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Diablo Immortal

List of Wizard Legendary Items in Diablo Immortal

Shane Williams
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Information on all Legendary Equipment which are exclusively available to Wizards in Diablo Immortal.

Best Way To Get Legendaries in Diablo Immortal

Acquiring Legendaries in Diablo is pretty tough if you are F2P (Free To Play), but there are a few ways you can increase the drop rate for them. To begin, complete the main story and reach Level 60 to use the Paragon Point to unlock the harder difficulties which will then give you more opportunities to see Legendaries Drop when farming Elder Rifts, Dungeons and Events!

List of All Main Hand Wizard Legendary Weapons

Icon Name Description
Devastation_Diablo_Immortal.png Devastation Arcane Wind now summons a Tornado that damages enemies in a line. Also increases maximum Arcane Wind charges by 2.
Force_of_Harakas_Diablo_Immortal.png Force of Harakas Magic Missile damage increased by 20%.
Electropic_Edge.png Entropic Edge Disintegrate damage increased by 10%.
Electrospike_Diablo_Immortal.png Electrospike Electrocute leaps to three additional enemies.
Syldras_Fang.png Syldra’s Fang Arcane Wind can no longer be charged up, and now unleashes an icy wind, damaging and Chilling enemies.
Negation_Blade_Diablo_Immortal.png Negation Blade Black Hole also absorbs nearby enemy projectiles.
Windshaper_Diablo_Immortal.png Windshaper Arcane Wind now summons a Tornado that follows enemies and continually damages all enemies in its path.
Thunderbirds_Bite_Diablo_Immortal.png Thunderbird’s Bite Lightning Nova damage increased by 10%

List of All Off Hand Wizard Legendary Weapons

Icon Name Description
Unrepentant_Gale_Diablo_Immortal.png Unrepentant Gale Maximum Arcane Wind charges increased by 1.
Winters_Eye_Diablo_Immortal.png Winter’s Eye Ice Armor no longer absorbs damage, instead conjuring an ice storm around you that continually damages and Chills nearby enemies.
The_Siphon_Diablo_Immortal.png The Siphon Casting Lightning Nova temporarily increases your movement speed by 60%.
Icon_of_Synchronicity_Diablo_Immortal.png Icon of Synchronicity Ice Armor now also grants damage absorption to your nearby allies.
Heart_of_the_Storm_Diablo_Immortal.png Heart of the Storm Ice Armor becomes Storm Armor, continually damaging nearby enemies.
Devouring_Void_Diablo_Immortal.png Devouring Void Black Hole moves forward a short distance, pulling in and damaging enemies as it travels
Azkalors_Fire_Diablo_Immortal.png Azkalor’s Fire Scorch damage increased by 10%
Chaosrupture_Diablo_Immortal.png Chaosrupture Black Hole instead conjures an unstable star which explodes when it expires, damaging and Stunning nearby enemies

List of All Wizard Legendary Heads

Icon Name Description
Cryomancers_Helm_Diablo_Immortal.png Cryomancer’s Helm Ray of Frost range increased by 10%.
Crown_of_Arcane_Truths_Diablo_Immortal.png Crown of Arcane Truths Scorch now launches an arcane orb that explodes when activated again or when it expires, damaging all nearby enemies. Damage and explosion radius grow as it travels.
Cowl_of_The_Abyss_Diablo_Immortal.png Cowl of the Abyss Black Hole radius increased by 20%.
Memory_of_Xiaoyu_Diablo_Immortal.png Memory of Xiaoyu Scorch now conjures four flaming orbs that orbit around you and explode when they strike enemies, damaging and Burning all nearby enemies.
Lyans_Resonant_Wisdom_Diablo_Immortal.png Lyan’s Resonant Wisdom Teleport now conjures a lightning cloud at your destination, dealing damage to all nearby enemies over 2.5 seconds.
Mark_of_Illusions_Diablo_Immortal.png Mask of Illusions Teleport now causes you to become invisible and leave behind a mirror image.

List of All Wizard Legendary Shoulders

Icon Name Description
Shoulders_of_the_Cataclysm_Diablo_Immortal.png Shoulders of the Cataclysm Meteor damage increased by 10%
Searing_Judgement_Diablo_Immortal.png Searing Judgment Disintegrate now channels Fire, Burning enemies for additional damage over time.
Rime_Mantle_Diablo_Immortal.png Rime Mantle Enemies killed by Ray of Frost will shatter, dealing damage to all nearby enemies and inflicting Chill.
Phoenix_Mantle_Diablo_Immortal.png Phoenix Mantle Scorch radius increased by 20%.
Pads_of_Protection_Diablo_Immortal.png Pads of Protection Disintegrate now fractures into a short-ranged cone.
Arcane_Intensifiers_Diablo_Immortal.png Arcane Intensifiers Disintegrate will fire a stronger instantaneous beam after a short delay.
Angmars_Repulsive_Burden_Diablo_Immortal.png Angmar’s Repulsive Burden Scorch will now knock enemies away.

List of All Wizard Legendary Chests

Icon Name Description
Ellora_Fevor_Diablo_Immortal.png Ellora’s Fervor Lightning Nova now hurls balls of Burning fire.
Kyns_Cryoclasp_Diablo_Immortal.png Kyn’s Cryoclasp Ray of Frost now unleashes a stronger instantaneous beam after a short delay, damaging and freezing all enemies in its path.
Frostreavers_Garments_Diablo_Immortal.png Frostreaver’s Garments Ice Crystal now summons a freezing crystal that inflicts greater damage over time and a stacking Chill
Regalia_of_the_Archmage_Diablo_Immortal.png Regalia of the Archmage Lightning Nova now hurls balls of Immobilizing arcane energy.
Starcallers_Drapery_Diablo_Immortal.png Starcaller’s Drapery Meteor radius increased by 20%.
Robes_of_the_Avalanche_Diablo_Immortal.png Robes of the Avalanche Ray of Frost now channels a blizzard around you, continually damaging and Chilling nearby enemies.
Zann_Esu_Elemental_Weave_Diablo_Immortal.png Zann Esu Elemental Weave Lightning Nova now hurls balls of Chilling ice.

List of All Wizard Legendary Legs

Icon Name Description
Time_Warped_Cloth_Diablo_Immortal.png Time-Warped Cloth Teleport can now be recast, transporting you back to your original location.
Starcallers_Breeches_Diablo_Immortal.png Starcaller’s Breeches Meteor now continually damages enemies in an area, but no longer Stuns.
Riftfancer_Stride_Diablo_Immortal.png Riftdancer’s Stride Teleport now targets a location where it also damages all nearby enemy
Kavils_Grand_Revelation_Diablo_Immortal.png Kavil’s Grand Revelation Enemies killed by Disintegrate will explode, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
Galebringers_Leggings.png Galebringer’s Leggings Arcane Wind damage increased by 10%.
Frostwalkers_Diablo_Immortal.png Frostwalkers Meteor now summons an icy meteor, dealing damage and covering the area with ice that deals additional damage and Chills enemies.
Chaos_Nexus_Diablo_Immortal.png Chaos Nexus Disintegrate channels up to three additional beams at nearby enemies, each continually dealing damage.
Crystal_Guards_Diablo_Immortal.png Crystal Guards Reduces Ice Crystal’s cooldown by 10%.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Blizzard Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    Android, iOS, PC
  • Genre
    Action RPG, MMORPG
  • Guide Release
    31 May 2022
  • Last Updated
    27 June 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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