Information about the Hilts Trader in Diablo Immortal. Where to find the Hilts Trader, and what does the Hilts Trader sell? What are Hilts and how to get them?
Where to Find the Hilts Trader¶
You’ll find Lieutenant Fizriah - the Hilts Trader - in Westmarch, which you’ll travel to during the main story. To get to Westmarch, progress the main questline until you encounter Lethes following the [Mad King’s Breach] dungeon. There are numerous tutorial objectives scattered throughout Westmarch at this point in time, but the Hilts Trader isn’t one of them. Still, nothing is stopping you from heading to the northeastern edge of the city - near the Immortal Overlook Waypoint - and doing business with the Hilts Merchant.
Hilts can be earned by ranking up your Battle Pass and completing Achievements.
What Are Hilts and How to Get Them?¶
The Hilts Trader, naturally, deals in Hilts, enchanting various wares for any Hilts you may acquire. The next relevant question is, of course, what are Hilts and where do you get them? Hilts are yet another form of currency in Diablo Immortal, joining Gold, Platinum and Eternal Orbs, among numerous other resources you’ll use to buy, craft or upgrade various gear.
Hilts can be acquired in a variety of ways, notably not by buying them with real money. Instead, you earn Hilts by:
Completing Challenge Rifts and achieving higher community ranks (you can collect Hilts for ranking in both the solo and party categories). The higher you place the more Hilts you’ll get, but the rewards for merely participating are sufficient to make this worthwhile, not to mention the other rewards you’ll gain for completing Challenge Rifts.
Completing Conquest objectives (both in the “World” and “Player vs Player” categories) and Exploration Achievements in the Codex. Especially be sure to check out your Exploration Achievements to see what you need to do and cash out when you’ve completed these objectives - largely you’ll need to complete quests, fill out [Bestiary] pages, defeat bosses and uniques and other exploration-heavy tasks to earn these Hilts.
Attaining high Battle Pass ranks. Purchasing the “Collector’s Empowered Battle Pass” will give you ten free Battle Pass ranks, which in turn will net you a significant number of Hilts. It’s not directly paying for Hilts, but it’s as close as you can get to spending real money on Hilts.
Randomly rewarded via the “First Kill of the Day” login bonus.
You’ll gain completing many of these just by playing through the game normally, and will accrue a good number of Hilts without even trying, but there is an element of diminishing returns to Hilts accumulation.
The Hilts Trader sells a variety of wares, many of which have limited stock per month.
What Does the Hilts Trader Sell?¶
Accumulating Hilts is well worth your effort, as the Hilts Trader sells a wide variety of wares, including Legendary Crests, random Legendary Items, specific Legendary Gems, Rare Crests, Normal Gems (albeit at the lowest quality), Reforge Stones, Aspirant’s Keys and Charms. Many of these items have a daily or monthly purchase limit, which can sometimes be circumvented by checking the “Limited Time” tab, which includes a variety of wares (including more mundane items, like crafting materials) and refreshes regularly.
Using your Hilts to buy Legendary Crests effectively also gets you a new Legendary Gem with a shot at a 5-Star Legendary Gem drop, making this perhaps the best use of your accumulated Hilts.
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