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Icon Color Key
Icon Title Lore Description Effects/Special Abilities Location / Where to Find Notes / Other Information Trivia Credits Notes Proficiencies Required Equipment Modifier Actions Spells Starting Equipment Class/NPC Used by Screenshots Videos Rarity Armour Type Armour Class Stealth Resistances Armour Enchantment Weight Gold
Item icon
Abyss Beckoners

Demons will bite their masters, slaves, comrades, and, on occasion,…

Demonspirit Aura: The wearer’s summoned creature has resistance…

Inside a chest in the Zhentarim Basement at X:306 Y:-170. …

Very Rare

0.50 kg

450 Gold

Item icon
Cindersnap Gloves

‘What moves faster, a loosed crossbow bolt or a windblown cinder?…

The Cindersnap Gloves are Rare gloves in Baldur’s Gate 3 that…

Protection From MissilesLevel 2 Abjuration Spell

Can be purchased for 456 Gold from Quartermaster Talli at Last…

Rare Gloves

0.50 kg

456 Gold

Item icon
Daredevil Gloves

The sting of fear at the encroachment of some hulking brute is…

The Daredevil Gloves are Rare gloves in Baldur’s Gate 3 that…

Doom Lobber: The wearer gains a +1 bonus to Spell Attack Rolls.…

Can be purchased for 456 Gold from A’jak’nir Jeera in the Githyanki…

Rare Gloves

0.50 kg

126 Gold

Item icon
Drow Leather Gloves

Fabricated from lizard hides in the depths of the Underdark,…

Dropped by Minthara.


Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

20 Gold

Item icon

Plain leather with a faint but unmistakable buzz - as if eager…

Running Jump: Once per turn, after the wearer Dashes or takes…

Can be found inside a buried, hidden chest in the Forest (X:77,…

Running Jump Equipment Features
Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves


0.50 kg

330 Gold

Item icon
Gauntlets of the Warmaster

Clothing doesn’t tend to have much personality. That comes down…

Heightened Manoeuvre: Targets have Disadvantage on Saving Throws…

Sold by Entharl Danthelon in the Danthelon Dancing Swirds store…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves, Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

0.50 kg

1,600 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Crushing

Stitched into the fabric of these gloves are the words: Largest…

Crushing Blows: The wearer gains +1 bonus to unarmed Attack…

The Gloves of Crushing can be purchased from Araj Oblodra, an…

Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

160 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Fire Resistance

These gloves are cool to the touch, chilling the tips of the…

These gloves are imbued with a unique enchantment that grants…

Chilling Grace: When the wearer has 50% Hit Points or less, they…

Location: The Gloves of Fire Resistance are part of content…

This item isn’t available in the current version of the game.…

Chilling Grace Equipment Features
Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves


0.50 kg

260 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Flint and Steel

The inside of these gloves are roughened from the pull and release…

Hot Little Hands: When the wearer deals Fire Damage, the target…

Location: The Gloves of Flint and Steel are part of content…

The gloves’ enchantment, known as “Hot Little Hands,” capitalizes…

Hot Little Hands Equipment Features
Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves


0.50 kg

310 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Hail of Thorns

Whoever previously owned these gloves marked each with a series…

These gloves possess a unique enchantment that enables the wearer…

Location: Gloves of Hail of Thorns can be found in the inventories…

These gloves provide a unique ability, allowing the wearer to…


Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves


0.50 kg

140 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Missile Snaring

These gloves seem to meld to your skin - supple, snug and dextrous…

Missile Snaring: You can intercept missiles from ranged weapon…

Sold by Arron the trader, located in the Druid Grove for 320…

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Rare Gloves



0.50 kg

160 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Power

Blessed by Priestess Gut, these gauntlets aid any who bear the…

Absolute’s Bane: When the wearer hits a creature with a weapon…

Drops from a Goblin called Za’Krug, who you can find at the battle…

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Uncommon Gloves



0.50 kg

90 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Soul Catching

Formerly worn by Autumnal Baskin, a professional meditator turned…

The Gloves of Soul Catching are legendary gloves featured in…

Soul Fist: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1~10 Force…

The Gloves of Soul Catching can be obtained in the House of Hope…


Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

960 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Succour

Suede covers the palms of these gloves - ensuring a soft, comforting…

Crafted with the intent to provide aid and comfort, the Gloves…

Warding Hands: When you use Lay on Hands on a target with 50%…

Location: The Gloves of Succour can be found within a chest…

The Gloves of Succour exemplify their purpose by enhancing the…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves


