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Diablo Immortal

Best Rank 60 Legendary Reward

Shane Williams
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Reaching Rank 60 in the Diablo Immortal gives players the option to choose a Legendary Leg from the Prodigy Path. Here you’ll find out which Leg piece is the best choice for your class!

How To Unlock The Prodigy Path in Diablo Immortal?

Once you reach Level 45 in Diablo Immortal you’ll be able to find the Prodigy Path under the Services Tab. Here you’ll find a mixture of free rewards which are listed underneath “Adept Prizes” and rewards which cost money are listed underneath “Prodigy’s Prizes”. Next up, you’ll want to continue playing through the game until you reach Level 50, then revisit the Prodigy Path Menu to claim the free Legendary Armor.

Barbarian Rank 60 Legendary Adepts Prizes in Diablo Immortal

Icon Name Description
Kars_Defiance.png Kar’s Defiance Leap also grants you a shield that absorbs X damage.
Rockspike.png Rockspike Ground Stomp now affects all nearby enemies.
Juggernauts_Plan.png Juggernaut’s Plan Sprint now causes you to run continuously, knocking away and damaging enemies in your path.
Determination.png Determination Furious Charge can now be charged up to increase its range and damage.
Howlers_Lift.png Howler’s Lift Leap damage increased by 10%.
Screaming_Fury.png Screaming Fury Furious Charge now charges to a location, damaging all nearby enemies and knocking them into the air. Also increases maximum charges to 2.

What is The Best Barbarian Rank 60 Legendary Reward in Diablo Immortal?

Once you reach Level 60 as a Barbarian in Diablo Immortal you’ll get the option to select one of the Legendary Legs listed above from the Prodigy Path. However, you may be wondering which one is the best choice for Barbarian. After doing some research Screaming Fury looks like the best candidate for Barbarians, as it gives you 2 Furious Charges instead of 1 and allows you to damage nearby enemies.

Crusader Rank 60 Legendary Adepts Prizes in Diablo Immortal

Icon Name Description
Squires_Trews.png Squire’s Trews You can now carry a passenger during Draw and Quarter.
Cavaliers_Courtwear.png Cavalier’s Courtwear Draw and Quarter now damages enemies when you run over them and knocks them away, but it no longer drags enemies.
Bladed_Jambeau.png Bladed Jambeau Draw and Quarter’s mount becomes a fiery steed that Burns the ground and enemies, but no longer drags enemies.
Tactics_and_Secrets.png Tactics and Secrets Shield Glare damage increased by 10%.
Pillagers_Greaves.png Pillager’s Greaves Shield Charge damage increased and Shield Charge can be charged up to further increase damage.
Shieldswathe.png Shieldswathe Shield Charge now charges to a location where it forms a shielded circle that enemies and their projectiles cannot cross.

What is The Best Crusader Rank 60 Legendary Reward in Diablo Immortal?

Once you reach Level 60 as a Crusader in Diablo Immortal you’ll get the option to select one of the Legendary Legs listed above from the Prodigy Path. However, you may be wondering which one is the best choice for Crusader. After doing some research Bladed Jambeau looks like the best candidate for Crusader, as it causes your steed to burn the ground along with the enemies standing over it.

Monk Rank 60 Legendary Adepts Prizes in Diablo Immortal?

Icon Name Description
Tigers_Flight.png Tiger’s Flight Flying Kick now generates a flaming tornado that damages enemies in its path.
Path_of_the_Storm.png Path of the Storm Cyclone Strike also temporarily decreases all damage you take by 20%.
Momentums_Flow.png Momentum’s Flow Flying Kick now unleashes a series of kicks at enemies in a direction, with the final kick knocking enemies away.
Chastising_Radiance.png Chastising Radiance Wave of Light damage increased by 10%
Isolations_Path.png Isolation’s Path Imprisoned Fist maximum charges increased by 1.
Companions_ Melody.png Companion’s Melody Mystic Allies duration increased by 25%

What is The Best Monk Rank 60 Legendary Reward in Diablo Immortal?

Once you reach Level 60 as a Monk in Diablo Immortal you’ll get the option to select one of the Legendary Legs listed above from the Prodigy Path. However, you may be wondering which one is the best choice for Monk. After doing some research Companion’s Melody looks like the best candidate for Monk, as it increases the duration of Mystic Allies by 25%.

Wizard Rank 60 Legendary Adepts Prizes in Diablo Immortal?

Icon Name Description
Galebringers_Leggings.png Galebringer’s Leggings Arcane Wind damage increased by 10%.
Chaos_Nexus.png Chaos Nexus Disintegrate channels up to three additional beams at nearby enemies, each continually dealing damage.
Starcaller_Breeches.png Starcaller’s Breeches Meteor now continually damages enemies in an area, but no longer Stuns.
Frostwalkers.png Frostwalkers Meteor now summons an icy meteor, dealing damage and covering the area with ice that deals additional damage and Chills enemies.
Riftdancer_Stride.png Riftdancer’s Stride Teleport now targets a location where it also damages all nearby enemy
Kavils_Grand_Revelation.png Kavil’s Grand Revelation Enemies killed by Disintegrate will explode, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.

What is The Best Wizard Rank 60 Legendary Reward in Diablo Immortal?

Once you reach Level 60 as a Wizard in Diablo Immortal you’ll get the option to select one of the Legendary Legs listed above from the Prodigy Path. However, you may be wondering which one is the best choice for Wizard. After doing some research Starcaller’s Breeches looks like the best candidate for Wizard, as it allows Meteor to continually damages enemies in an area.

Necromancer Rank 60 Legendary Adepts Prizes in Diablo Immortal?

Icon Name Description
Proximal_Fear.png Proximal Fear Wraith Form now causes enemies you touch to flee in Fear and damages them.
Sacral_Chausses.png Sacral Chausses Bone Wall duration increased by 25%.
Rozhins_Keening.png Rozhin’s Keening Corpse Lance damage increased by 10%.
Graven_Bulwark.png Graven Bulwark Bone Armor duration increased by 25%.
Mournful_Destroyer.png Mournful Destroyer Dark Curse now curses the ground in an area, causing enemies within it to take continual damage.
Soulchime.png Soulchime Dark Curse now causes enemies to explode on death, but no longer decreases enemy vision.

What is The Best Necromancer Rank 60 Legendary Reward in Diablo Immortal?

Once you reach Level 60 as a Necromancer in Diablo Immortal you’ll get the option to select one of the Legendary Legs listed above from the Prodigy Path. However, you may be wondering which one is the best choice for Necromancer. After doing some research Rozhin’s Keening looks like the best candidate for Necromancer, as it increases Corpse Lance’s damage output by 10%

Demon Hunter Rank 60 Legendary Adepts Prizes in Diablo Immortal?

List Coming Soon.

What is The Best Demon Hunter Rank 60 Legendary Reward in Diablo Immortal?

Once you reach Level 60 as a Demon Hunter in Diablo Immortal you’ll get the option to select one of the Legendary Legs listed above from the Prodigy Path. However, you may be wondering which one is the best choice for Demon Hunter. After doing some research Coff’s Unrelenting Fury, as it will cause Vengeance to launch a rock every 2 primary attacks.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    Android, iOS, PC
  • Genre
    Action RPG, MMORPG
  • Guide Release
    31 May 2022
  • Last Updated
    27 June 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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