Description Drops From Rarity/Type Screenshots Video General Reward Item Reward Gold XP Location Quest NPC Region Quest Items
Item icon
A Hero's Return

Return to Nevesk. Speak with Vani.

The broken tower held evil creatures and demonic magic. At least…



Item icon
A Hero's Reward

Slay the crazed villagers. Speak with Iosef. Loot the Chapel…

I awoke in a putrid barn lying on a filthy cart. Oswen was preparing…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon

Speak with Vigo Speak with Neyrelle Bring Vigo and Neyrelle…

We barely escaped the collapsing mines and now find outsleves…

Gold and XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Crossing Over

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Beyong the Black Lake •…



Item icon
Darkness Within

Enter Icehowl Ruins Search the depths of Icehowl Ruins Inspect…

I’ve agreed to search the ruins north of Nevesk and slay whatever…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

"Icehowl Ruins" iconIcehowl Ruins Fractured Peaks Dungeon
Item icon

Enter the Necropolis of the Firstborn Pursue Lilith Destroy…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Beyond the Black Lake •…

I pursue Lilith through the Necropolis of the Firstborn. Something…

XP & Gold Blest Prayer Beads

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Dusk on the Mountain

Find shelter in a nearby town. Find the source of the voices.…

Prologue: WanderingChapter: Dusk on the Mountain • Quest 1/7…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Fledgling Scholar

Enter the Horadric Vault Speak with Neyrelle Follow Neyrelle…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Secrets of the Horadrim…

Neyrelle and I discovered the Darkened Holt to be a magical illusion…

Horadic Initiate’s Amulet Gold and XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Ill Tidings

Travel to the Cathedral of Light.I must seek out the Cathedral…



Item icon
In Her Wake

Speak with Vigo Open the Gate of Kasama Speak with Grendan Inspect…

We’ve repaired the hoist, the way back, but we must go deeper…



"The Darkened Way" iconThe Darkened Way Fractured Peaks

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
In Search of Answers

Find the hermit’s cabin. Enter the cabin. Search the cabin.…

Prologue: WanderingChapter: Dusk on the Mountain • Quest 6/7…

I told the monk of my vision. He was clearly unsettled by what…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Kor Valar

Speak with Revered Mother Prava in Kor Valar Travel to Kor Valar…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Pilgrimage • Quest 1/1Next…

I must go to Kor Valar and speak with Reverend Mother Prava.…

Gold and XP

"Kyovashad" iconKyovashad Fractured Peaks
"Cathedral of Light" iconCathedral of Light Fractured Peaks

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Light's Guidance

Speak with Revered Mother Prava at the Cathedral of Light Travel…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Pilgrimage • Quest 1/1Next…

I must speak with Revered Mother Prava and convince her to provide…

Gold and XP

"Cathedral of Light" iconCathedral of Light Fractured Peaks
"Kyovashad" iconKyovashad Fractured Peaks

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Light's Judgement

Enter the Alabaster Monastery Climb the stairs of the Hall of…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Pilgrimage • Quest 2/2Next…

Now that I have completed the pilgrimage, I must enter the Alabaster…

Gold and XP

"Shrine of the Pentinent" iconShrine of the Pentinent Fractured Peaks

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Light's Protection

Speak with Revered Mother Prava in Kor Valar Return to Reverend…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Pilgrimage • Quest 1/1Next…

Inarius has judgement me, but what that means for my mission…

Gold and XP



Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Light's Resolve

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Beyond the Black Lake •…

Item icon
Lost Arts

Enter the Horadric Vault at Mistral Woods. Speak with Donan.…

Act IV: A Gathering StormChapter: Prying the Eye • Quest 3/6…

After delivering Lorath’s letter I’ve been asked to assist…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Missing Pieces

Meet Lorath in Kyovashad. Speak with the Merchant. Purchase…

Prologue: WanderingMissing PiecesChapter: Missing Pieces • Quest…

I must find Lorath in Kyovashad and together we will present…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

"Lorath's Polearm" iconLorath's Polearm Area Item
"Strange Amulet" iconStrange Amulet Area Item
Item icon

Complete the pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Penitent Speak…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Pilgrimage • Quest 1/2 …

Reverend Mother Prava requires me to complete a pilgrimage and…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Prayers for Salvation

Prologue: WanderingChapter: Dusk of the Mountain • Quest 5/7…



Item icon
Rite of Passage

Accompany Lorath to Kyovashad. Slay the Fallen. Speak with Lorath.…

Prologue: WanderingRite of PassageChapter: Dusk on the Mountain…

The hermit, a man named Lorath Nahr, claims the demon I saw in…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Shroud of the Horadrim

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Secrets of the Horadrim…

Item icon
Storming the Gates

Enter the Cradle Pursue Lilith and Vhenard with Neyrelle Inspect…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter III Tidings • Quest 3/4 …

Neyrelle and I pursue Lilith and Vhenard through the dark passages…

XP & Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

"Cradle" iconCradle Fractured Peaks Dungeon
Item icon
Tarnished Luster

Travel to Yelesna. Enter the Knights Garrison Speak with Captain…

I must seek out Knight Penitent Captain Vigo in Yelesna and investigate…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
The Cost of Knowledge

Search for Vhenard and Lilith with Neyrelle Speak with Neyrelle…

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter III Tidings • Quest 4/4Next…

Our pursuit of Lilith and Vhenard led us to the mysterious Mourning…

Mother’s Knife (Special Weapon)Gold & XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
The Knight and the Magpie

Go to the mining camp in Pine Hill Slay the ghouls. Go to the…

A demon woman has been sighted in Gale Valley. A Knight Penitent…

Gold and XPLingering Simple Staff

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon

Enter the Condemned Mines. Inspec the Door Pursue Lilith and…

With my new allies, Neyrelle and Vigo, I must venture into the…

Random Equipment

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon

Act I: A Cold and Iron FaithChapter: Secrets of the Horadrim…

Item icon
A Heavy Burden

Search for Neyrelle at the Horadric Vault Inspect the Runed…

Epilogue: From the Wound SpilledChapter: Legacy of the Horadrim…

There was no sign of Neyrelle at the desert chapel. I should…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

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