0.50 kg

350 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of the Balanced Hands

Formerly worn by Doubleway Douglas Fairbanks, who was so ambidextrous…

The Gloves of the Balanced Hands are Rare gloves in Baldur’s…

Two-Weapon Fighting: When you make an attack with your off-hand…

Can be purchased for 304 Gold from Quartermaster Talli at the…

Rare Gloves

0.50 kg

304 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of The Duellist

Ways of beginning a duel have varied over the years. Perhaps…

The Gloves of the Duellist are Rare Gloves in Baldur’s Gate 3…

Duelling Gloves: While only holding one weapon in your main hand…

Sold by the vendor Lann Tarv in Moonrise Towers for 304 Gold…

Rare Gloves

0.50 kg

304 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Uninhibited Kushigo

Forsaking his infamous armour, Kushigo left Irishi’s body and…

Kushigo’s Might: The wearer deals an additional 1d4 damage with…

Quest reward for finding the Mushroom Picker in the Underdark.…

Rare Gloves



0.50 kg

240 Gold

Item icon
Helldusk Gloves

What precisely confers eternal punishment, reward, absolution?…

Helldusk Gloves, categorized as Very Rare Handwear, are coveted…

Infernal Acuity: You gain +1 bonus to Spell Attack Rolls and…

Helldusk Gloves can be obtained by looting them from Haarlep…

Free 1d6 Fire damage on melee weapon attacks. A decent pair of…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

1.00 kg

540 Gold

Item icon
Hellrider's Pride

A waft of sulphur emanates from these proudly-kept gauntlets.…

Helm’s Protection: When you heal another creature, it gains resistance…

Found in the Secluded Chamber at X:52 Y:70. Awarded after completing…

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Uncommon Gloves



0.50 kg

110 Gold

Item icon
Herbalist's Gloves

The leather smells faintly of herbs, as if washed in an herbal…

The Herbalist’s Gloves, an uncommon pair of gloves, possess the…

The possessor of these gloves benefits from: Cleansing Touch:…

The Herbalist’s Gloves are available for purchase from Derryth…

Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves


0.50 kg

90 Gold

Item icon
Leather Gloves

These supple gloves provide both flexibility and protection.…

Can be found at Goblin Camp on the ground near the vendor. Can…


Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves


0.50 kg

20 Gold

Item icon
Metallic Gloves

Made from steel hammered thin, these gauntlets are a fine investment…

Metallic Gloves are an ordinary pair of gloves crafted from steel…

The wearer of this item gains: Strength Saving Throws +1

Available for purchase from the following traders: Dammon located…

"Medium Armour Proficiency" iconMedium Armour Proficiency Armour Proficiency
Common Medium Armour

Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour


0.50 kg

50 Gold

Item icon
Quickspell Gloves

These gloves were worn by the wizard Bucknard, who always maintained…

A Quickspell Flinger: Cantrips that cost 4 an action cost a bonus…

Very Rare

1.00 kg

540 Gold

Item icon
Reason's Grasp

The snug fit of these gloves resist a balled fist - as if favouring…

Ever Vigilant: When the wearer chooses to End their Rage, they…

From a chest on the Risen Road at X:39 Y:644.

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Uncommon Gloves



0.50 kg

90 Gold

Item icon
The Sparkle Hands

’Sometimes I just want to feel that spark, Yrre the Sparkstruck…

Conductive Strikes: On a hit with an unarmed attack, the wearer…

Inside a chest in the Decrepit Sanctuary at X:93 Y:210.

Icon for Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it. Gale can absorb this item's magic, destroying it.
Rare Gloves



0.50 kg

110 Gold

Item icon
Spellmight Gloves

Designed for the jobbing spellcaster, these gloves are well-insulated…

Spellmight: When casting a spell that requires an Attack Roll,…

Start NPC: Circus of the Last Day (X: -83, Y: -36)Quest: Reward…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

500 Gold

Item icon
Gemini Gloves

Designed by an arcane smith with half-vision. He made these gloves…

Adroit Caster: Cantrips targeting foes and allies can target…

Vendor: HelsikLocation: Devil’s Fee, Lower City Description:…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

450 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Dexterity

The point at which the gloves meet the wrist is form-fitting…

The Gloves of Dexterity are sold by a Githyanki merchant named…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Dark Justiciar Gauntlets

The grip of darkness is a fear felt by many. The grip of a Dark…

Umbral Attack: Your weapon attacks deal an additional 1d4 Necrotic…

You can find them in the Gauntlet of Shar, near where you can…

Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

110 Gold

Item icon
Servitor of the Black Hand Gloves

Covetous of Mystra’s command of the Weave, Bane the Black Hand…

Enervating Suffursion: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional…

Found inside a Gilded Chest location in the boss room of Gortash…

"Fear" iconFear Illusion
Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

240 Gold

Item icon
Gauntlets of Hill Giant Strength

Your basic hill giant is just a landslide with a digestive system.…

Strength Saving Throws +1 Set the wearer’s Strength to 23. The…

Inside the House of Hope in Act 3. You can find them on one of…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

540 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Cinder and Sizzle

It was through scrying and observing blazing elementals that…

Dragonfire Fists: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1d4…

Lady Esther has these gloves. We found them in Act 3 on her person,…

"Scorching Ray" iconScorching Ray Evocation
Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

240 Gold

Item icon
Bhaalist Gloves

When the Lord of Murder, Bhaal, was rendered mortal, he knew…

Attack +1 (Adds 1 to your attack rolls.)

Sold by Echo of Abazigal. This vendor is only accessible if you…

"Garrotte" iconGarrotte Class Actions
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

864 Gold

Item icon
Spellseeking Gloves

Sorcerers operate on a first-come, first-blasted basis.

Seeking Spells: When you make a spell Attack Roll, you can spend…

Sold by Helsik in the Devil’s Fee, which is on the west side…

Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

256 Gold

Item icon
Cerebral Citadel Gloves

The taut violet leather is drier than snakeskin, and puckered…

Illithid Euphoria: Charm or Frighten a creature to gain a 1d4…

Inside the Emperor’s Old Hideout, which you can get as a sudden…

Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

290 Gold

Item icon
Dark Displacement Gloves

Rudimentary teleportation sigils mark the palms of these gloves,…

Subtle Swap: You gain a +1 bonus to Attack Rolls when throwing,…

Sold by Popper, the Kobold in the Circus near Rivington and the…


Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

288 Gold

Item icon
Snow-Dusted Monastery Gloves

Crackling your knuckles in these gloves dislodges puffy drifts…

Chilling Strike: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional 1-4…

Sold by Entharl Danthelon along the bridge to the Wyrm Gate.…

Decent gloves for Four Elements Monk, as it saves using Ki Points…

"Ice Knife" iconIce Knife Conjuration
Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

810 Gold

Item icon
Stalker Gloves

It’s a difficult life being a modern rogue - everyone expects…

Seldom Caught Unawares: You gain +1 bonus to Initiative Rolls.…

Sold by Exxvikyap, a Brass Dragon found near one of the Blacksmiths…

Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

288 Gold

Item icon
Legacy of the Masters

Formerly the property of the royalty of Threskel, these gauntlets…

Arming Enhancement: Gain a +2 Bonus to attack and damage rolls…

Sold by Dammon in Act found in the Forge of the Nine Blacksmith…

Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves, Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

0.50 kg

570 Gold

Item icon
Unwanted Masterwork Gauntlets

These gauntlets spark with unfinished, yet still potent, devilish…

Attack +1Strength Saving Throws +1

Inside a Gilded Chest in the basement of the Forge of the Nine…

Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves, Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

0.50 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
The Reviving Hands

Stitched into the lining is this phrase: ‘Yes all right, all…

Aegis Palms: When you heal a creature, it gains the effect of…

Sold by Vicar Humbletoes, found inside the Stormshore Tabernacle…

Great gloves for a dedicated healer, such as a Life Healer. …

"Revivify" iconRevivify Necromancy
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves, Icon for <span>Medium Armour</span> Medium Armour

0.50 kg

884 Gold

Item icon
Winter's Clutches

Likely these originated in Icewind Dale,where tempers run hot…

Winter’s Clutches: When the wearer deals cold damage, inflict…

Sold by Lady Esther along the Ropswyn Monastery path in the Act…

Encrusted with Frost Equipment Features
Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

171 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Baneful Striking

The slightest movement of leather makes a dark energy seep out…

Baneful Smite: Whenever you deal damage with a weapon attack,…

Sold by Lady Esther near Roswyn Monastery in Act 1 Mountainpass.…

Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

171 Gold

Item icon
Luminous Gloves

The pads of each fingertip shine from the fabric with a garish…

Radiating Orb Gloves: When the wearer deals Radiant damage,…

Inside a chest along the Ruined Battlefield. Head inside a broken…

Combine with the following items for a Radiant Build: Callous…

Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

110 Gold

Item icon
Gauntlet of the Tyrant

A tyrant’s grip must be one of cool, unforgiving, and intricately…

Enervating Suffusion: Your unarmed attacks deal an additional…

Defeat Gortash in Act 3.

"Command" iconCommand Enchantment
Very Rare

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

300 Gold

Item icon
Gloves of Battlemage's Power

Bands of blue light snap and contract when the gloved fingertips…

Battlemage’s Power: When a weapon attack roll inflicts a condition,…

Inside the Reithin Tollhouse (X: 84, Y: -90)

Arcane Acuity Equipment Features
Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

290 Gold

Item icon
Poisoner's Gloves

While the leather is clean and wall-maintained, a cold, acrid…

Envenom: Whenever you deal Poison damage, the target needs to…

Inside the House of Healing in one of the doctors’ offices (X:…

Rare Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

240 Gold

Item icon
Ichorous Gloves

These gloves smell like beef mince left to rot in a privy pail.…

Ichorous Corrosion: When the wearer deals Acid damage, they also…

Inside a chest in the Waning Moon cave system. (X: -251, Y: -67)…

Uncommon Gloves

Icon for <span>Gloves</span> Gloves

0.50 kg

90 Gold

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